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Everything posted by fredtheturtle

  1. He is so stupid. He yelled out, Go Nicole. Idiot.
  2. I don't get it. Frankie wanted Donny to stay and Derrick said no and you people still blame Frankie. I think no matter what he does you people will hate him.
  3. No, Frankie said to Derrick, no my fans, and Derrick said you know she would want her fans to vote for you, and Frankie said, I guess. Ok. Then Frankie was in the bathroom later and asked his fans to vote yes. I hate when stories get twisted.
  4. Frankie needs to talk more game. He lets Derrick work the other people against him and if he talked to them more than this could not happen.
  5. 1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction night tv show.... Victoria will mumble something weird about passing out in the house 2.Between BB15 & BB16 what season did you prefer better? I like listening to Bb16 people talk more. The people in 16 are more entertaining. 3.Do you think Donny will be a bitter Juror No, but he will say something bad about Christine I'm sure.
  6. Lets see, Frankie is trying to keep Donny. Derrick is telling Donny that Frankie will not keep him. Derrick tells America that Frankie only cares about money and Frankie is an ass. Hmmm who looks like the ass. Derrivk. I hope people get together and let out this slimeballs lies.
  7. Her stupid giggling on BBAD last night literally gave me a headache. She wants Cody so bad, it's obvious. Cody is as much to blame as her. They both know that people are watching and they don't care.
  8. Frankie was talking about how self centered he is. That his roommates tell him all the time. He said I think Victoria has me beat because she always looks in the mirror and I just see things I want to fix.
  9. I would be so happy. The joke would be on Derrick. I get bored easy and they entertain me. Caleb is moving up there too. lol
  10. Oh no I am starting to like cranky, bitchy Victoria. lol
  11. I am getting where I don't want to read them at all. It's the same ole same ole. I hate Frankie and butterflies fly out of Donnys butt.
  12. True Blood ended tonight which made me sad, then some stupid fan yells over the BB fence about Frankie. This is like when the crazies went after Shelly when she turned on Jordan. These crazies are going to get this show cancelled.
  13. Dumbass fans are ruining my favorite game. What the hell. Don't they watch this house. When she was screeching while watching her and Hayden with Jeff was the worse noise I ever heard.
  14. I liked her but constantly seeing her rub herself all over Cody and the things she says about her husband are embarrassing. When she asked last night if she could go to the strip club with Caleb and Cody I thought, well what about your husband. I am sure Cody's parents are not happy about her.
  15. That is the Broadway side of him. lol. I bet his family is like that.



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