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Everything posted by fredtheturtle

  1. He is so full of himself it's sickening. Everytime he says "I don't like people who complain or blah blah blah.". I knew then that he is an asshead. I love that he thinks he has won the game already in the first week. Ugh. Not a fan of him and won't ever be.
  2. I liked it. As long as Big Brother is on every year I'm happy.
  3. I liked her and then I saw how cranky she was when she was HOH. She makes a lot of comments more or less that she should get more attention when she was hoh and said Neeely and Jason were taking over it clicked as to how immature she is. Then I let it go but last night she was just grating my nerves with her words and the belching. Get some meds for gosh sakes. she's not in her 20s it's not cute. I wanted Jason to go off on her so bad.
  4. They should have had nominations before the cp. This is starting to look rigged.
  5. I've lost interest in this America's game. They might as well just fast forward to the end and end this stupid concept that America has total control of. If I was in the house I would just leave because it's not even bb anymore. it's American idol.
  6. America is not voting by who deserves it. Shelby getting this package is like Kathy the cop, Victoria, Sheila and every floater ever on BB in one get backed for personal reasons. I would never vote. I loved Shelby at first but she isn't even trying. This has taken the fun out of the game. 2 thumbs down to the idea person.
  7. Shelby for sure. I forgot Morgan, Whitney and Shelby were even in the game. They are huge floaters and Shelby is worse than a Victoria was. I don't think Shelby even knows where she is.
  8. Nooooo I like it. They are active and doing stuff and not seeing fish all the time is great.
  9. I am really liking BBOTT because the people are not sleeping all the time. I love the votes too but I wish some of them were not so late at night. I'm central time and have to remind myself. I hope enough people are watching to continue the Over the Top shows. I wold love to see Scott as the slave. That would be too funny.
  10. I'm loving bbott. At first it didn't feel right but now they are playing and it's not about tv exposure, they just love the game and want the money. Where is the MortysTV.com chat room icon?
  11. I can't believe they always target the weak people the first week. They think Jason is such a threat. Omg. I would love for the first hoh to put up a person that is one of the popular pretty people. Play the game. It's over in 10 weeks.
  12. Paul's face when the votes started going to Nicole and he lost was priceless. He was so arrogant he just knew he was going to win. And he kept sticking his tongue out which made him look so weird. Lol
  13. I really thought that Nat really liked James but she put him in the friend zone after leading him on. She really just used him and it makes me sad. She is good at it because I believed her. It's a good thing James wallet was safely tucked away while this Fackmance went on. Sorry James that we saw this happen to you.
  14. When Meech grabbed Pueblo and took him I thought that was the funniest thing I have ever seen. I laughed out loud.
  15. The bribe money was a waste too. I call bullshit.
  16. The women are an embarrassment. They need to find 1) stronger women, 2) make them watch BB to come on the show 3) make different groups be locked in rooms with no beds so they can't sleep all the time and make them do stuff with people they are not close to. Everyone in the HOH room all the time drives me crazy. Only the HOH should get to sleep up there, ever.
  17. I cannot believe that Michelle didn't go talk to Nicole and make a deal. Every fan knows that you have to talk to the HOH and make deals. I thought James was smarter than this but he didn't even talk to her. Why do they get so stupid in the House? Michelle is listening to Natalie and she knows nothing about the game. Vic and Paul are set to win this game. Nicole and James...Big fail on your 2nd try.
  18. This is a picture of the cast of an old tv show called Dobey Gillis. Doesn't the girl look like Michelle.
  19. Now I think I know why Paulie's relationship ended. He is verbally abusive and plays head games with women.
  20. It seems that all the girls have co-dependant abusive personalities. All of them are always saying they don't feel good about themselves and the guys they picked are verbally abusive. Paulie makes me sick using this beautiful girl like he is knowing that she is a teacher. I can't vote for any of them. I've watched the feeds less than I have since they started. Nicole and Corey make me sick. She's an embarrassment to have another showmance. Victor. I just think wtf Paul and Paulie Hate 'em. James and Natalie are just another Meg and James. Bridget. Ughhh the every girl I can't stand. Her voice gives me hemorrhoids. Da is gone Z I really liked but she needs therapy Michelle acts 13 I think I'm going to root for Natalie. I dislike her the least. Men must have chosen the cast this year. I want an all women cast next year. That's all
  21. Do you think the women know and will fight them if a girl wins HOH?
  22. The girls on BB this year have set women back 20 years. They are so stupid. They are making it so easy to get the guys to the end it's sickening. I can't stand Corey, Paulie, Paul or Victor. They are big $$$$heads and treat the women horrible, but then again these stupid women let them It's hard to watch. DR please open their eyes for them!!!!



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