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Friday July 7th Live Feed Discussion

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I did not hear that George got hit in the face. I thought it was just Alison.

Howie said " can you belive that George took that right in the face" while they were talking about the comp.

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Will was just trying to convince Janelle to try to make a deal with one of the Noms to vote their way and Jan would take them off the block. Lol! Janelle was completely calling his play/bluff...asking who would take the deal and who she should put up in their place. Classic "Will looked stupid" moment. Will is NOT a mastermind over Janelle. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

JFetch - I took that to mean the smell of whatever he had going on. Everyone was talking about how they were surprised no one threw up during that comp. Maybe he did get hit in the face...who knows. I guess we will know our answer on Tues.

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george might have taken it in the face, but alison also got hit in the forehead, she was holding ice on her forehead a while ago when she was boohooing about not winning the comp and she rather be at home than in the BB house.

marcellas is boohooing too. they both want to play the "this isnt the bb game i played" card.

someone needs to show those two where the door is. :D

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it seems like it is more physical this year

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It seems the tables have turned and now Howie is successfully ripping on Will!!!! Wooo Hooo! Put that arrogant Will in his place! I don't care much for Howie, but now I am glad he is in the house!

Howie just said that Will looks like ET dying on the rocks...speaking of his pale skin and small biceps. I don't care who you are, that there is funny!

Man, Howie is cracking me up! He just asked Will if he gets certain STDs if he just writes prescriptions for himself! Haha! I half think Howie was serious. Too Funny!

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Guest StarBaby

Yes, Marcellus did say while ago that he didn't think he would do Housecalls next year, and that last year was probably his last year. But, might I remind you, Marcellus also once said he would never go back in the BB house or do an All Stars BB.

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Great....now lets see how many complain about Alisons crying - should be the same who complained that all Marcellas and Bunky did was cry!

Sorry people, but I fell asleep on last nights show and I thank alll for their updates. But I want to comment on was the fake smile Alison had when she thought she was not going in. That girl could be read like a harlequin romance. eeekkk. Hope she is the first to go.

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LOL! Will and Howie were just playing around in the pool and Will did some kind of dive under water, and Howie goes, "Good thing the bottom of the pool isn't white, we'd lose Will!" :lol:

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Erika was hanging out with James, Diane and Alison I think, earlier today while they were all waiting for the Veto comp to start. I have seen her a few times today and she has been with different people almost everytime. I think she is really trying to feel everyone out.


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LOL! Will and Howie were just playing around in the pool and Will did some kind of dive under water, and Howie goes, "Good thing the bottom of the pool isn't white, we'd lose Will!"

That was hilarious. I read that Howie and Will have been going at it all day. Who will win?! :huh:

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lol, forgot I couldn't edit the titles here :rolleyes:

Mods will move it anyways... Saturday July 8th

Think Diane said "Happy Birthday Mom"

Janelle is playing pool with Howie as George watches while wearing his apron.

Marcellas Kaysar Nakomis Will Danielle and Erika are shooting the chit in the kitchen

James is relaxing in the hammock

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