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Everything posted by carmen

  1. Vanessa wanting everyone to agree on a "plan" after one of Clelli gets evicted -- in case there is a double eviction this week. But she then turns around and says that she's already promised to vote to keep Shelli over Clay -- b/c Clay asked her to, and she would hate to break a promise like that. Also, she lectures the other house members in the "meeting" that it's not fair to get everyone on the same page as far as the votes go. Everyone should have the right to vote what is best for them as individuals in determining whether to evict Shelli or Clay. Oh, Vanessa. You are such a snake -- but you're slipping. Everyone sees what a snake you are now.
  2. It's not so much the age difference, it's her holier-than-thou way of speaking and her kindergarten teacher tone of voice that makes her seem as if she's actually Clay's grandmother. Her self-righteousness also doesn't help. And her little tirade at the HOH nomination ceremony shown on tonight's episode just reinforces her moral superiority. A superiority that is all the more offensive given that she didn't bat an eye last week about going back on their word (and master plan) to backdoor Austin. Last week was actually worse than anything James did because there were people who agreed to do things (like throw the Battle of the Block) on the assumption that it was all geared towards getting Austin out of the house.
  3. Becky doesn't have a clue how to play this game. It's just a matter of time before they all start flat-out ignoring her. She's not worth nominating, but is such a nuisance I don't know what anyone in that house can possibly do with her. Imagine the horror if she and Steve are the last two standing. :shocking:
  4. No kidding. I've had my last fill of this self-entitled queen. I've never seen someone so blatantly assume everyone should be playing HER game, not theirs. How does one get to be her age and not have any self-awareness?????!!!!
  5. Hi Marty I'm looking everywhere online for that. Is it possible you could post a link? I'd really like to see the pics especially.
  6. Anyone heard from Cody since finale night? I'm wondering if he survived the wrath of his family, and specifically his dad, for being so bent on taking his bro Derrick and losing a half million dollars. Seriously, that decision was the difference between having the money and not having the money. I bet his family is sick over it.
  7. Derrick needs to just man up and accept the torture since he 1) didn't do anything all season to actually work or earn where he is and 2) he created the monster that is Victoria. He has no one else to blame but himself for dragging this whinebag to third place. They could easily have let her go instead of Caleb. But they didn't want to do that since Derrick still thought he might actually need Victoria. I'm still not convinced that when it comes right down to it, he won't take Victoria to final two (assuming Cody loses the last round). It would be a real switch-up in Derrick's "strategy" if he ditches Victoria and takes Cody since he has gone on record throughout the season that at that point in the game, you don't take a risk. And by the way, if it were Cody who thought he wasn't going to make it to final two, he would be as big of a whinebag as Victoria is. Maybe even worse. Derrick actually has TWO monsters on his hands. It's just that one of them feels secure right now, and the other one doesn't.
  8. Actually, it's exactly what this show needs. Some of us are bored to tears watching the same script play out. There hasn't been one big or unpredictable move this season -- at least throw us a bone here at the end and have the jury do the unexpected by voting for the one that got dragged through the game (if Victoria is chosen by Derrick).
  9. Thank Derrick for dragging her this far. And for blowing up her ego to think she deserves to be there. If Derrick really did say that he would vote for Victoria if she were in the final two next to Cody, then I think the jury should do exactly the same to him if he is in the final two with her. Plus, it might teach these low-ballers like Derrick a lesson in future seasons that if they insist on bringing the lowest common denominator to the finals as a way to guarantee a win, it might end up backfiring.
  10. LOL so true. Sad but true. No kidding. Cody can't even think that far ahead to know how to work for a jury vote. It was bad enough that Derrick made him do the dirty work. The least Cody could do was make it out to Caleb that it was all Derrick's idea, if nothing else. I will say this for Derrick. He knows how to make himself appear brilliant by surrounding himself with those who have the least brain power.
  11. Sorry LenRay, I'm not Gishy but I will answer. The bulb was never on. How stupid is Cody? If he wins the final HOH (and it is truly possible he could do it), and has the power to choose, he will definitely choose Derrick to go to finals with. He is absolutely that stupid. On the other hand, it would be the highlight of a boring season if Cody were to win and choose Victoria. I don't think he has the cahoonas (let alone the brain power) to do it, but it would certainly make great TV if he did, not to mention one for the BB history books.
  12. The real loser is going to be Cody for evicting him. The house was full of stupid players this season (thus, Derrick looks like a genius in contrast). But Caleb and Cody have got to be the stupidest.
  13. Cody voting out Caleb?? You can't make up this kind of stupidity. Can't wait to see the look on his face when Derrick chooses Victoria over him to take to the final two.
  14. This superfan blew her chances right out of the water when she hitched her wagon to the testosterone. She was an add on, knew it, and didn't care. As long as she was getting some blow-back from the males that's really all that mattered. She is a sad, pathetic case. On the upside, the guys couldn't have asked for a more obedient servant. Even better -- she left BEFORE VICTORIA!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Well, Caleb is already talking about Frankie being the first to go once it gets down to those four (Derrick, Cody, Caleb, and Frankie). If it's up to Derrick or Cody at that stage, I believe Frankie will be evicted as well. So it's not looking too good for Frankie to make it past the final four stage. That is, if all goes to plan.
  16. A good amount of why this season has been such a miserable failure rests on Christine. She could have actually attempted to win this game and had her best chance outside of the all-male bonded alliance (she was only a tool, a good tool, but never more than that). Because of her insistence on destroying her own personal chance by dedicating herself to the guys, she helped to destroy any chance that others had in the house. As one of the guys has stated, she knows they aren't taking her very far. If she makes it to the final 5 (which strangely seems to be her only goal), she will be cut loose unless by some miracle she pulls out an HOH but then it will be a very temporary stay.
  17. The odds are so against her, but I would really like to see her win the veto just one more time to shake that boring display of male superiority up. This has got to be one of the boringest seasons ever.
  18. I don't think his being a cop has one iota to do with it. Actually, some people have very low opinions of cops, so Derrick is probably one of the better ones. Cop or no cop, he is just not nearly as clever as he thinks he is.
  19. It sure seems as though Derrick is wanting to pull Nicole in and work with her. Plus, he really wants Christine out. If Caleb really does nominate Christine next to Nicole (and veto doesn't change it), I wonder if Derrick will try to get Christine out instead of Nicole. Please, somebody start a riot in that house. We need to see this group really start to fight. I don't know how much longer the guys can go without breaking apart.
  20. I agree -- it truly is sad that he can't stop himself from lying when there is no apparent reason to lie. But he thinks he's clever enough to pull it off. He isn't.
  21. If he targets the girls, then yes he is a wuss. He's one of the most paranoid when it comes to female power. Caleb has consistenly had issues with the women in the house. Amber was just a glimpse of what this guy's got going on where females are concerned. He thrives on male bonding and male approval.
  22. Loved the sourpuss look on her face in the aftermath of Caleb winning HOH last night. I think she's getting worried she could go up alongside Nicole. Reality checks are usually never easy, but this one is going to take it especially hard, she's been so delusional. She'll probably need therapy after she gets out.
  23. That would truly be the highlight of the season for me if it were to happen!
  24. Good -- I hope this means they will now put Derrick and Cody up. Someone in that house has got to grow the balls to do it.



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