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Jordan - Week 8/DE Part 2 Nominee & Co-PoV winner


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And that would mean that Jeff the #1 target would still be at the end? He never thought he would be. It made no sense for her to flip. Anyway how is that working for her? :animated_rotfl:

Well there are no more couples so now everyone has a fair shot at becoming HOH instead of J/J having 2 chances. She may get evicted this week but that doesn't mean keeping J/J till they screwed her over was the best move. J/J had to know that they were next since they were the last couple and biggest threat in the house. Had they worked with Dani last week they would still be safe instead of 2 of the 3 evicted.

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Crappy_Cappy quote: "Had they worked with Dani last week they would still be safe instead of 2 of the 3 evicted."

hmmm.... CIRCLES .... and if Dani's campaign to try and bust up the Veterans Alliance with wanting to Evict Jeff WEEKS ago... maybe they'd both still be there :animated_scratchchin:

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you must be look at this thru some other glasses then the rest of us, this is not a false friendship and when Rachel was acting crazy and part of the J's alliance wouldnt anyone be exasperated with havig to babysit Rachels evey move as not to have her go off and say the wrong thing to the wrong person??? Me thinks you just want to come here to try and rebut the jeff and Jordan fans, who a lot of us are and have been Rachel fans as well, just sayin

I thought I was coming here to post my opinion on Jordan but who am I to know what I think? It's a false friendship.

"it does not surprise me that you attack my post as a way to get to me, which by the way is not allowed here, to point me out to be laughed at etc, you may get reported ruby you should be careful about how you call ppl out it is called baiting.

I guess I am a softie to treatment of innocent parties, Shelly is anything but innocent, she could be the worst all time houseguest I have ever come accross, I bash where bashing is due and shelly deserves every bit of it and I cannot wait for her to leave and for Jeff to see her walk in the jury house and not rachel and Jordan"

I also feel that I am bashing where bashing is due. I'm not in a position to say if they deserve it or not since I can only base my opinion on their behaviour in this house. Some of your above comments can also be said of your posts. At no time have I rebutted anyone's opinion on a HG. I have only posted my own opinion.

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It's simple math really. Shelly figured out that in order to make it to the final 2 she would have to beat both of them because they weren't picking her over each other while picking the other side she doesn't have to win the final HOH to stay because everyone on that side is playing for themselves.

Exactly. Against J/J, a team that is joined at the hip, Shelly's only chance to make final 2 would be to win HOH at final 3. Being in final 3 with all the other players would have given Shelly a shot. J had to go because this was probably her last and only chance to breakup the team.

The only thing she should have changed was...when she got busted, she should have just owned it.

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I thought I was coming here to post my opinion on Jordan but who am I to know what I think? It's a false friendship.

"it does not surprise me that you attack my post as a way to get to me, which by the way is not allowed here, to point me out to be laughed at etc, you may get reported ruby you should be careful about how you call ppl out it is called baiting.

I guess I am a softie to treatment of innocent parties, Shelly is anything but innocent, she could be the worst all time houseguest I have ever come accross, I bash where bashing is due and shelly deserves every bit of it and I cannot wait for her to leave and for Jeff to see her walk in the jury house and not rachel and Jordan"

I also feel that I am bashing where bashing is due. I'm not in a position to say if they deserve it or not since I can only base my opinion on their behaviour in this house. Some of your above comments can also be said of your posts. At no time have I rebutted anyone's opinion on a HG. I have only posted my own opinion.

not attacking your post but am stating what I think to be true, that ppl who do not like the jeff and Jordan and Rachel fans just come on here to post their opinions to get a big ol rise out of us, I could care less really, I think it is funny and it happens every yr, so no different this year, just different houseguests, but same scenerio, and as far as ruby is concerned, I am not reporting her, but she is walking a fine line in posting and baiting, which is not allowed here, and again I will say your glasses you are looking through are different than mine, we just have to agree to dissagree, you rebutt every time there is an opinion that does not agree with yours, and you state it as your opinion which is fine, but its like a broken record we get that you hate the J's and rachel and will be really upset if they get to the end, and I reeally get the feeling that you think all of us that like who we like are off our rockers, thats ok too, agree to dissgree, no right or wrong here, just opinions, what is sooo hard about that

and by the way opinion or not , are you in Joran and Rachels head to know EXACTLY whether it is a false friendship?? and if it is and it helps them to get where they need to go, so be it, why should you care, it's just that you state these things like you know it to be true and noe of us know anything to be for sure in that house or in the game at this point, just sayin

