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I have watched this show for some time. I am finding it harder to stay with it. I FEEL THERE IS A SCRIPT BEING FOLLOWED!

Dan goes in a room a dreams up a mortuary scene? Gets the remaining people to believe it all? Come on! Thought it up in that short a time?

I applaude the writers that I believe do daily scripting. They made it "look" human interest at the start, unrehearsed, but this episode is the

give-a-way IMHO. Anyone else feel like this was a reality show until they were able to develop scripts for more action thrills and chills?

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All "reality" shows are heavily produced and scripted. The difference with Big Brother is that the audience gets to see a good deal of what goes on. Not everything (diary rooms are secret, and some other stuff is blocked). But we see enough that we get the impression that BB is faked. Well, it's no more faked than Survivor or Bachelor or Amazing Race or any other "reality" show.

Don't watch these shows expecting they're fair. They're not. Just watch them for entertainment purposes. When the producers take a turn that you don't like, just turn them off like you would any regular TV program you no longer like.

P.S. I usually watch at least half a BB season, but eventually don't like the way it evolves. I'm not sure if I'll be watching much more of this season, because I'm not a Dan fanboy nor do I like the way CBS put the coaches back into the game. Oh well, there's always next year.

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Scripted, most likely. Here is my analogy of BB14: The Wizard of Oz

Dorothy – home

Scarecrow – brain

Lion – courage

Tin Man – heart

Toto – just there

Wizard – controller

Glinda the Good Witch – good

The Wicked Witch of the West – greedy and wicked

Dan – Wizard: Controls his destiny and others while scheming for the gold at the end of the Yellow Brick Road. Using a bible to get you out of a pickle (greed) isn’t what it was intended for, shame on you.

Danielle – Dorothy: Girl, you need to go home and get your lies in order. Sweetie, you’re a hot mess and I cringe every time I see you open your mouth.

Britney – Heart: Didn’t like you during your season. This year you have heart, hope you make it to the end. But it doesn’t look like it if Shane doesn’t get a backbone.

Shane – Scarecrow: I guess brain and brawn doesn’t apply to you, too bad. Grow some balls. Keep Britney and put Dan and Frank in their places – out the door.

Frank – Wicked Witch of the East: Bad to the bone. You’re a bully behind your southern charm. You need to go to etiquette school and learn not to be such a pig. Nana needs to whop you aside the head and teach you better manners.

Ian – Glinda: Silly boy. Your intentions are good but hubris will bite you in the ass all the time. You’re my favorite to win but your remark to Boogie might have cost you your end game. Not back dooring Dan when you had the chance is your fatal mistake.

Jenn – Toto: Girlfriend, you needed to wake up long before now. This power move won’t last and unfortunately isn’t going to keep you in the game much longer.

Joe – Lion: You need to find your courage and make a stand with one side and stay there. Janelle ruined it for you. Running around the house trying to get the scoop has hurt you in more ways than you can fathom to guess. Sorry buddy, you’re not a threat and they all want to take you to end because of it.

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All "reality" shows are heavily produced and scripted. The difference with Big Brother is that the audience gets to see a good deal of what goes on. Not everything (diary rooms are secret, and some other stuff is blocked). But we see enough that we get the impression that BB is faked. Well, it's no more faked than Survivor or Bachelor or Amazing Race or any other "reality" show.

Don't watch these shows expecting they're fair. They're not. Just watch them for entertainment purposes. When the producers take a turn that you don't like, just turn them off like you would any regular TV program you no longer like.

P.S. I usually watch at least half a BB season, but eventually don't like the way it evolves. I'm not sure if I'll be watching much more of this season, because I'm not a Dan fanboy nor do I like the way CBS put the coaches back into the game. Oh well, there's always next year.

Well written. Honestly, I seldom follow a season of any reality show completely and only catch a few Big Brother episodes on television. It is pretty predictable and since I work, I just don't have that kind of time and what's the point, really, when you know what is going to happen?. I like the forums best. They are good entertainment to me. I love that some people get so involved. That fascinates me.

I like Amazing Race because I work in the travel industry and have been to lots of the bizarre places they visit. It's a well-done show. Classier than BB or Survivor, IMO.

For sure, I think that BB, in particular, has a hand in directing the show and the people. Contemporary Big Brother is a shadow of the original premise.

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But remember on TAR and Survivor you see only what the producers want you to see. I would love live feeds on Survivor, hear the crap they really say about each other!! If there were no live feeds it would make the show just like the rest, but with the LFUs I don't mind missing a Sun or Wed show, because I already know what is going to happen.

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Interesting replies so far.

On BB 14 I was hoping Boogie would get booted.

A good "player" but he was too cocky.I

am not 100% sure that any of them are not capable of some good acting.

Most are a bit fame hungry when they start.

Most any trademan would take on BB or Survivor for a career change.

