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Is BB fixed/manipulated?


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They can do a lot to help the game in the direction that helps ratings, but it isn't always going to work. I guess that is where we have influence. What the viewers are saying online influences the construction of the game.

Dani warned Porsche to resist the temptation of Pandora's Box. That's where human nature comes in ...

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Sorry to start a new topic similar to one already going, but this is ridiculous. They got it to just two vets left in the game, so they change the rules for the veto? Yes, Porsche didn't have to open the box, but everybody does, and they knew she would. Then as I understand it, they have a veto that was similar to a comp that Rachel had already won? If you think this is a coincidence you need to pull your head out of the sand. It was over with, it was done one of Rachel/Jordan was going to lose and the other one was going to be gone as soon as they failed to win a comp. You combine that with Brendon getting to come back in the house even though every online poll showed him no higher than 3rd. Also knowing that whoever was evicted could come back in the house was part of the reason Lawon stupidly volunteeered(sp) to be evicted. In short the newbies/Dani have won 5 of the last 6 HOH's, all 5 times one of the 4 of Brendon/Rachel/Jeff/Jordan has been targeted and yet 2 of them are still going to be there. I've watched this show since 2000 (BB1) and I never bought into the business that the producers try to alter the outcome. This isn't even a game anymore.

I was also just contemplating this subject. I think it would have been more appropriate to use this DOUBLE business 2-3 ago HOHs. For example, instead of Brendon coming into the game as the twist, the DOUBLE POV. The bring a player back would have been better as the later move on the part of production. With 6 players left and an HOH winner, this is a controlling move (in my opinion) on the part of the staff.

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I love when ppl call "foul" whenever the game doesn't THEIR way :animated_rotfl:

Don't get me wrong, 2 seasons ago I was rooting for J/J as much as everyone. I just hate when they bring people back! It sucked when Jessie kept returning, and it sucked this year as well. Remember even the vets were crappy newbies once before!! Who knows what could have come out of this season if there were no vets.

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It is a huge psychological experiment. Brings out the Capital Vices in people....wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony and we all watch with bated breath at the outcome.

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Pandora's Box was a twist. Porches had the option of opening it or not. Porches opened it. We all know what happened.

Right, that pesky little detail keeps coming up (LOL) but I still think the timing of someone coming back via PB would have been better suited, but you are right, no one to blame but greedy Porsche. outfitted_pirate.gif

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OK, I get what you are saying and I can honestly say at this point that I really don't care who wins. It is just fun to watch and then read all the posts that come afterwards (in fact, I like reading the posts MORE than watching the show - and I do mean SHOW).

Having said this I would like to make a couple of observations:

1. If you are a newbie and you have the last two vets by the throat then why would you accept the deal that you see in the PB? You have to know that production is up to something. Seldom (if ever) there has been a PB that does not have a negative to go along with the reward so why tempt fate. I don't remember the exact words of Kalia (and I can't believe I am trying to quote her) but even she knew that it was not only a bad deal for them but possibly the thing that will cost them the game.

2. You can see that the most you can come away with is $10,000 so why would you risk $500,000? Some have said it is greed but $10,000 vs $500,000? That does not say much for your confidence in yourself to move any further considering you will be in the final 5 at the very least.

3. I get that it is all about ratings and after Shelly's attempt at finally making a move backfired, I am sure the ratings are through the roof.

4. There will be another twist coming (there always is at this point) so will everyone think production is still manipulating the show? Of course, but I am seeing that the responses are in direct relation with who you want to win. I see the same thing every year during the NBA playoffs. The guys at work ALWAYS believe the refs are pulling for a certain team (usually the other team).


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OK, I get what you are saying and I can honestly say at this point that I really don't care who wins. It is just fun to watch and then read all the posts that come afterwards (in fact, I like reading the posts MORE than watching the show - and I do mean SHOW).

Having said this I would like to make a couple of observations:

1. If you are a newbie and you have the last two vets by the throat then why would you accept the deal that you see in the PB? You have to know that production is up to something. Seldom (if ever) there has been a PB that does not have a negative to go along with the reward so why tempt fate. I don't remember the exact words of Kalia (and I can't believe I am trying to quote her) but even she knew that it was not only a bad deal for them but possibly the thing that will cost them the game.

2. You can see that the most you can come away with is $10,000 so why would you risk $500,000? Some have said it is greed but $10,000 vs $500,000? That does not say much for your confidence in yourself to move any further considering you will be in the final 5 at the very least.

3. I get that it is all about ratings and after Shelly's attempt at finally making a move backfired, I am sure the ratings are through the roof.

4. There will be another twist coming (there always is at this point) so will everyone think production is still manipulating the show? Of course, but I am seeing that the responses are in direct relation with who you want to win. I see the same thing every year during the NBA playoffs. The guys at work ALWAYS believe the refs are pulling for a certain team (usually the other team).


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Okay, I change my mind on this one. Not only did Porsche open Pandora's Box, ALL the house guest had the option to play for the POV with someone else, so one of the house guests should have saddled themself on Rachel's coat tail. She was due a win and she pulled it off. I blame the other 5 for not stepping up to the plate to divide the nominees. Silly hamsters.

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yeah the fortune teller still hasn't played a part this season. The do not touch sign is gone and Shelly spent an entire day trying to get it to talk. In fact Shelly was in the DR and when she came out she immediately went to the Purple Room and began messing with the fortune teller. Accident or was she given a hint in the DR??

Dani had friends in the DR - she slipped and told Porsche she had wine in the DR on her birthday while a have not. is that okay?

Jeff said he spent 2 hrs in DR while they tried to talk him OUT of backdooring Dani. Manipulation?

We have heard DR slips every season. We KNOW production tries to flip the house - their jobs depend on this and it is the basis of Big Brother.


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well of course some people love it...their player is safe...doesn't make it less cheap IMO

and again I love Jordan


All Porsche had to do was not open the box. It's not cheating if production throws something out there and one of the houseguests bites. Last week people were saying it was cheating because Shelly came back out of the DR with a change of heart. I'm just confused as to who exactly the producers want to win since they're cheating against everyone according to different posters. They will keep throwing twists at the remaining posters until the end of the game. It doesn't mean they're cheating.

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