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Amercia's Choice Discussion


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Guest MikeNchrissY

I'm voting and voting and voting and voting and voting and voting and voting and voting and voting and voting and voting and voting and voting............ for Kaysar to come back in the house!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA to EVERYONE in the house even those not in the "FRIENDSHIP of FOLLOWERS" I can't wait to see their jaws drop as Kaysar comes back in by a vote of 99.9999%... WHY ON EARTH would they think we want Michael back??? or Eric the dictator and all his "meetings" about everything.......

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Guest DraftKing

Here's something I noticed about the voting, at least with Internet Explorer.

When you vote, you can go back, either with the back button or with Alt-Left Arrow (both do the same thing). It will have the "Submit My Vote" button already highlighted, so all you have to do is hit Enter.

***BUT***, if you do that, your entry goes through with X=0 and Y=0 in the little code at the bottom (assuming it means some geometric plot lines relative to the mouse). If you click on the button with your mouse, you normally don't encounter that. (Just now I got an X=115, Y=38)

That might be in there to block any programs from running an Alt-Left Arrow, Enter (repeat indefinitely). So if you're voting multiple times, that's something to keep in mind.

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The BB6 bloggers noted that sometimes an audience will choose the worst person just to screw things up. I hope people respect Kaysar enough to give him another chance instead of Eric.

sorry no respect for Kaysar, don't really disrespect him but he has done nothing to earn my respect..mainly because i don't know who the dude is


Will multible votes be counted I am not sure if this was posted before.. I am thinking they will be but an intersting read


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Guest Shockalot
The BB6 bloggers noted that sometimes an audience will choose the worst person just to screw things up. I hope people respect Kaysar enough to give him another chance instead of Eric.

sorry no respect for Kaysar, don't really disrespect him but he has done nothing to earn my respect..mainly because i don't know who the dude is


Will multible votes be counted I am not sure if this was posted before.. I am thinking they will be but an intersting read


Good Find Neb!!

Here is the article in case others cant follow that link.

(This is very important since many here are spending days clicking)

Multiple votes not permitted for America's Choice; Marcellas says multiple votes are okay

Multiple votes for the Big Brother 6 America

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Guest simpleecstasy03

I hope Kaysar gets voted in. If you could only see what's going on? I have the 24/7 live feed and I tell you that they all think that Eric is a shoe in but let's vote Kaysar back in to keep shaking things up!!!!

BTW, April is such an annoying person!!! She thinks the world revolves around her!!! I thought Ivette was bad but APRIL takes the cake! ANNOYING!!!

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Guest cityangel

I believe I know how you can vote multiple times...

Just clear your cookies and/or cache. If you're not sure how to do it, go up to your settings (on top of your browser), select internet options from the pull down menu, and click on delete cookies. And if you want to be even more thorough, next select delete files.

I work for a website and we have to frequently clear our cookies. This is how a website knows you've been to their site... they basically "tag" your computer with this cookie.

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Guest simpleecstasy03

I checked out the Big Brother website and Kaysar, Michael and Ashlea's buttons are greyed out and Eric's isnt. What the f*ck is up with that? Do they have this all worked out to put Eric back in? I hope this was just some sort of mistake otherwise this will go down as the shadiest move ever!!! We need to flood their email with complaints before Wednesday!

Damn them!!


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King Kaysar MUST return! Crappy will destroy the game - as he has already. The evil bald dwarf has already portrayed what a hypocrite he is. Clothing himself in moral integrity, cynically telling his firefighting stories to gain house sympathy, working with A$$pril to blow the sexual harrassment NON-event into his gain, and generally serving up steaming piles of bulls**t as fact!

However, what is even worse is the friendsheep reaction, especially Evilvette. If I have to hear one more time, 'what would Crappy do' from these brainless idiots I will vomit. What, is Crappy Jesus or something? Get a grip Evilvette! To bad we can't get rid of ghetto fabulous next because of Howie's stupid move.


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Guest realityfantothefulest

they annouced it at the beginning of the show Julie said a new secret was going to be announced. i told my family that it was going to be wo vote someone in. and i say whoever is leaving on that day (kaysar or jennelle) i would vote for that person as many times as it took to get that person in.

now i know from this site if eric gets in the whole thing was fixed

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Kaysar is going to win unless if it's fixed. I've talked to literally over five hundred people. Out of approximately (give or take twenty) people, five wanted Eric to go back in, and about twenty-five wanted Michael back in. Everyone else said Kaysar. Oh I forgot, a few people (maybe ten?) said Ashlea, but she can't be counted.