My goodness, they had a Pro football manager on Survivor! hehe {like he needed the money...great script IMHO}

Funny, many lie about where they came from too! lol

I will not stop watching any of these even BB, but I think I will now have fun

trying to predict the scripting possibilities.

Maybe Dan is cheating on is wife with Danielle! lol

Ian could be a Jr. CEO trying to find gaps in the show! ah la "Undercover Boss Style".

Or just maybe the bosses son.

ZingBot could be another brother of the infamous Russell Hantz!!!!!!

He I liked!

Mean and ruthless. {another millionaire that did not need the money}

Then his brother gets kicked off BB 14?

Oh and this is really possible for a good script......... Dan and Ian are really brothers.

Could be "return" players get paid! due to their character being desirable to the writers.

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But remember on TAR and Survivor you see only what the producers want you to see. I would love live feeds on Survivor, hear the crap they really say about each other!! If there were no live feeds it would make the show just like the rest, but with the LFUs I don't mind missing a Sun or Wed show, because I already know what is going to happen.

Yes, Survivor is a joke. Way too predictable, and it's obvious it's heavily produced. Every show it's predictable that the player they set up the audience to believe is going home, is NOT the one going home. Survivor is well past its peak. I don't know how it's still on the air. Same thing every season. One team makes a big alliance, picks off everyone not in their alliance, then picks off everyone on the other team after the merge. So predictable, so boring. Oh yeah, and when it gets near the end, the females all form a "female alliance", and the guys are too dumb EVERY SINGLE TIME to understand they've been outsmarted. You'd think after 20 seasons, at least one guy in America would have a clue!

At least BB has the HoH which means that even a small alliance has a chance of taking down a bigger alliance. Of course, the HoH comps are rigged in favor of who the producers want to win, but there's still a chance it might not go their way.

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Produced like other reality TV shows? Yes.

Scripted? No.

Good actors aren't a dime a dozen and getting that many unknowns that could not only perform the script that well and have no one ever leak anything in all these years, highly unlikely.

With 500K involved if it wasn't a legitimate contest I'm pretty sure they would be in a whole lot of trouble.

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I'm thinking that they have to be careful and I agree that had production gone too far, leaks would have occurred. They've grown clever enough to recognize parameters in 14 seasons, however, so I think they probably have a heavy hand. I agree that all the shows probably do. Hard copy scripting? Probably not.

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At the beginning of the season I think the coaches were in the DR alot. Production getting them to make sure the Noms and POV took along time to decide. It made drama with the houseguest which is good for the viewers. Week 1 should have been an easy week but wasn't with all the drama.

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I have watched this show for some time. I am finding it harder to stay with it. I FEEL THERE IS A SCRIPT BEING FOLLOWED!

Dan goes in a room a dreams up a mortuary scene? Gets the remaining people to believe it all? Come on! Thought it up in that short a time?

I applaude the writers that I believe do daily scripting. They made it "look" human interest at the start, unrehearsed, but this episode is the

give-a-way IMHO. Anyone else feel like this was a reality show until they were able to develop scripts for more action thrills and chills?

People go way too far with the reality show conspiracy theories! The fact that people think that actors have memorized a 24/7, three month script is insane! Not only is that wildly unrealistic but a secret that enormous could not stay hidden considering how many people work on these reality shows. Producers do plenty of things to favor the players that are the best for the ratings including special powers, twists, and tailoring competitions. Hell, they threw an extra veto in this week to give Dan double the opportunity to save himself even though he ended up failing to win both. He ended up saving himself anyways because he had 24 hours to run scenarios through that strategic brain of his and come up with a hail mary plan. 24 hours is a LONG time to think about strategy and if you give such a great player that long to come up with a game plan, it's gonna be a good one. The only thing that comes close to scripts in this show is when they are hosting competitions and when the DR encourages them to embellish on the things they say for more interesting DR sessions.

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I agree that no one could memorized a 24/7 script, but that's what the DR is for. We don't even get to see the real workings of the DR and we know things are being said in there to let certain people know what is going on. I watch BB from here in the US and I watch the UK and AU ones too. The US version has by far the most corrupt DR's of any version. I've said it many times, the HG know the DR people on a personal level which isn't right, and they always get called in to redo interviews until production has it the way they want. There's no reason they can't get the HG thoughts and opinions on comps in one take. The most corrupt thing is we never get to hear BB asking questions in the DR. Every other version of BB makes the HG address the person in the DR as BB. Not Dave or Shelly or any other name they know on a personal level. I bet if we got to hear how many times it takes for BB to get the HG to say things just the right way, it would be a shock. I'd love to know how many times they ask for them to do it again, or can you say this in a certain way. The DR's will never be legit until we get to hear BB ask the question and then hear the HG reply all without an edit in between. You can't tell me the show it that hard to run. The UK does way more live shows, and they do daily recorded shows from the previous day's events. The US BB is so scripted and worried about how things will run on live TV, they do practice runs on Thursdays when they lock the HG in the HOH room. The UK live shows don't need dry runs to make sure things will go off a certain way for the live show. If they can do all the daily shows for 70+ days, it can be done here.

