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9/10 TV Show Eviction Night Thread


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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction night tv show....




2..Who do you feel will regret that the game was rewind/reset the most?




3..Who do you think or want to will win next hoh once the game is rewind/reset?








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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction night tv show....   Frankie will whine and say... Julie that is not fairrrrrrrrrrrr  <<< insert pouty lips >>>



2..Who do you feel will regret that the game was rewind/reset the most? - Frankie because if he doesn't win he is the target




3..Who do you think or want to will win next hoh once the game is rewind/reset? -  Cody

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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction night tv show....   Frankie will fly around the room, roll his eyes a bunch, cock his head to one side and exclaim. "JULIE."




2..Who do you feel will regret that the game was rewind/reset the most?  Frankie.




3..Who do you think or want to will win next hoh once the game is rewind/reset?  Frankie.  Can he?  I think the whole reset button is nuts at this point.  

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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction night tv show.... since they  are showing the jury house....zach will greet christine and say how stupid she was and probably make fun of her in some way




2..Who do you feel will regret that the game was rewind/reset the most?i'll probably say cody .... he would have secure a spot for another week due to victoria  leaving ...next week he may not be so lucky.....i think frankie will win either hoh or pov again so he probably wont have much regrets




3..Who do you think or want to will win next hoh once the game is rewind/reset? want victoria just so we wont have a repeat of this past week....with victoria being the agreed upon person to leave








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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction night tv show....  Caleb will say "Hearrrrd that" when the rewind is announced.  (he says that all the time, right? :))




2..Who do you feel will regret that the game was rewind/reset the most?  Frankie, I hope




3..Who do you think or want to will win next hoh once the game is rewind/reset?  Victoria

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1. Predictions: When Christin shows up at the jury house - she will be applauded by Nicole, Hayden, Donnie & Zack. After she tells the jury how she was loudly booed they will feel sorry for her and she can play "victim" for the whole week. Jocasta will probably pray with her (because Jocasta is a good Christian woman). Nicole & Donny will probably forgive her because they are good hearted people.

2.Regrets: Derrick will be upset because he will have to work double duty - doing it all over again.

3. HOH -VICTORIA wins HOH because the boys have underestimated her all season. They have run so many different scenarios -but not once have they ever considered what to do if Victoria actually won an HOH.

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here we go :animated_bouncy:

poor christine shunned ....ha..ha :animated_bouncy:

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donny: do you have an attorney : to : christine lmao :animated_bouncy:

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LOL Frankie looked like he wanted to barf.



yep he did lol :animated_bouncy:

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I don't think Victoria will be able to carry out the mad at Derrick plan for another week. :partytime:



i want her to win hoh and not put up derrick lol



MY 20000 post :flags_unitedstates: :flags_unitedstates: :flags_unitedstates:


"dont flame or bait others in threads "



repeating same comp  so allison grodner giving the fans the middle finger


i knew frankie would still win hoh but bb come on


the morph comp might be only real switch up :animated_bouncy:

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Tonights show was absolutely worthless...

the whole week was worthless imo :animated_bouncy:

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Catch me if you can :fish:







you are the queen of morty's  :cartoon_tinkerbell:


too much respect to even attempt to catch you :animated_bouncy:

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with a timed morph


i have no doubt frankie will be ok :animated_bouncy:

I hear Caleb won HOH



beast mode cowboy lives up to the name :animated_bouncy:

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