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Exactly. Against J/J, a team that is joined at the hip, Shelly's only chance to make final 2 would be to win HOH at final 3. Being in final 3 with all the other players would have given Shelly a shot. J had to go because this was probably her last and only chance to breakup the team.

The only thing she should have changed was...when she got busted, she should have just owned it.

Shelly has made a lot of moves that were pointless. It could have gone down much easier and Shelly could have been viewed differently by the majority. She did it to herself, foolishly; imo. I am still unclear as to her motives and honestly, still don't understand why she didn't transition from one alliance to another without all the angst. I don't like her but I'm not taking that into consideration at this point. Shelly is just too all over the place. I just do not get it. Not that it matters whether people here like her or not but yet and still why make enemies if you don't have to?

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Shelly has made a lot of moves that were pointless. It could have gone down much easier and Shelly could have been viewed differently by the majority. She did it to herself, foolishly; imo. I am still unclear as to her motives and honestly, still don't understand why she didn't transition from one alliance to another without all the angst. I don't like her but I'm not taking that into consideration at this point. Shelly is just too all over the place. I just do not get it. Not that it matters whether people here like her or not but yet and still why make enemies if you don't have to?

I know right?? there has been losts of lies and stuff that shelly has done that was pointless, ridiculous and uncalled for, that she did not need to do to further herself, in fact everything she has done has been over the top and really kind of manic, and then when she got jealouse of Jordan and Rachel well we see the results of that, she could have transistioned thru to the other side a lot diffferently and more smooth had she just told the truth when Jordan gave her 2 differnet times to break away, I do not get her logic, well there is no logic to it at all, in my eyes she is a mess, should never have left her little girl to come on this kind of show, I mean it's not "Dancing with the stars" for Gods sake,lol ya know??

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Shelly has made a lot of moves that were pointless. It could have gone down much easier and Shelly could have been viewed differently by the majority. She did it to herself, foolishly; imo. I am still unclear as to her motives and honestly, still don't understand why she didn't transition from one alliance to another without all the angst. I don't like her but I'm not taking that into consideration at this point. Shelly is just too all over the place. I just do not get it. Not that it matters whether people here like her or not but yet and still why make enemies if you don't have to?

I think in the beginning, Shelly's intention was to stay with the alliance all the way. But at some point she realized, if she didn't do something, there was no way for her to win the money. I think initially, she felt that if she kept Dani, Dani could take out Jeff because there was no way she could. If the blow up would not have happened, she would have voted along with everbody else to evict Dani. Once they had the blowup, I think she knew she was doomed on the J/J side and then the DE gave her the chance to switch sides and have a chance. There was really no way for her to have much of a chance without pissing folks off at that point. Did she do most of it wrong...yep. She has some skills in BB but she doesn't know how to really use the skills. She does not know how to plant a seed and let it grow for a while. She constantly trys to "make" things grow, to the point that she overstresses herself. I don't know how she got away with things so long.

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I think in the beginning, Shelly's intention was to stay with the alliance all the way. But at some point she realized, if she didn't do something, there was no way for her to win the money. I think initially, she felt that if she kept Dani, Dani could take out Jeff because there was no way she could. If the blow up would not have happened, she would have voted along with everbody else to evict Dani. Once they had the blowup, I think she knew she was doomed on the J/J side and then the DE gave her the chance to switch sides and have a chance. There was really no way for her to have much of a chance without pissing folks off at that point. Did she do most of it wrong...yep. She has some skills in BB but she doesn't know how to really use the skills. She does not know how to plant a seed and let it grow for a while. She constantly trys to "make" things grow, to the point that she overstresses herself. I don't know how she got away with things so long.

