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Everything posted by carmen

  1. Problem with that is there is a pair of twins that lack any respect from the others in the house as well (one has somehow pulled out a second HOH win but it doesn't really matter at this point), and either could easily be dragged into the finals to guarantee a win for whoever is sitting next to them. The only way a twin can win is by sitting next to the other twin. Which would be horrifying for this season to end that way.
  2. Some producer must be laughing themselves silly over torturing the audience with such a farce as are the twins + Austin. I mean, this joke might have been funny the first half hour when the second one was sprung into the house, but weeks of this is just too much. It has to be somebody's idea of a cruel turn of events to watch this man (a wrestler no less) babysit a pair of twins and contribute absolutely NOTHING to the game.
  3. LOVE it! It is truly the best strategic move to get Shelli out first before Vanessa. What I like best is that James/Meg (and a little less Jackie) will finally prevail in the plan from last week (getting Shelli out of the house, AND they feel no obligation to do otherwise since everyone else has been pulling their strings the whole season. Go James, Meg, Jackie!!! Can't wait to see the look on Becky's and Shelli's faces either!
  4. But isn't winning the veto Vanessa's only way to keep from being backdoored?
  5. Problem is -- and Becky and / or James crew apparently haven't figured this out yet -- is that they are still outnumbered by the Sixth Sense. Unless Becky strategically puts two players from the original Sixth Sense alliance up (after veto, etc.) such as Shelli AND Vanessa -- the Sixth Sense has the numbers to vote off whoever else one of their people is sitting next to (such as Steve, for example). Last I heard Becky was planning on pulling Shelli down with veto and backdooring Vanessa. Steve vs. Vanessa = Steve will go. Getting Steve out is something Becky expressed a couple weeks back. I don't think Steve is even close to being her target this week, but she really needs to work the numbers to realize that she can't leave anyone on that block but two Sixth Sense members. Otherwise, they're going to make sure they retain their numbers. Okay, I just double-checked the numbers. Worst case (I think) would be a tie and Becky would have to break it.
  6. Actually I don't think Shelli will have to work it that hard. Becky wants to hitch her wagon to Shelli in any way she can. How she thinks she'll beat Shelli in the finals is anybody's guess, but Becky isn't the brightest bulb on the tree.
  7. Please, don't let this be a set-up for Shelli to return to the game later, if that's what they have in mind. She surely isn't that popular of a player that CBS is already planning for a way to spring her back in there if by chance she gets evicted.
  8. ITA. It appears he is just nasty, smelly hair and all. Does he shower? Does he brush his teeth? I don't have the live feeds and cannot monitor his hygiene to be certain.
  9. Yes that would be great. And have a back-up Diva in case one of the Divas comes down with a veto. I am, of course, speaking of Austin. Of course, the house will be thrown into confusion as to which Diva to vote out.
  10. I so hope you're right mayzee. Austin and the twins need to pay a price for playing Vanessa's game instead of their own. Austin really should have known better, but he likes to flip things around.
  11. Shelli's level of maturity hasn't quite caught up with her age.
  12. Becky's a flake, so I think anything could happen, it all depends on how much koolaid Shelli and Vanessa serve her. Every time I think Becky's catching on, she disappoints. I've learned not to count on Becky too much as she's always desperate for acceptance by whoever she thinks is popular or "winning."
  13. Yes, but will Becky fall under the ever-powerful spell of Shelli and Vanessa? Their kool-aid must be awfully good at getting others to do what they want......
  14. Nor do I. It was all for show and they got caught up in the moment. Clay alone with other women is a mouse who will play.
  15. My guess is the fear of ol' Shelli I would love to see Shelli right back up on the block and out next week
  16. ITA with uvp Clay is a JOKE and I have to say Julie didn't do a very good job of hiding that she thinks so too In fact, I don't know that I've ever seen Julie show how little she thinks of a houseguest in their exit interview.
  17. The biatch is getting her way yet again! She STAYS
  18. What a LOSER that Cody was! Hahahahahah He would have had the half million dollars had he taken Victoria instead of Derrick to the finals! Hahahahahah And then he and Derrick had the nerve to diss the men who choose a showmance over the money! Oh, the IRONY!!!
  19. OMG so Austin really is extremely loyal to Vanessa, what a loophead! I guess the real question is how in the world did Vanessa convince Austin to flip, especially after Austin seemed to want to keep his word to James that he would vote how James wanted as repayment for not putting him on the block this week. These people are truly flip-a-zoids.
  20. Can someone please explain to me how Austin all of a sudden is set on voting Clay out only b/c Clay BEGGED him not to send him to jury without Shelli????? There has to be more to it than that since when has Austin ever really cared about what others want or don't want? How does Austin benefit from keeping Shelli over Clay?
  21. It looks like Steve's vote this week could be pivotal in determining which of the Clelli gets booted. This is assuming Becky votes with the James crew. Does anyone know where Steve stands on this vote? I read he had been spending time with James in the mornings and that James was attempting to sway him to some extent. Is that true and is it working?
  22. Actually, I wish Johnny Mac would have spilled it to ol' Shelli just to create some additional meltdown drama! I don't know which Shelli would find worse: someone beating her in the game, or her man frisking around with Meg.
  23. I've never bought Shelli's story that she let James win. She was in bad shape by that point and couldn't have lasted much longer. James was uncomfortable, but I believe he could have continued for a good while. Shelli is full of it. She's just mad that somebody beat her, and even madder that someone decided to put her and Clay up. She is a very, very poor loser and doesn't seem to have near the maturity that several of the younger players have.
  24. I so hope you are right mayzee. I really hope that by Vanessa pushing so hard to keep Shelli the others will see she is trouble. The logical choice (for everyone's general benefit is to evict Shelli -- they may not have another opportunity to get a heavy HOH winner out) -- yet, Vanessa is spinning it to look like it's actually better to keep Shelli. But really, the only person who (potentially) immediately benefits by keeping Shelli is Vanessa -- that's assuming Shelli wins HOH this Thursday. In the long run, everyone loses by keeping Shelli -- which is what James was trying to point out.
  25. As much as I want to see Vanessa evicted after Shelli this week, a Becky eviction should be on the horizon real soon. REAL SOON. She's nothing but trouble, like a gnat. A gnat that keeps feeding information to Clelli.



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