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Everything posted by fredtheturtle

  1. His game would probably have been better if Mike Boogie had not been on the show. Then he would not have started out as a bully.
  2. if Dan wins he deserves it because to be able to get to final 2 twice is pretty outstanding.
  3. For all of Britney's bitching about Janelle at least, Janelle left with class. Poor Britney she can cut your throat but don't pick on her...
  4. I loved his dance moves outside of Dan's room. Hie had his green sunglasses and green mardi gras beads, getting down!
  5. Ian said that BB told him to work with Frank. This pisses me off when they interfere with the game. Britney told him this is our game, more or less, not to listen to them. Grodner you are ruining BB stop ass kissing your pets. (FRANK)
  6. SHANE is an idiot in this game. I would sacrifice him so that he would not cost me my game.
  7. Frank's bitching drives me crazy. I wish someone would just tell hime to STFU.
  8. i cannot stand the sound of Frank's voice anymore. I hope he goes tonight too so my ears can have a rest. He talks so much game which is bordering on obsessive!
  9. I have never heard anything like this Frank guy. Is Boogie campaigning at all or is Frank his campaign manager? I cannot stand the sound of his voice anymore and I am sick of hearing him repeat the same thing over and over and over and over and over..................
  10. This Bromance is so funny. They are the greatest in their own minds and feed off of each other's assholeness. That is a word I evented just for them!
  11. I could not sit and listen to them gang up on me. I would have to walk away. They give me a headache.
  12. Worst Wussy HOH Ever!!!!!!!!!!!! What a whiney boy!
  13. I laughed so hard at Ashley. She is so pathetic. Reminds me of Kathy in the honey!
  14. talk about making a move to stay in the game. Jeezz...
  15. So Dan heard that his name was mentioned to be put up, so now he is working Frank with his jedi mind control to put Britney and Shane as a target. good work Dan!
  16. She is going after Ashley now. She said Ashley is stalking her.
  17. there is just something about him I do not like. I don't know what but I just don't. Maybe it is the boogie thing.
  18. They would have to do an all girls bb to get women to work togother. They get too petty and jealous and the men use this to turn them on each other. Hey, an all girll bb and then an all guy bb. that would be worth watching.
  19. These people are really boring. They need something to stir them up. I wish they would nominate Britney and Danielle to make things interesting. Why are they going after harmless Joe? He is like having Jerry around.
  20. Britney is a week player. She has to hide behind someone.
  21. How old is this guy? He is kind of old to be walking around with the stupid hat on and saying Yo YO....
  22. Okay, I just wanted to say since Janielle is going I am rooting for Ian. You have to love him. I hope I did not put a curse on him like I did Janielle by rooting for her. LOL



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