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Everything posted by carmen

  1. Yes....called it weeks ago......it could happen Posted 04 August 2013 - 07:31 AM Hawknose, on 04 Aug 2013 - 01:03 AM, said: LOL Final Two -- and this should be the publicity shot BB uses to advertise!
  2. Wow, the hate for Candice here at Morty's continues. Not sure why though.
  3. Actually Candice is just really popular despite what some on here would lead you to believe. I won't be surprised if she is fan favorite or whatever that award is that BB gives out at the finale.
  4. She showed a lot of class. I wish she had tried for the return but honestly I don't blame her for not wanting to go back in there.
  5. I hope Judd sticks with Elissa. It seems as though she truly likes him.
  6. ITA. Elissa has done a great job this week. I can see why she thought Aaryn stood a good chance of winning the veto and she could then have put Amanda up next to McCrae. Too bad it didn't work out, but getting Andy out will be very nice indeed and will help to weaken mob control.
  7. Girl has anger and murder-fantasy issues. Can't remember who, but another houseguest said in the DR that they were afraid of her.
  8. That's an interesting point -- which now makes me swing back in the other direction. Because why in the world would you want to emerge from the season identified as a racist?? And furthermore, an unemployed racist? While it may end up being just an acting gig, that's a steep price to pay to pay the bills.
  9. I'm beginning to think that may be the truth. As much as I dislike the ones who remain, they should all beat her at the end. If she does end up winning, then I'll be convinced that the whole thing was scripted and they're just playing parts.
  10. What I don't understand, though, is what is there to fear? She can't win comps, she's not bright, she's built like a mack truck, her boy-toy could bail on her if given the right opportunity, she throws hissy fits, she's addicted to meds and sometimes fogs up, and she isn't really what you would call close with anyone in the house other than McCrae. Yeah, she barks like all get-out but when you pull back that layer, there's not a whole lot there. It would be a huge relief for everyone to get her gone, so why don't they??
  11. It's definitely too little too late for Helen. Getting rid of Jessie was just the latest in a long string of critical errors made by Helen. Even if, by some miracle at this point, Helen makes it to the end, the jury is so stacked against her she has to play for 2nd place.
  12. She might control Elissa's vote, but Helen back-stabbed everyone who is currently sitting on the jury. I don't think Helen can control much at this point given her own lack of credibility. Helen certainly didn't bat an eye at being down 3 votes if she happened to make it to the end. So I don't know that Andy cares about losing the one lone Helen vote.
  13. Who would have thought? Little guy-seeking, insecure, needs the money, and not-made-for-BB Jessie is the only one who had the balls to go against the sheep mentality this season. And she had the guts to do it single-handedly, knowing she had absolutely NO ONE in that house who either supported her or was willing to work with her. I.Totally.Respect.Her.
  14. Thanks Hawk -- mainly for posting those late-night photos of the fights btwn Jessie and Helen. I was just glad to see someone finally stand up to the self-righteousness in that house.
  15. Other players are able to behave the way they do b/c they are protected with their "in" group / click. Those clicks formed pretty early on and Helen's presence in the house put the fear of God into anyone wanting to go against the "house." Jessie worked the system as best she could given those ridiculous forces. Helen has probably single-handedly made this season's mentality all about the "house" and what the "house" wants. Yes, Jessie could have gone against the forces as a single player much earlier (as could have Elissa who usually did not agree with what was going on). Yet, it would have been suicide. Jessie wanted to stay in the game as long as she could. Now, she has nothing to lose.
  16. She tried. No one was interested. Now it's a matter of losing a jury vote from her. By my count, Helen's down 3.
  17. I really think producers need to seriously consider doing a first this year: the Big Brother After Season Reality Show. Cameras would follow the most delusional houseguests for the next 6 weeks as they absorb and adjust to life after the show. That's the show I really want to see.
  18. I don't think a McNasty wedding is going to make it any less boring.
  19. Jessie deserves some much needed rest after doing all that work in the past 24 hours that should have been done all season. She made up for some lost opportunities there -- good work Jessie!
  20. She's thinking: How in the crap is a couple sliding through and no one gives a damn? Why am I the only one who sees they should have never been allowed to get this far??? What's wrong with these people?!!
  21. Hahaha Helen sinking to a new low. Apparently, she now concludes her only chance of winning at the end is if she's up against Aaryn!!!! Sorry, Helen. I think even the racist Aaryn will beat you at the end.
  22. If Elissa makes it to the end, I can see Candice, Helen, Jessie, and Judd voting for her. Not saying it's enough to win, but I don't think it would necessarily be a clean sweep for the other person.
  23. He might win by default and make BB history by winning just by laying around all summer having sex. LOL
  24. Jessie had major game play. She consistently offered an alternative to what was happening yet they all refused to fight the force -- somehow thinking that there will be multiple winners at the end. WRONG. Only one person can win and with all the forces lined up, it's a done deal. Just because she refused to be a puppet does not mean she wasn't a good gamer. Someone needed to call Amanda and Helen out, and in a house full of wimps Jessie stood out.



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