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I just started watching this show this season because a friend of mine recommended it. I am surprised that I still find it entertaining even after I realized it is fixed. It is just more like a drama now than a reality show. And, I have to respect the producers/creators as at least they are up front about it (they did not have to name it Big Brother referencing the Orwell novel and cluing us in that the people are being controlled). And. I am not just saying that because they are likely reading daily analytic reports with all of our chat room comments and discussion forum posts.

I would not be surprised if one of the producers started this thread. Of course they also log into the forums. Wouldn't you?

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Followup comment .........

I started this thread and I assure you, I am NOT associated with CBS.

Just a guy that likes a good TV show every now and then.

I share my observations and frankly am surprised at the replies here.

I have learned a few things and maybe can adjust my thinking accordingly.

I am a good listener.

I am sorry to see Britney get booted, but it was likely to be.

She sure got better commentary from the "in case you got evicted" category.

Boogie had to humble himself to Ian, and as nice a gesture that was, it had to be hard to do.


IF I was scripting it, I would have Ian win. Great dark horse winner.

Also; Maybe he could buy some new clothes for himself and give a few bucks to our "pink man" too lol

Again, I appreciate all the replies an am enjoying this thread quite a bit.

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BTW, could someone please post the information on what agencies to contact for casting? Thanks!

To be on BB you just need to hang out in L.A. nightclubs, or work at Hooters. The greater portion of the HG have been found this way. Applying for the show is just a formality that they do to claim it's done that way.

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BB and other reality shows are more like watching a Magic trick; the audience does not get to see everything, so what they see look very real. When magician makes a 747 disappear, we know it really didn't, we just don't know how trick was done. With reality show is actually much hard to detected because everything looks and feels real. In BB (and other reality shows), there is a long list of rules the players must follow, but the audience does not even know those rules exist. Example, House guests are allowed to lie about themselves and what players have said\done in the game, but they are limited to what they can lie about. Player 'A' can't say "You know what player 'B' told me last night, he told me he beats his wife and kids when they talk back to him. He really beats the crap of them too, his youngest daughter was in the hospital for a week at the age of 3". Basically can't accuse another player doing\saying things that having nothing to do with the game. Another thing they can't do is agree the share the winnings, in effort to win or get votes. There are lot more, but you get the idea.

There is siginficant amount if limatations of how they can play BB, even though to the audience it appears that house guests are free to do and say anything they want aside from physical violence.

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Example, House guests are allowed to lie about themselves and what players have said\done in the game, but they are limited to what they can lie about. Player 'A' can't say "You know what player 'B' told me last night, he told me he beats his wife and kids when they talk back to him. He really beats the crap of them too, his youngest daughter was in the hospital for a week at the age of 3". Basically can't accuse another player doing\saying things that having nothing to do with the game.

Might this be because of possible legal issues (slander)?

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Might this be because of possible legal issues (slander)?

There maybe legal issues, but even it were legal, the producers wouldn't allow it. If unrestricted lying were allowed, the game would get extremely mean and ruthless, probably to the point House guests would walk out rather than tolerate being falsely accused of being a pedophile, stealing from their employer, torturing animals, having strange sexual fettishs, etc, etc.

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It's not as scripted as all those other "reality" shows. Where they literally sound like actors in a high school play, where everything they're saying is something that was obviously written for them to say. Like one hillbilly and/or pawnshop owner and/or cake store owner is standing around, and another randomly wanders over and they have some scripted arguments/ballbreaking, then the conversation changes to setup for whatever they're actually being filmed doing. So fake I can't believe people watch that crap.

Deadliest Catch was a real reality show.

Big Brother just lays it on thick in the diary rooms. Those people go in, say what they're feeling, then the producer makes them say it again but "funnier." And probably keep them in there until they play ball. Say something that Grodner The Hutt will consider amusing, then they get to back out and play pool. Grodner is truly a disturbed lady. I've seen interviews with her, and something isn't right with her. The show steadily got cornier and cornier after Shaprio stepped back and she was the sole driving force.

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It doesn't matter. BB wants Ian, Dan, and Frank to stay in the game. They'll arrange a PoV for any of them that is in trouble. The only issue is if it's a choice between Dan or Frank going home this week. If it comes to that, BB will arrange Dan to stay, because he's their golden boy.

And here we have Dan win PoV. What a surprise... NOT.

This is just getting ridiculous. I'm okay with BB manipulating the game a bit, but it's not even realistic any longer. It's clear BB wants Dan to stay in the game, and will do anything to make sure that happens.

Goodbye for this year, BB. I'll tune in next summer to watch another half season, until the blatent manipulation gets too much to handle.

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