Your theory makes some sense. She even convinces people here that it would be best to keep her now; over Adam. LOL. Love her or hate her you have to admire her outrageous tenacity.

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Your theory makes some sense. She even convinces people here that it would be best to keep her now; over Adam. LOL. Love her or hate her you have to admire her outrageous tenacity.

:bangin: You never learn Slim :lol:

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Your theory makes some sense. She even convinces people here that it would be best to keep her now; over Adam. LOL. Love her or hate her you have to admire her outrageous tenacity.

If she convinces them to keep her this week, I would have a lot more respect for her game than I have now. She should be a goner. She would not have any chance if she wasn't sitting beside the biggest jellyfish ever.

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she never spyed for the J's she only used that as a ruse, she was all over the house back and forth telling soooo many lies she could not tremember what she had told which is what got her into trouble in the end when she tried to put it all on Adam during the argument between jeff and her and she dragged adam in saying it was all him, that is why she is a nut job, she tried to play all ends and was miserable at it, she is no gamer,she is manic and a mico manager at trying to be every where in every conversation, she is cray cray, and has had a cpl mini breakdowns and woulda prolly been headed for the big one if the twist had not gotten her out of there, godner prolly sees her as a liability, so see ya shelly,by by now

oh and I forgot, the housemother??? wh needs a housemother in the BB house, she said she wasn't gonna be that or clean in there and that is all she has done,and that big move she made did not put her in any better position, she was still botton of the rope with Adam, last in line to get further no matter what side she was on, she had done nothing to further herself up to that point, in fact she was hindering her game, everyone was onto her but Jordan, AND she said from the beginning she did not want to win, she was jsut there to further the younger ones along, how many times then can you change your story, and until she went into that dr and came out pro Dani,that was her story, that she was just there as a social experment, not there to win, etc, yes shelly is a nut job

If Shelly manages to spin her way out of this one, I'll be shocked and impressed. That's on a par with Dr Will manipulations.

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If Shelly manages to spin her way out of this one, I'll be shocked and impressed. That's on a par with Dr Will manipulations.

well it wont matter because she wont get to f2, so not even close to dr will, plus he was having fun and telling ppl to their face that he was lying and was going to lie and then did it, there is a big difference in that then in what shelly has been doing, she is not even close to being able to pull off a dr will, she doesn't have the fun personality for it, she comes off arrogant and a know it all, however, it is funny to me for as well traveled as she is she knows nothing about food,lol

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So far the little conversations Jordan and Rachel have had in passing about Shelly or Adam the southern belle Jordan is not going for keeping Shelly.

Looking on the feeds Shelly is laying out on the lawn chairs with Kalia and Porsche. :inquisitive: You would think if she is trying to win over Jordan and Rachel she would not be huddled up with Kalia and Porsche.


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So far the little conversations Jordan and Rachel have had in passing about Shelly or Adam the southern belle Jordan is not going for keeping Shelly.

Looking on the feeds Shelly is laying out on the lawn chairs with Kalia and Porsche. :inquisitive: You would think if she is trying to win over Jordan and Rachel she would not be huddled up with Kalia and Porsche.


Maybe she forgot which side she was on this time.

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How much more stuff is Grodner going to hand her, since it's evident she can't do anything on her own? If Rachel isn't as dumb as she acts, she'll drop Jordan like an old shoe and move on to someone she can beat in finals. Aren't they all tired of carrying Jordan?

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How much more stuff is Grodner going to hand her, since it's evident she can't do anything on her own? If Rachel isn't as dumb as she acts, she'll drop Jordan like an old shoe and move on to someone she can beat in finals. Aren't they all tired of carrying Jordan?

Now, now. :flags_unitedstates:

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How much more stuff is Grodner going to hand her, since it's evident she can't do anything on her own? If Rachel isn't as dumb as she acts, she'll drop Jordan like an old shoe and move on to someone she can beat in finals. Aren't they all tired of carrying Jordan?

It is in the script. lol

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They should all be giving Kalia the cold shoulder after admitting how she abuses animals, not playing exercise games with her.

They should all be giving that Cow a body slam into a wall. That's right, I said what probably most every one wants to say. :evil:

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