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A Whole season of FS bashing?

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Ummm, I always enjoy Fiendsheep bashing. They earned it. And if you follow Jase and Dr Wills logic, then anytime the FS are bashed, it is just because they actually were so popular. (Sorry if that makes no sense, it was from the feeds earlier)


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I'm not even a FS fan, but it definitely is getting annoying. It's been a year + let it go already. We're onto BB7, none of them are there to defend themselves so they should just shut up, especially James. I've heard Janelle talk about only Maggie, but I've heard James talk about all of them.

It's like he thinks it's a prize or is going to get him further or something.

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It's not even the Sov 6 who are doing the bashing. It's the other year people. Especially Mike boogie. He has gone on and on about the Herd. Diane has mentioned the nerd herd 5 or 6 times already. The sov 6 have just reacted to comments made. I think they are sick of them too!

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True, it has been a year, but I think its kinda like camp. I mean in all reality shows you get those summer camp, fast friendship things going on...so it makes sense that when you go back to camp the next year your gonna talk about the people you hated at camp last year, especially if they are not there this time around. But who cares, anyway? I mean even Ivettes dad told her how horrible the fs was, how scary and how bad they looked. I'm sure the entire fs has heard it all this last year and they are either not watching this year or are watching, but were expecting alot of bashing. I mean why didn't any of them try for AS(except for poor Iv who thought America would give her another chance)

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think i acctually over heard janey defending ivette the other day to dani, but i have to admit it seems everyone in the house wants to talk abut season 6 with the s6 people

i just rote it off as strategy that everyone in the house just wanted something to talk to the s6 about so they could get in good with them just in case, they do have pretty good numbers so far

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Yeah Shady I think that is what was going on partially too. Funny thing did you hear Danielle saying how awful they treated Rachel and it was undeserved and that Ivette told her at the wrap party she hated Rachel because she insulted her culture? Please. Rachel didn't cook for them so they hated her. Danielle told Ivette she made an ass of herself because of how she treated Rachel. Ivette didn't seem to care.

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its not just the FS that they are talking about. they are talking about everyone from every season. at one point yesterday they were talking about how Bunky is not such a nice guy and the bunky we saw on tv was just a show. and they got into details about it.

they are talking about everyone.. not just the FS. maybe Season 6 comes up more often in convo than the others because it was the last season to be on tv. its still freash in their minds. and of course, it was fun to talk about the FS... they made it real easy for ANYONE to talk bad about them.

everyone is getting their fair share of bashing, even the ones in the house.

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Oh get over it... every season is talking about other seasons and their own season. It's all they've done practically.

That's why this is boring, so far this year. (And, why the idea of all-stars sucks!, imo) I'm hoping it settles down in the next two weeks or so when they've gotten everything off their chests and they have to worry more about this game more than their last. It just seems like more Season 6 chit chat because there's more of them to talk about it and more of them for other hg's to ask them about it.

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I say get over it too. This is what you've got this season - deal with it or turn off the TV and the feeds.

They bash everything and everyone. And personally, bashing the FS is fine with me. I don't care about them.

Watching this season is like watching old friends. I watch them and can see the wheels turning in their heads. I've enjoyed it so far but then again I'm easily entertained and I don't/can't watch 24/7.

Besides that, the season has just started. I don't think things were cranking on the other seasons this early either. You were barely getting to know the HGs at this point. Relax!

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Dangerous_Bella Posted Today, 08:50 AM

Well, I AM STILL a FS fan and I definitely agree that they shouldn't be talking shit about them when they're not even there...


Hmmm, now why wouldn't any sheep be on the show? Oh yea, none of them were voted on the show, and the producers didn't see fit to waste a spot in the house with one. :D

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Quote: "I say get over it too. This is what you've got this season - deal with it or turn off the TV and the feeds.

They bash everything and everyone. And personally, bashing the FS is fine with me. I don't care about them.

Watching this season is like watching old friends. I watch them and can see the wheels turning in their heads. I've enjoyed it so far but then again I'm easily entertained and I don't/can't watch 24/7.

Besides that, the season has just started. I don't think things were cranking on the other seasons this early either. You were barely getting to know the HGs at this point. Relax!"

Sure....and vice versa... you are going to have to deal with others opinions too, right? :)

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They shouldn't talk shit when they're not there to defend themselves? Do we need to remind you that the friendshit did a whole season of Sov bashing behind their backs? If I recall, Janelle and Howie bashed them right to their faces while the FS ran and hid.

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Well, are they really losers..........out of all the hg from last season it was Sovs that made it in, right?

Voting or no voting - the whole process of all-stars was a popularity contest......................

btw - Hi Orion, nice to see you around! :)

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They shouldn't talk shit when they're not there to defend themselves? Do we need to remind you that the friendshit did a whole season of Sov bashing behind their backs? If I recall, Janelle and Howie bashed them right to their faces while the FS ran and hid.


I never said the FRIENDSHIP didn't talk about anyone...no one's bashing justified any one elses so I don't wanna hear that typical "Well, the Frienship were bashing them too..."....but you say that the Sovereigns did it to their faces on BB 6 but they're not doing it now are they?

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"Well, are they really losers..........out of all the hg from last season it was Sovs that made it in, right?

Voting or no voting - the whole process of all-stars was a popularity contest......................

btw - Hi Orion, nice to see you around! smile.gif"

Hi Ginger....I am always around just not always posting alot....:> Popularity contest? Not really...now when you can have 1 person vote thousands of times for 1 person. They are losers because they lost the game...hell Kaysar lost it twice. :lol:

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Exactly Orion. Kaysar lost twice, but still made it to "all-stars" because he was popular. America only voted for 6 - CBS chose the other six!!!!!!!

Plus, who the hell voted over and over for Mike Boogie - that is what I want to know? :)

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Exactly Orion. Kaysar lost twice, but still made it to "all-stars" because he was popular. America only voted for 6 - CBS chose the other six!!!!!!!

Plus, who the hell voted over and over for Mike Boogie - that is what I want to know?


Maybe someone has a crush on him! :blink:

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