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Tiffany Mitchell

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Tiffany Mitchell


Age: 40

Hometown: Detroit

Current City: Detroit

Occupation: Phlebotomist


Three words that describe you: Kind, funny, and outgoing.


Favorite activities: My favorite activities are entertaining my friends and family no matter what

we’re doing; working out, reading, and boating.


Who are your favorite Houseguest duos? Those who became best friends in the Big Brother house or had a showmance?

My favorite house duo is the Hitmen with Cody and Derrick because of their loyalty to each other and strategic game play.


What are you most excited about living inside the Big Brother house?

I am most excited to sleep in the HOH room. And I actually might want to try slop.


What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house?

I think the most difficult part about living in the house will be being away from my son. We’ve never been apart for more than a week.


What is your favorite past moment on Big Brother?

My favorite past BB moment is when Dan Gheesling eulogized his own BB funeral to keep him in the house.


What is your strategy for winning the game?

My strategy for winning the game is to learn as much as I can about everyone else and keep my mouth shut.


My life’s motto is…

“Make it happen!”


What would you take into the house and why?

  • I would take my journal to document the entire process.
  • My phone because who can live without that?!
  • Recipes! I can cook but I still use recipes.


Fun facts about yourself:

  • -I am obsessed with horoscopes.
  • -I love cats, especially mine, Tiger and Puma.
  • -My favorite color is Tiffany Blue.
  • -I do voice impersonations of my friends and family.
  • -I utilize my alter ego.
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On 8/12/2021 at 9:39 PM, CrazyBBFan said:

She was playing the best game in the house.  She starting to play a very emotional game. This is going to be her downfall.  


I liked her at the beginning, but I agree that her emotions are probably going to be her downfall.  It's fine to like other HGs, but the real purpose of alliances is to further your OWN game.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Glad she won HOH. She has been playing hard and I'd like to see her get to the end. Hope the high roller twist doesn't mess it up. She doesn't have any big threats that she can gun for with her only true choices being SB and Allyssa. Wonder if she will have to strain her relationship with Claire and put her up as a pawn. 

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I don't know if this was the right time for her to get HOH.  Now is the time to think about jury management with the votes.  If she's going to say that she's the mastermind behind all these moves, why is she giving people false hope about staying in the game.  She is following the path of Tyler and Paul.  Paul and Tyler played excellent games but, they lost due to jury management. I think she is going to find herself in trouble before the cookout gets to the final six. 


Some say that she's getting the bad edit.  BB is only using things she is saying and doing in the house.  If DR is setting her up, she should be smarter than this.  I hope she gets back to being careful about her actions in the house.

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If she does put up Claire, she's sacrificing her own game for the good of the cookout. Since they will have to evict their own members in the near future (since they're running out of non-cookout members), Tiff needs to go ahead and strategize for her own game at this point. If she waits to take out either Big D or Xavier, it's going to be too late. Better to keep Claire than Big D (or Xavier) IMO.

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I think if she believes in the bigger picture that she's been selling to the viewers all season, she will put Claire on the block and vote her out.  She's playing for all the other black players that were not given a fair chance in the game.  She's playing for all the black fans that wish someone like them would win the game after 22 seasons.  It is so important that she does the right thing.  


Xavier said the best thing about her.  "If she turns on the cookout and keeps Claire, she will have 4 to 5 votes against her."  Hannah gave up Baby D, Azah gave up Brit and Ky gave up SB.  By keeping Claire, she would be known as the worst player in BB history.  This would mean that she was using other black players to further her own game.  

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And yet, the other Cookout members are already plotting against her.


Keeping Claire is good strategy on Tiff's part, something that should be respected as good game play. In the past, juries who respect good game play are able to overcome personal feelings, even bitterness, to award the best player the winner of the game.


We'll soon see if the cast this year can do the same thing. I'm rooting for Tiffany because I think she has played an excellent game. And believe me, Tiffany winning this game would be huge for BB history.

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On 9/5/2021 at 11:24 AM, carmen said:

And yet, the other Cookout members are already plotting against her.


Keeping Claire is good strategy on Tiff's part, something that should be respected as good game play. In the past, juries who respect good game play are able to overcome personal feelings, even bitterness, to award the best player the winner of the game.


We'll soon see if the cast this year can do the same thing. I'm rooting for Tiffany because I think she has played an excellent game. And believe me, Tiffany winning this game would be huge for BB history.


I agree with you.  I think the smartest thing she can do at this point is to consider the Cookout over and done, keep Claire, and put up Big D.  I think Kyland is smart, and he can be persuaded that keeping Xavier in the game is a sure way to lose.  


Edit:  Well, of course she didn't do that.  

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I have to give her total respect for achieving her goals.  I think the word I would have use is bossy instead of bully.  She is the one that made everyone in the cookout follow the plan.  So what if Ky had got hoh last week.  She would have been in a better position. Now, she’s going to have to deal with Claire in the jury.  


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Between race and gender, Tiffany sacrificed for the cookout when she should have realized that gender is also at stake. The men in the house have no intention of having a female win this year.


Sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees.


Her mistake was not winning that HOH when the cookout believed she shouldn't have -- she would not have made it further than she is regardless (but I suppose it's a good excuse to justify voting her out this week, pathetic as it is).


Her real mistake was not seeing how gender factored in to the equation. Tiffany could have easily made it to the end this season had she worked with non-cookout members. Plus, the cookout could have demonstrated their goal of having an African American win by making her the winner.


I just hope that any player that throws away and sacrifices their game to the extent Tiffany has done will never be considered as a return player in the future. She absolutely should not be called back in a future season. (but neither should Azah or Hannah who both lacked the high potential that Tiffany had, Azah especially).

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You don’t have to win a lot of comps to win at the end (Nicole BB18).  A few weeks ago, everyone in the cookout was talking about how important it was for Tiffany to win.  Everyone fully trusted her.  She made several bad decisions in the game.


She was asked to be on the block next to Claire and she refused.  She was asked to throw an HOH to Azah and refused.  She talked down to Derek, Ky, Xavier and Azah.  She didn’t feel a need to apologize until she was in trouble.  

The first half of her game was excellent like Dan and Derrick.  She has one of the best stories in the house. A single black mother in her 40s playing against people in their 20s. The money was hers without even winning one competition.


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2 hours ago, CrazyBBFan said:

The money was hers without even winning one competition.


I think that's why it's so tragic to see her throw her chance away like she did (in terms of working against her own interest for the sake of the cookout).

She really could have had a life change for her and her son.

I think what also bothers me is that we see that it is women once again who sacrifice and the men who prevail.

The men need to recognize and appreciate how she furthered their game, but nada, zilch, she's gotta go. That is a gender bias that the men need to come to terms with.

However, Tiffany being older should have known this was coming. And she had every chance to overcome it but threw it away.

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Odds are that she will be voted out this week. She is too unpredictable for the other players to trust her any further. For her to stay, she will need to have all the comps go her way so that its impossible for others to vote her out. The other players are already discussing her impending demise on the live feeds. 

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X and Kyland know that she is their true competition. She played hard and worked hard to keep the Cookout together and strong. But she wasn't going to play completely by their rules and that ruffled their little feathers, even though if X really threw all the comps he said he did, he was the one who was playing the game just for himself. Azah, Big D and Hannah were unable to win and were of little help to their alliance but they always tried to win but they will not get votes from the jury. I will be sad to see Tiff go to jury. 

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