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Everything posted by straykat

  1. Don't know if it would help Jmac or make things harder for him but he could go to Austin and tell him that Van changed her mind and told him to vote out Austin and she would cast her tie-breaker vote against Austin, too. He could tell Austin that he thinks that she might be just trying to set him (Jmac) up to be the Austwins target if one of them win HoH.
  2. Don't like her but she deserves to win if she makes it to the end.
  3. Yes, he stood there and waited for Steve to finish. I think he said he was safe and didn't want to be sitting out the next HoH.
  4. I guess we are going to get the pleasure of seeing Mr. Pectacular again on tomorrow's show. Allison must have been delighted to get a wrestler in the BB house so she had an excuse to bring on Jesse.
  5. Meg and James were friends, not in a showmance but even though Meg was sad because she would be evicted, she was happy for James when he won the veto. But not Liz. Now she hates Austin because he won. What a lovely person she is. Maybe she is using this to have a reason to break up with him. She is probably sick of pretending she likes him and all this drama gets her camera time. And maybe the other HGs will feel sorry for poor little Liz and vote out her sister instead.
  6. This is completely different. Those other people deserved to be on the block. Liz doesn't. She is supposed to always be up in the HoH room pigging out on food and doing things with Austin in the HoH bed. How dared that little nobody nerd put her on the block!
  7. Vanessa has definitely played her game well. I don't like the way she played it but she was in game mode 24/7 and never let up. So, I respect that she came to play the game and worked her game hard but she was also lucky that most the others in the house were the type of people who backed down when she started her intense intimidation and manipulation. She had a hand in almost every eviction and it was usually the person that SHE wanted out. Yeah, she has played the game well. Don't have to like her or her method.
  8. I have to say that Meg was a much cuter paperweight than Victoria. And a bird never tried to carry her away when she was a toddler.
  9. Vanessa is sitting pretty right now. She has the Austwins who will put up JMac and Steve if one of them win and Steve and JMac who will put up two of the Austwins if they win. But what direction will she go if she wins?
  10. Oh, that's good! For once they will be scrambling and freaking out instead of plotting all week on what they would do for the DE.
  11. I have been really busy and haven't had time to read or watch feeds. Have they been discussing the DE this week? I know they did last time, just like they knew about a juror coming back. It's always annoying when Julie says, Let's surprise the HGs with this unexpected event.
  12. I am waiting to see the Austwins on the block. The whining and crying will be non-stop. It will all be so unfair for poor Liz and Julia because they should never be put on the block. If by some chance Austin should win BB, Liz will definitely be his girl outside the house...for awhile, anyway. But if one of the twins win, it will be adios Austin!
  13. Maybe she will target Meg since she was trying to get Meg on the block last week. I have to wonder why Meg who hasn't won anything instead of James.
  14. Now the week is going to be just like the last two weeks. Same people in the HoH grilling the HGs and repeating themselves over and over.
  15. These people are the worst at endurance comps. They didn't even last 20 minutes.
  16. jersey721, I needed a good chuckle! Really need a like button.
  17. Will Austin put Vanessa on the block like he said he would when trying to get Liz to do it?
  18. It looked like John was out but I'm not sure.
  19. He is playing the part that he thinks is best for him, the needy, socially awkward nerd. He may be overplaying it but it seems to work with these people. I had thought he would go after Becky with his HoH but Jackie was probably his best choice. Getting Becky out would have alienated JMac. The only ones hurt by losing Jackie were Meg and James but they don't matter very much to his game. By getting Jackie out, he reestablished some trust with Vanessa, made the Austwins happy since he could have put two of them up and made them trust him more and kept his relationship with JMac's in good shape.
  20. Remember when there were seasons when things actually happened in the house and people would post flashback times? There would be real fights (not like the ones Vanessa makes up), big drama or total mayhem?
  21. I read that Liz is afraid to put Vanessa up. Austin was trying to get her to do it and she refused.
  22. They think America loves him and Liz wants us to know that he is "the most basic, boring player in BB EVER!" So now, the twits, Austin and Vanessa have decided he is a crazed maniac who may attack someone at any time. Vanessa is the biggest victim since he hates her for no reason. She is afraid to go to sleep because he might attack her.
  23. The harpies had a feeding frenzy in the HoH room while they squawked at each other with their mouths full of food. And during this feeding frenzy, Liz wanted to know why it was taking Austin so long to make her omlet.
  24. I wish he had put the twins up. Now Vanessa has a good chance of gaining control over whoever wins HoH.
  25. Yeah, he wanted Becky out and John winning was his worst case scenario.



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