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Everything posted by fredtheturtle

  1. The feeds are so funny right now. Zach is so stupid he has played into the role of saboteur. Idiot.
  2. I just don't understand why he thinks he shouldn't be on the block. Alliance member of one doesn't work.
  3. I would rather see Victoria win before him. He is an idiot.
  4. I don't think with Donny being such a BB fan that he would cheat in a competition. No way.
  5. I have to say I am not a fan of his but he had me laughing out loud on BBAD last night with his rap. It was really funny and worth watching. It is him, Christine and Zach in the bathroom.
  6. I like the double hoh. It has made the game more interesting to me.
  7. I still like Frankie. He entertains me, he doesn't say really bad things about people and I think he truly does like everyone. lol. Now that being said they would all get on my last nerve if I was locked up with them this long.
  8. 1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction night tv show.... Frankie will talk about his reveal 2.Who do you think has the least likely chance to win the game of the remaining hg's? Christine 3.If Donny, Hayden, Nicole or Jocasta are the options to come back who would you want back in the game Hayden
  9. I am watching last night's BBAD and Cody is trying to argue with Caleb, saying he doesn't snuggle with Christine the same way he does Nicole. Are you kidding me...
  10. I think it is funny that the bb house was compared to a party house. Have you seen the mental collapse of these people? Have you not seen Donny cry? The stress in that house could not be endured by a lot of people. Who ever survives to the end certainly deserves something, no matter how they played the game. I couldn't do it. Could you?
  11. He is so immature. His jealousy is showing and he says the stupidiest things.
  12. He certainly never gets tired of talking game. I can't believe they haven't compared him and Victoria to be as close as Matt and Ragan. Bunch of dummies.
  13. They all have me totally confused. It is like a soap opera. Does Christine really hate Frankie. Is Donnie going to have a breakdown. Is Cody going to float to the end with Victoria? Stay tuned.
  14. C'mon I really don't think that. Frank is a smart guy. Zack is an idiot. And there is the $5 challenge
  15. The dominos thing could have been done by one person. It would be unfair if Frankie couldn't fight by himself in a challenge. The cake thing only needed the 2 at the end to stand on the cake. It can and should be allowed to be done.
  16. I stop watching the feeds for a few hours and now Caleb wants to punch Frankie. What is going on.
  17. Sometimes I get too involved in the gore and have to go away for a day. Can you imagine being in there and not being able to get away. It has to be crazy.
  18. But what started it? It could not have been just that speech.
  19. Why is Caleb and Zack hating on Frankie right now? Is Cody already turning on Frankie and Christine



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