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Everything posted by fredtheturtle

  1. I totally agree. Does anyone think Cody is playing or just riding his way up. He annoys me so bad because he is terrible in competitions and when he talks he sounds kind of dumb, but I know he isn't.
  2. I love that he loves Big Brother so much that he said they had to push the button no matter if it is good or bad. He has a good attitude about experiencing the game and that is a good thing. You can choose not to like him, but still appreciate that he is at least playing the game.
  3. I would love to see that too. Our Team America such as it is. They are funny.
  4. Are you going to start a list of lies like Danielle Murphree had in BB14. That girl could lie. I think the list was very, very long.
  5. It was at the beginning of the season. Derrick keeps bringing it up.
  6. Donny was boring Nicole, Victoria, Brittney, and Jocasta cried too much and thought everything should be handed to them Joey and Pow Pow and Devin and Amber WHO? Hayden. Naaa Caleb and Frankie too conceited Cody for what? Derrick for talking and entertaining crazy Victoria Christine for falling in love Zack wins for worst game but who had the best exit from the house and cracked me up.
  7. He is smarter than himself. lol. His bragging and cockiness make for him to be best friends with Frankie. It is his jealousy that Frankie's life is real that will make him turn on Frankie or take him to the end so he can be in the camera light. They could introduce Caleb to Danielle from season 14 and they can tell crazy stories to each other. All the jobs they have had and how good they are at everything. Perfect match. Yes!
  8. That is exactly what I thought. I didn't like Dan's game until he started kicking ass in competitions. If Derrick starts winning and playing the physical side of the game then he deserves to win. I just hate people that throw competitions and don't get blood on their hands. The game would be completely different.I try to root for him because he is a good talker but that is what annoys me too.
  9. If Victoria goes to the end it will be like when Dan and Memphis took Jerry, but Jerry had a brain and won competitions.
  10. I think she is on some pain meds too and they are making her even weirder.
  11. That's not her. I thought they were pictures of Amber for Caleb. lol
  12. 1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction night tv show....Christine will giggle when Julie talks to Cody about his dino outfit. 2.Who do you want to see be the second person evicted during double eviction show and at whose hand? Christine 3.Which final two paring is your ideal match up at this point? Derrick and Caleb
  13. I think the house is making them crazy. The feeds are boring but this is what makes big brother a hard game to play. Just sitting there waiting and getting paranoid every time someone is talking. I love it. I think Celeb's ego could cost him the game because he thinks he could beat everyone for jury votes.
  14. Last night Victoria's crying and whining was driving me crazy. She is a real nut job.
  15. What is funny is that Derrick or Cody could slap her and she would blame Frankie. She is so blinded by her hatred of him that she is her own worse enemy. I would have pretended to be on Frankie's side when I came back and then try to coast by for a week or two.
  16. That's fair then. I do watch the feeds and read the forums and watch BBAD so I guess my take of him is just different from others. I was hoping it wasn't because he is gay, so I am glad to hear you say that. I like him and his game, so I will except that I am the minority. lol Thanks for the info.
  17. Sounds to me like Frankie is used to hatred from people and does not let it change his life. I admire that about him. I have not heard him say anything bad about people in the house and omg he says something about Nicole and it will be on the 6:00 news. lol Come on people lighten up. He is a big BB fan and you could try to at least respect that he is playing the game hard and not sitting around crying. He was making Derrick feel better because Derrick knows that people are hating him because of Donny and Frankie more or less said that you can't make everyone like you or please everyone, so don't worry about it. I think a lot of people just don't like him because he is gay, but no one will say that. That is my 2 cents. Peace
  18. I do not feel sorry for Nicole at all. She seems offended that Frankie hates her. Well stupid you called him out on live tv and almost got him evicted. I am tired of her whiny voice and feel sorry for me attitude. This is big brother people. It is hard. It takes strength to get through it not someone feeling sorry for you and making things easy for you to win $500,000.00. Give me a break. Grow some balls and play the game or go back to the jury house.
  19. Frankie told them to not do it for a challenge but to save it to do on Tuesday. He and Caleb begged Cody today and he said no and Derrick said no. Caleb and Frankie were upset that he was leaving.



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