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Jordan - Week 7


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On her first BB season she told Jeff she couldn't tell time. Honest, I can't make this stuff up.

Honestly, I keep reading how she has a learning disability, but she must have a good memory because she remembers a lot of Bb stuff. Maybe if she picked up a textbook she can remember some of that stuff too? She knows nothing except BB. Not denying she may be a nice person, but like I've been told 100 times on this board "you don't know people out of the house" so maybe she isn't so nice after all. One thing I do know, she is as dumb as a doornail.

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Honestly, I keep reading how she has a learning disability, but she must have a good memory because she remembers a lot of Bb stuff. Maybe if she picked up a textbook she can remember some of that stuff too? She knows nothing except BB. Not denying she may be a nice person, but like I've been told 100 times on this board "you don't know people out of the house" so maybe she isn't so nice after all. One thing I do know, she is as dumb as a doornail.

Cute as a button, just not as smart. Jeff said something about them having children and the children would probably be walking into walls. That should be on tonite referring to the comp and Jordans poor results.

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A learning disability can be a deficit in only 1 area or several areas, sometimes just means you are unable to achieve or learn in certain areas or you just need help by having it explained in a different way, sometimes, you just can't "get it" at all, even with extra help. It's possible not to be able to comprehend math but your reading & other skills are "normal"......or you could have no problems understanding math but be unable to comprehend anything you read. I've seen kids who can read fluently, no problems with pronunciation at all......but, then can't explain anything about what they read.

I think Jordan has done a great job of dealing with it, from what I see, she knows her strengths & doesn't get down on herself about what she can't do.

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Great post (as usual) Ivgal! As someone with loved ones with disabilities, I am amazed at how strong her social skills are. She must have had really excellent family and professional support to be so well-adjusted. :animated_wave:

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Great post (as usual) Ivgal! As someone with loved ones with disabilities, I am amazed at how strong her social skills are. She must have had really excellent family and professional support to be so well-adjusted. :animated_wave:

Your sweet Len. I know Jordan is a favorite of yours.

By the way I stink at math.

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On her first BB season she told Jeff she couldn't tell time. Honest, I can't make this stuff up.

ha-ha I remember that. It was so funny

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People talk like she's mentally or physically handicapped, she's just not smart and I have no idea what that has to do with being social. I'm still trying to find out what her amazing social skills are anyway, she's locked up with 12 people at most, she's not obnoxious so that's not part of her character, she just acts like any normal person would act around a bunch of strangers. You would think she's Mother Theresa or something from what I read.

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I know I am smart (well smart enough) to have done well for myself in my profession. I am directionally challenged. I can never tell what is north /south / east or west. I do know a mountain range to point to for north but it is something I doubt I will ever be able to conquer.

Oh well.... nobody is perfect and Jordan is happy in her own skin. I do think she is a better game player then Jeff when it comes to the mechanics of the game of Big Brother.

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Honestly I think with Jordan she has the same problem as my son. If its something that doesnt interest him he isnt gonna pay attention. Now I am not saying my son a dumb because he isnt but he has adhd and is now on medication for it(not that I am happy to have both of my kids on meds for the rest of their life) but it could be that she has the same problem. Why she is able to remember so much when it comes to BB is because she is interested and the rest it just flies by her.JMO

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I certainly don't think Jordan is "Mother Theresa".......and, I absolutely know that having ADHD is nothing like having a Learning Disability.......drugs won't help a Learning Disability...but, whatever.....it's possible she can have a learning disability and a photographic memory...... I'm off this soapbox after this.......I've spent most of my adult life advocating for ppl with disabilities and trying to explain to ppl who just don't get it, NO, they can't just try harder.......GEEZ!......but BB & posting is a leisure time activity for me, so believe whatever makes you happy.

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I certainly don't think Jordan is "Mother Theresa".......and, I absolutely know that having ADHD is nothing like having a Learning Disability.......drugs won't help a Learning Disability...but, whatever.....it's possible she can have a learning disability and a photographic memory...... I'm off this soapbox after this.......I've spent most of my adult life advocating for ppl with disabilities and trying to explain to ppl who just don't get it, NO, they can't just try harder.......GEEZ!......but BB & posting is a leisure time activity for me, so believe whatever makes you happy.

:hurray: Good post

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I certainly don't think Jordan is "Mother Theresa".......and, I absolutely know that having ADHD is nothing like having a Learning Disability.......drugs won't help a Learning Disability...but, whatever.....it's possible she can have a learning disability and a photographic memory...... I'm off this soapbox after this.......I've spent most of my adult life advocating for ppl with disabilities and trying to explain to ppl who just don't get it, NO, they can't just try harder.......GEEZ!......but BB & posting is a leisure time activity for me, so believe whatever makes you happy.

LIKE button!

Jordo seems pretty good at the ball rolling thing so I'm hoping she wins HOH tomorrow night (but of course, I'm sure it will be said that someone "threw it" to her)

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Let's put it this way though. Jordan is beautiful, more so than Porsche, Rachel, or Cassie, but you could tell she would never say in her pre-BB statement "I'm always the hottest girl in the room".

She is very modest. That's just one of the things I love about her but it's an important one.


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I like Jordan, she a sweet person, BUT a WASTE OF SPACE on BB! She has no game! If she makes it to the end again without doing nothing..OMG! She won BB by default! She didn't have strategic moves back then nor now! Her strategies are "save me Jeff..save me Jeff pathetic!

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Looks like Jordan with the all of the practicing the game last night she did the best. I think it is Questions for HOH but Jeff also has it nailed if it is the Veto.

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Jordan has as much right to be on BB as any of them just as she did the first go-round. I detest some of the people on BB13 but they submitted videos and applications and were selected. That gives them the right to be there. Us not liking them is one thing, them not satisfying our personal rules for BB game-play another thing, entirely. They can float their days away but they are there until they aren't whether you or I like it or not.

I think that it is a safe bet to say that Jordan is a happy woman. That is priceless. I'm not so certain I would think the same about most of the other women on BB13. Maybe Kalia. She seems content with life, as well.

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