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No Singing Rule?

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Monica is the cause of it... I don't remember the song she sang but the artist that recorded the song made CBS/BB pay royalities and since then there has been no singing allowed...

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I disagree. It's different. They are actually broadcasting the song.

It's the same as playing the song over the radio. Do you feel that playing the song over the radio is the same as singing it on the street?

Besides, even if CBS agreed with you, they can't take that risk. If I publish/copyright a song, then a HG sings it over the feeds, I can demand any amount of money I want. I can be nice and let it slide, or I can demand a lot more money than they can't afford to give.

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next thing you know, someone will say it's illeagal to download music from the 'net... :o

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"What about bands that do covers of famous songs at bars?"

Well, that would be the bars liability, and again... it's not being recorded nor broadcasted. I don't think the bands care if people sing their songs, it's the recording and broadcasting they care about.

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This rule is kind of stupid in my opinion, not on CBS's fault, more so the lawers and the artists. I could understand if they were playing music from a cd or radio, but to try and sing it themselves and then claim royalties. Most of them are terrible at trying to carry a note, so who would even want to record a version of them signing?

Next they'll probably get a rule that you can't even talk about a song.

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Some musicians are just plain greedy

It generally is NOT the musician unless they were savvy enough to hold on to the rights of their song. Most of the time it is the recording label that holds the copyright. John Fogarty, and his band Creedence Clearwater Revival, signed a contract in 1968 with Fantasy Records who paid them for their recording and performances but the royalty rights went to them. The band's cut of the money was in a Bahamian bank that went bust and they were hit with a $3,000,000.00 IRS bill they could not pay, even though their songs "Proud Mary,

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Another good example of this is Paul McCartney. He just recently (the past year or 2 I think) bought back the rights to some of the Beatles songs. At one time, Michael Jackson owned some of them. He won them out in a bidding war with McCartney several years ago. Lennon and McCartney wrote most of the Beatles songs but did not have any rights to them as they were sold a while back. It sounds odd but that's how the system operates.

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OH heck -- let's just have our own sing-a-long.

Is this the real life-

Is this just fantasy-

Caught in a landslide-

No escape from reality-

Open your eyes-

Look up to the skies and see-

I'm just a poor boy, I need to sympathy-

Because it's easy come, easy go

A little high, little low-

Any way the wind blows, it doesn't really matter, to me...

To me...

Please, feel free to continue...

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I think it's quite natural to break out into a song - I do it all the time - my life is quite the musical...and from the screen blazes we've been seeing, the houseguests obviously have the same compulsion.

I think CBS should arrange to have a pre-set number of approved songs that CAN be sung by the houseguests. At the very least, the houseguests could hum or set the BB theme song to words.

I always wonder if the houseguests would be allowed to write their own songs right there in the house. Cowboy kinda tried that in season 5, right? That's what I'd be doing if I was a houseguest.

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Can't you get by a copyright by changing something a certain percentage? For me, I have lyricosis. I know the words to every single song in the world, I just can't remember what order they go in. I don't think what I would sing would come even close to the original piece. How could a label sue over something like that?

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CBS is owned by Viacom which also owns (among many other holdings) MTV, MTV2, mtvU, BET, VH1, CMT, Paramount, and Famous Music Publishing, which is one of the top ten music publishers in the world. With all these music holdings, Viacom is bound to hold the

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