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9/18 TV Show Finale Night Thread


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1.Who will be the (a)most bitter jury member......(b)jury member to ask the toughest question....©hg's that will be grill the most by Julie or others?

2. Predict something one particular hg's will do on the finale show tonight .....

3. Who do you think/want to win BB15 vs which hg's and what will be the vote tally?


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1.Who will be the (a)most bitter jury member......(b)jury member to ask the toughest question....©hg's that will be grill the most by Julie or others?

A. Amanda will be most bitter.

B. Helen will ask the toughest question.

C. I'm afraid Aaryn will bear the wrath of Julie, but I hope she is equally tough with the rest of the potty mouths.

2. Predict something one particular hg's will do on the finale show tonight .....

Andy will cry and lie. Don't know which one he will do the most.

3. Who do you think/want to win BB15 vs which hg's and what will be the vote tally?

I hope Gina Marie will win, but Andy may win if he isn't too hung over to play the third part of the HOH.


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1.Who will be the (a)most bitter jury member....AMANDA.(b)jury member to ask the toughest question... Jessie. hg's that will be grill the most by Julie or others? ANDY

2. Predict something one particular hg's will do on the finale show tonight ..... 1) Aaryn will apologize for things she said in the house. 2) McCrae will be bitter toward Andy

3. Who do you think/want to win BB15 vs which hg's and what will be the vote tally? I think Andy will win but I would want Gina Marie to win.

Either way Spencer will get second place

I am a bad guesser at the vote tally. I just hope it is not a "vote with the jury" vote. I do tend to think the votes will be split no matter who is the F2.

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A.I think the most bitter jury member could be Helen she says she is over it but I don't know if she really is.

B.I think that either Helen or McCrea will ask the tougher questions

C.I think that Julie may make a statement about the whole season. I don't think she will grill one person more than another she alread had her moment with Aaryn. They all should be called out but it won't happen.

D.Andy will of course cry and cry some more

E.I prefer GM to win. If Spencer is in the finale 2 I think it will be a 9-0 vote for the other person. Candice has had issue with both GM and Spencer but I think she would vote for GM because she has said all along that she wants a girl to win.

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1.Who will be the

a. most bitter jury member...... Candice

b. jury member to ask the toughest question.... Amanda

c. hg's that will be grill the most by Julie or others? Aaryn

2. Predict something one particular hg's will do on the finale show tonight ..... Amanda will talk about her and McCrae's relationship

3. Who do you think/want to win BB15 vs which hg's and what will be the vote tally?

If Andy wins the final HOH, I think he'll pick Spencer to be in the F2 with him and then Andy will win by a vote of 6-3. ( I think this will happen)

If GinaMaire wins the final HOH, I think she'll take Spencer to the F2 with her and win by a vote of 5-4.

I don't care who wins, but feel it should be Andy, then GinaMarie, then Spencer

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1.Who will be the

(a)most bitter jury member......AMANDA

(b)jury member to ask the toughest question....HELEN

©hg's that will be grill the most by Julie or others? KAITLIN, GINA MARIE, ANDY (SHE MIGHT LEAVE AARYN ALONE SINCE SHE ALREADY GOT HER)

2. Predict something one particular hg's will do on the finale show tonight ..... AARYN WILL APOLOGIZE AGAIN, AMSE AS BEFORE, ANDY WILL CRY,

3. Who do you think/want to win BB15 vs which hg's and what will be the vote tally?



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1.Who will be the (a)most bitter jury member......whomever doesn't get picked to go to F2 at the end

(b)jury member to ask the toughest question....Helen

©hg's that will be grill the most by Julie or others?


2. Predict something one particular hg's will do on the finale show tonight .....

GM will run to Nick like they have been in love for years

3. Who do you think/want to win BB15 vs which hg's and what will be the vote tally?

I think GM wins if she is F2...if not then Andy


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here we go :animated_bouncy:

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spencer had no shot in either competition :animated_bouncy:

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Where is everyone? I thought more people would be here??!!

overall morty's has been pretty abandon in the show threads the majority of the season :animated_bouncy:

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i say gm wins this part 3 :animated_bouncy:

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well so much for gm winning this lol :animated_bouncy:

surprised they missed the judd one that was easy :animated_bouncy:

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Well I think he will pick Spencer

he should and will

andy winner of bb15 :animated_bouncy:

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