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Everything posted by fredtheturtle

  1. Why are they voting out such a weak player like Tiffany? That's so stupid.
  2. Please tell him to stop saying GIRLLL. It's driving me crazy.
  3. I love Frankie. He is the glitter Richard Simmons. Lol I hope I get my wish of Steve and Vanessa final two.
  4. JMac has floated his way to the end except for a few vetoes. He lost HOHs to let everyone play his game. For everyone hating Vanessa please you prefer the finger banger and his lady????, JMac the non-player? Steve and Vanessa should be final two because they have played mentally and physically.
  5. I hated the people that just vacation and sleep through BB like Meg, James, Shelli, Clay, Jackie, JMac, Becky, Julia. None of them even made an alliance. You can hate on the people left but they at least play the game. If people keep criticizing the show every year it will be cancelled and I will be mad. If you don't like it shut up and don't watch.
  6. I don't understand what more you want these people to do in the house. They at least entertain us sometimes. I think this is a good year. Quit watching if you just want to complain all the time.
  7. I like Van a lot but I'm so sick of everyone just concentrating on her that I want her to go to jury so they will shut up about it.
  8. I'm ready to shoot myself because someone isn't going after Austin and the twins. That's a strong 3 person alliance. I hope James wins and takes one of them out.
  9. None of them are thinking. They are embracing each other with their hatred of Vanessa. They have all made so many alliances it's crazy. Liz is so obsessed with the big dufus who is going to get her kicked out because he will be the next one they hate. They're all crazy and run to power. Austin and the twins forget how they promised to vote Vanessa out for Becky. I don't even know who I want to win now.
  10. It's like mob mentality in the BB house against Vanessa. Who are they going to hate after she leaves. Austin is in charge of the mob and is going to cost the twins their game.
  11. I like Vanessa as a player but her speech is getting redundant and she doesn't let people talk. She needs to listen more. Shelli and Clay did her wrong though. I would be so mad
  12. Remember when Marcellas used it on Amy I think and then he got evicted in season 3
  13. They should have kicked her out for not going to the ceremony. They are covering their butts from lawsuits. Oh I also call Audrey's act bullshit
  14. I knew she was bat shit crazy. I called it the first night. She reminds me of Danielle Murphree.
  15. I'm still here and love this site. I noticed that some people just want to post bitchy remarks or complaints but do not want to discuss the game at all. They need a life. I can't wait until everyone meets Dr. Dentist. Lol. He cracks me up.
  16. I really didn't like my first impression of her either. I am usually right.
  17. 98 days. C'mon people get excited BB is back. Don't rain on my parade.
  18. I think they are going to hit them with every twist they have ever had. I like it.
  19. Ok she made me mad. She wants to be excepted but she called James a little roly poly. I don't care who you are I can tell that when someone hates on the first night I will not like them.
  20. I was laughing through his whole interview. His laugh is worse than Rachel's.
  21. I'm at a 10. I love this show and have for 16 years.
  22. I wish they would make them do the weird challenges as a group to get money for food like they used to do. Make them hold hands and dance for 2 hours each, Jump rope, different things that we can laugh at and they would draw names for partners so that the same people are not together all the time. Some deals can be made. They should have to stand in the corner in a time out spot if they don't do it or if they get so many demerits for singing they have to go in time out. No slop, no have bots, and sometimes 2 vetoes. Then people will have to play the veto to the end to see if there are 2.
  23. It made me sad to watch him tell the therapist. It was a horrible way to find out. He loved playing Big Brother and he got a chance to play again and then finds this out 6 days into the show. I cannot imagine how he felt and I do wish him well.



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