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Victoria Rafaeli (Week 8)


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Guest 6Borders

Personally, I have to give Victoria 100% props & kudos for NOT mentioning Ariana Grande (I am sure the little media whores Frankie and Ariana have bruised egos over that one big time).   Derrick less than subtlely told her that Frankie was most probably blowing smoke up her hair extensions and she would probably never meet Ariana.

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VIctoria is there, still.  She was smart enough to recognize a good thing and thus far; it has worked far more in her favor than in derrick's.  Never say never.  One thing about Season 16 is that it is still anybody's game.

I agree and there may be some big upsets.

Personally, I have to give Victoria 100% props & kudos for NOT mentioning Ariana Grande (I am sure the little media whores Frankie and Ariana have bruised egos over that one big time).   Derrick less than subtlely told her that Frankie was most probably blowing smoke up her hair extensions and she would probably never meet Ariana.

That was awesome.  Still not sure if she was dumb about it because lets face it, if it's not about Victoria it doesn't count or if it was a calculated answer.

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If I recall on the live feeds last night, Frankie or one of the HG in the living room called Vic out on that. She was talking about how she froze and then answered the question wrong.

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Vic made my night when she answered Julies ?? without bring up Frankie's bs reveal about his sister.  The other factor that got me was the ass kissing Nichole got in her goodbye messages and as she walked out the door....with the jury starting the messages get so sweet...it's sickening!!

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Vic made my night when she answered Julies ?? without bring up Frankie's bs reveal about his sister.  The other factor that got me was the ass kissing Nichole got in her goodbye messages and as she walked out the door....with the jury starting the messages get so sweet...it's sickening!!

The individual endgame has definitely begun.

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still the only hg's i want to see evicted the most


i can deal with everyone else :animated_bouncy:

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Guest 6Borders

She's got it bad for Derrick.  Mrs. Derrick will need to keep an eye on her.

I don't think Mrs. Derrick is worried!!


I also think that this might be a stragedy that Victoria and her mom cooked up during their poolside sessions planning her every week in the house.  I can just imagine her mom telling her what kind of guy to hitch her wagon to in the house, and a married man, a little older and a semi-father figure to protect her would be about right.  (Remember Jason in BB3 saying his grandmother told him to align with an older black woman and he and Danielle Reyes rode that alliance, undetected. to the end even tho they were constsantly together).  Victoria obviously does know this game (back to BB1) which makes me question even more why she was recruited!


I'm getting really sick of listening to Victoria's "I just don't knowww" and "I mean it's like....I just don't knowwww".  Best senario is that she leaves and Hayden gets back into the house.

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She NEVER had ANY business on BB period. 


She is a genuine airhead.


Flat personality. 


Not a bitch... not funny.. NOTHING.


Glazed over. No game.


A lump. Not even a good number.


BB casting = idiots for picking her and that equally worthless Jocasta. 


Zach ate her alive and I LOVED it.

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Victoria's skin looks greasy and her hair looks nasty.  What a pair, victoria and christine.  Jeez.

All the females have greasy skin except Brittany. Most of them constantly pick at and wiped the side of their noses.  I never saw as many people as that who constantly touch their hair and face except for Jordan. Maybe there is something in the BB air.

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Sometimes I think that nobody could be that vapid and I believe her to be cunning but no, I believe victoria as obtuse as she appears.  Recruited?  WTH?

Agreed! I think I actually got a little dumber myself the few times I really tried to listen and figure out what she was whispering about.

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Guest 6Borders

What is really the true reason for casting Victoria?  To make this season more boring?

My guess is still the same as Day #1, that mommy or daddy know someone in production (one of the Jewish websites says she got on because Grodner is Jewish and thus recruited at Temple).   Victoria has not only talked about how she and her mom spent hours by the pool plotting her week-to-week stragedy in the house but she has been very worried about how her "recruiters" were going to feel about how she "played the game" (recruiters apparently get big bonus' if their recruit wins...CBS has hired BB HG's as recruits for Survivor and other of their shows..I believe it was Erika who said one of her recruits won Survivor).


Victoria is a little pain-in-the-butt princess diva but she is controllable (by Derrick and or/aka BB) so she is not likely to embarass anyone (CBS) with racial slurs, outragerous behavior or otherwise.  I bet she wins 50k (she needs it because {her sob story} her parents had to put everything  in her name cos they were bankrupt {tax dodge})

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