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Is BB fixed/manipulated?


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I love when ppl call "foul" whenever the game doesn't THEIR way :animated_rotfl:

Sorry, some of us arent lucky enough to have Grodhag on speed dial to intervene :animated_rotfl: "HAI!! Here's another 500K for being a complete naive tool when it comes to the game but hey, youre sweet!! Can we be friends now?"


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That's what I am learning now


So very true! I keep watching though because grodner has produced one good season with limited rigging and that was season 10. Yes there was AP that one week but that was not as rigged as season 11 and this season. except for that one week that season was really good. And even in that week Jessie didnt have to go. AP might have not meant anything if Keesha and Libra had not went against April that all happened naturally.

But yeah I know it is rigged but I can stop watching cause I need help. Is there Rehab for BB? But I can still bitch :animated_rotfl:

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Okay, I change my mind on this one. Not only did Porsche open Pandora's Box, ALL the house guest had the option to play for the POV with someone else, so one of the house guests should have saddled themself on Rachel's coat tail. She was due a win and she pulled it off. I blame the other 5 for not stepping up to the plate to divide the nominees. Silly hamsters.

Come on now really? You think if Adam had asked Rachel to be his partner she would have said yes? :animated_rotfl:

And how were they to know the POV was going to be a repeat of the first HOH?

Double HECK NO here! :animated_bouncy:

Well then you dont like Big Brother as a GAME.

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Sorry to start a new topic similar to one already going, but this is ridiculous. They got it to just two vets left in the game, so they change the rules for the veto? Yes, Porsche didn't have to open the box, but everybody does, and they knew she would. Then as I understand it, they have a veto that was similar to a comp that Rachel had already won? If you think this is a coincidence you need to pull your head out of the sand. It was over with, it was done one of Rachel/Jordan was going to lose and the other one was going to be gone as soon as they failed to win a comp. You combine that with Brendon getting to come back in the house even though every online poll showed him no higher than 3rd. Also knowing that whoever was evicted could come back in the house was part of the reason Lawon stupidly volunteeered(sp) to be evicted. In short the newbies/Dani have won 5 of the last 6 HOH's, all 5 times one of the 4 of Brendon/Rachel/Jeff/Jordan has been targeted and yet 2 of them are still going to be there. I've watched this show since 2000 (BB1) and I never bought into the business that the producers try to alter the outcome. This isn't even a game anymore.

Sounds like sour milk from a fan of the skank 4. too bad, so sad. If you haven't heard, there are rules and laws about fixing games, especially where money is concerned. Have you not heard of the 64 thousand dollar question debacle? They have had the fortune teller and pandora's box. Every player has come to expect it, but to put it into the game at the same time each season would not make sense. If they had put it out right near the beginning where one of the vets had gotten it, would you still consider it fixed? Remember, there are governing laws and rules, so CBS would be looking at major fines etc if they "fixed" any part of the game.

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Sounds like sour milk from a fan of the skank 4. too bad, so sad. If you haven't heard, there are rules and laws about fixing games, especially where money is concerned. Have you not heard of the 64 thousand dollar question debacle? They have had the fortune teller and pandora's box. Every player has come to expect it, but to put it into the game at the same time each season would not make sense. If they had put it out right near the beginning where one of the vets had gotten it, would you still consider it fixed? Remember, there are governing laws and rules, so CBS would be looking at major fines etc if they "fixed" any part of the game.

Obviously you havent heard that BB does not fall under a game show like the $64,000 question or other game shows. This show is rigged and it is legal. So you can admit it is legal. Just like I can admit I know it is rigged and still cant quit the show :animated_shocking:

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I'm usually on the fence about rigging, but definitely agree this was a last minute decision to help Jordan/Rachel only b/c this is the only twist that I can remember that AG hasn't built up for weeks in advance.. Julie didn't even mention it on Thursday's show which leads me to believe it was not previously planned... however I'm happy with it because Thursday was just flat out depressing and I needed the pick me up. I also don't feel so bad b/c everyone else on the show excluding Kalia has gotten help to get to their spot too with the stupid golden key thing..

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All Porsche had to do was not open the box. It's not cheating if production throws something out there and one of the houseguests bites. Last week people were saying it was cheating because Shelly came back out of the DR with a change of heart. I'm just confused as to who exactly the producers want to win since they're cheating against everyone according to different posters. They will keep throwing twists at the remaining posters until the end of the game. It doesn't mean they're cheating.

I am willing to bet that even if Corvette,,,errr Porsche had not accepted that there would still be this latest twist. These reality shows are always being manipulated. It sure is not fair to those that end up being evicted because of a twist invented by production. They are being taken out of the competition for funds. What a joke. Reality shows are demanding that there be a Hollywood Walk of Fame for them!! What a joke again!! The people in charge have said it will never happen - as long as they are there. Not cheering for anyone in BB 13 - don't know who to cheer for! Production has take away my interest and am told that many friends are of the same opinion. How can you cheer for anyone in a fixed race? Boo!!!

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No just one of them--but thanks!!! :animated_rotfl:

u make no sense :golden:

Sorry, some of us arent lucky enough to have Grodhag on speed dial to intervene :animated_rotfl: "HAI!! Here's another 500K for being a complete naive tool when it comes to the game but hey, youre sweet!! Can we be friends now?"


:hurray: It is so sad that BB has turned into a soap opera

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Well sure production threw it out there as a possible way to help J/R, but ultimately PorcHo is the one who opened it, right? So it wasn't completely BB control..........manipulation maybe but not control.

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u make no sense :golden:

:hurray: It is so sad that BB has turned into a soap opera

Hee hee I "make no sense" that you addressed "people" and I answered! LOL No one has ever said I wasn't a person before! It's a first! :animated_bouncy:

I hope I'm a cat!--no a giraffe--giraffes are SO pretty! :animated_bouncy:

Soap operas are so cool! thanks my BFF Allison!

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Hee hee I "make no sense" that you addressed "people" and I answered! LOL No one has ever said I wasn't a person before! It's a first! animated_bouncy.gif

I hope I'm a cat!--no a giraffe--giraffes are SO pretty! animated_bouncy.gif

Soap operas are so cool! thanks my BFF Allison!

Maybe giraffes have their heads in the clouds!! cheeseburger.gif

Makes as much sesnse as the above... sherlockani.gif

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Hee hee I "make no sense" that you addressed "people" and I answered! LOL No one has ever said I wasn't a person before! It's a first! :animated_bouncy:

I hope I'm a cat!--no a giraffe--giraffes are SO pretty! :animated_bouncy:

Soap operas are so cool! thanks my BFF Allison!

So everytime someone says people you take it as you?

Okay people eat their own poop.

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