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News about the Houseguests..


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I don't know if that list is true or not. No matter what, I know that the chances of my pick of the 12/14 who I want going into the house actually happening is pretty small. But if that list is true, I wish it would be Howie instead of Jase!!!

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Just read this news: The HOH room will now be limited to ONLY the HOH and ONE guest at a time. That will include any overnight guest as well. They will not allow anymore mass strategy sessions in the HOH room.

So if they have a crying jag as a group they have to find another place to do it in.

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I don't know if I believe that list Cherokee fizzle and the rest of you posters who disagree as well...Howie would HAVE ro be on all stars!

See ta later my son needs the computer again!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guys have I told you all how very wonderful you all are? With that said though, lets not discredit anyone just yet... We don't know who Lovely is, so we can't say the information is wrong... I have had information myself that people have said they don't believe until it came true, and I don't want anyone to have to feel that way... So let's be nice :)... And Lovely thanks for the information...

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The list posted by lovely appears to be accurate. The top 12 are on that list except for Monica and Bunky. There is no way in hell BB will have 2 older gay men and 2 older black women in the same house,

I'm not surprised Howie is not on there. The top 3 men voted by the fans are Kaysar, James, and Will. BB will not add Howie since 3 others are on there from BB6 - Kaysar, James, and Janelle. Howie was high on the auto vote but not high enough on the manual vote. As you all know by now, only manual votes counted.

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Yana...Did you talk to Lovely by PM?? Is she really associated with BB7 and is that list sort of accurate??

Howie and Erika were high on the polls with the vote count. Can't see them not making it in the house! :huh:

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I have not talked with Lovely at all... I just know how it feels to be doubted when you have information that it correct... :)

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It is easy to doubt anyone in here... you have the GREAT ones.... and you have the immitators .... unless you are a regular and have been in here for a long time (many years..hehe) ... you don't know if it is someone just trying to be BIG or a fake.. but ... Yana knows most every regular.. so if she says it is a good tip... I believe it !!!.. Go Yana..

we need to start a Yana topic !!! to say thank you for all the hard work !!

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I think it could be true . . . but that's mostly because the list is similar to what I was predicting a couple of days ago :lol: Eh, who knows . . . maybe it would help Lovely's credibility to say her relationship to the insider, you know like 'I waited on Alison Grodner at a restaurant and overheard stuff', or 'my boyfriend's an intern at CBS', or something like that really vague (?) :)

Yeah it's kind of surprising Howie's not on the list given that he's so popular with fans and appeared to have done pretty well in the voting by people's accounts and those voting bot tallies. But somewhere on the board wasn't it discussed how putting him in the house with Janelle and Kaysar would make Janelle a sure-fire target? So if the votes don't really count and it's the producers who are making the ultimate pick, then they may see this as like you have to sacrifice Howie to give Janelle a longer summer (?)

And also I'm also kind of surprised to see Lisa on the list and not Erika, but after listening to that Alison Grodner interview it fits with that theme she's trying to build with the house of 'extremes' - Dr. Will won by being devious and working over people, Lisa won by being nice and not getting involved, with everybody else is somwhere in between.

PS In that interview the guy asked Grodner twice whether there'd be 14 people this year and she didn't deny it (although she didn't confirm it either).

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Last year, we had a member post here who claimed they knew a houseguest before the list was released, and were actually supposed to be his original partner in the game. The way they proved their story (to all the doubters) was to send a PM to Morty with the houseguest's name (the houseguest was James Rhine), because Morty can be trusted. Then, when the list of houseguests was made public, Morty confirmed that the member was telling the truth.

I guess we will only know if you were telling the truth after we see the show on July 6th.

Still, you must be happy if your list is right, because out of the 12 houseguests you posted on your "dream" list a month ago (quoted below), 9 of them are on your list of who got in, and the other 3 you had on that list didn't even make the top 20.

I am curious why an insider like you didn't know there were going to be 14 beforehand, just a month ago.

Also, what did you mean when you said "I'm not saying everyone I put on this list is in the top 14( I can't let people find out about me) but I can say that 12 out of the 14 I put on there are there."

Top 14? What is a top 14? There is a top 3 guys and a top 3 girls, and then there are whoever the producers put in, which could be anybody, no matter if they finished on top or on the bottom.

And why so you say that can't you be sure of all 14? I don't get it. Is there a "Final 14" or not?

I'm not saying you aren't telling the truth, but seeing is believing, so I will wait until the show airs and we see who they have put in.

To save people having to hunt, I've included quotes.

(If it's wasting bandwidth, maybe a mod could leave just the links.)

Whoever goes into the BB house from All Stars.[make a list] who do you think the winner would be.

Will[season 2]

Nicole[season 2]

Danielle[season 3]

Amy[season 3]

Marcellas[season 3]

Allison[season 4]

Jun[season 4]

Drew[season 5]

Diane[season 5]

Nakomis[season 5]

Kayser[season 6]

Janelle[season 6]

I think the winner would be eigher Nakomis or Amy. B)

"Dream" list (May 31): http://tvfanforums.net/index.php?act=findpost&pid=178399

Spoiler list of 14















"Spoiler" list (July 1): http://tvfanforums.net/index.php?act=findpost&pid=189672
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I agree with you Yana..we will have to wait and see...jult like the vote getters list.I have no idea how true that is, but you never know...I didn't mean anything personal to you Lovely..just sometimes people will say they know something and it will turn out to be false...thanks for the tip

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Quote: Just read this news: The HOH room will now be limited to ONLY the HOH and ONE guest at a time. That will include any overnight guest as well. They will not allow anymore mass strategy sessions in the HOH room.

So if they have a crying jag as a group they have to find another place to do it in.

Almost close to my suggestion...I think they should have no guest or risk disqualification.

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Holy crap! I want all of you to know that there will be a huge twist. I just found out something that will send shock waves through America. Oh and who said I was a women?

Sorry guy's but I cant post here for the next couple of day's because my boss has to look through all of our computer histories to make sure we haven't leaked out any information. I know what to do though to fix it so SYAL.

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