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Eric came into the game thinking because he was a firefighter that he was guaranteed to win. He used peoples emotions from the get-go talking about "the brotherhood". I know a few firefighters and eric is not a good representative of them. He is a bully,hot-headed,arrogant,and in desperate need of anger management. He started an alliance with the men, but immediately turned to the women because he could work on their emotions. These people became his followers, and continue to be even though he's gone. For some reason they put him on a god like pedistal. Watching the show I noticed throughout the game eric had no class as where watching Kaysar I noticed in every situation he was a real gentleman. He played the game with his intellect and not with his emotions. HE IS A CLASSY GUY. This is a game and ivette, maggie and their group continue to pray to saint eric. Get over it followers of eric. (FOE) He is not worthy. I truly hope Kaysar is voted back in as he deserves it and it would make for a more interesting game.


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Eric came into the game thinking because he was a firefighter that he was guaranteed to win. He used peoples emotions from the get-go talking about "the brotherhood". I know a few firefighters and eric is not a good representative of them. He is a bully,hot-headed,arrogant,and in desperate need of anger management. He started an alliance with the men, but immediately turned to the women because he could work on their emotions. These people became his followers, and continue to be even though he's gone. For some reason they put him on a god like pedistal. Watching the show I noticed throughout the game eric had no class as where watching Kaysar I noticed in every situation he was a real gentleman. He played the game with his intellect and not with his emotions. HE IS A CLASSY GUY. This is a game and ivette, maggie and their group continue to pray to saint eric. Get over it followers of eric. (FOE) He is not worthy. I truly hope Kaysar is voted back in as he deserves it and it would make for a more interesting game.


Spot on! Crappy played the emotions of the women (and Beau, who practically wears a dress anyway) while showing none of the respect for women he claimed to have. Anyone remember, 'lights out bitches!' Crappy fans are delusional, its nice to see them in the minority!

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Guest WhitePhoenix
1) To vote back in someone we think played the game well and deserves a second chance.

2) To send a message to "The Friendship" that their beloved hero is neither.

3) To send a shockwave through the house when Ivette and Maggie and company realize that Kaysar is MORE POPULAR than Eric.  They get no feedback from the outside world except for America's Choice results.  Think about how incredible it would be to see their face when Kaysar walks back into the house and not crummy Eric.

4) We have our opportunity to take weeks of frustration and turn a negative into a positive.  

5) We all should vote and vote and vote.  Goodness knows I've complained, as many of us have, about various parts of the show so far.  Now we can at least contribute in a meaningful way.

6) I could go on and on....But I simply hope people band together to vote for someone who's conduct, whether he was on the block or not, was really first rate.  I think we need to compensate for the people who may not have live feeds or read the updates, but I hope that Kaysar wins by a landslide.

7) Send a message to Ivette and her racist comments.  I'm sure she thinks there is no chance the American public would vote back in a Muslim Iraqi....

And for those who dislike Kaysar, can't we all agree he's better than Eric and a better player than Michael?

Anyone else with me?


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Sorry if this has been mentioned already, but the polls have been updated on CBS.com/BB6 and now all the evictees names are inelligible for votes.  It was just a technical error, and we obviously noticed it and enough complaints made to CBS.
It isn't rigged, and worrying about it and reading rumors is wasting voting time!!!  LOL 

Just voted some more!  Not stopping for 3 more days!!!!!!!!

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Guest KaysarforPresident

I'm voting for Kaysar simply because it's so refreshing to finally see someone play the game based upon intelligent strategy. Hopefully, once he returns, Kaysar won't be so quick to divulge his secrets to others! Oh, and a nice side effect of this will be seeing Ivette and Maggie squirm. Not only are they both smug, but they are soo stupid. Yet, for some reason, they think they've got the whole game figured out! "The Friendship" is laughable!

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What if this weeks secret is that they allow Cappy, Kayser or Michael to vote this week? I appolagize if this was a previous topic. I have read where people were wondering if they coul compete for HH. It would definately add some tension to the HG's if Julie announced the vote and it was an evan count. If this were to happen my guess is Cappy would obviously vote to get Sarah out. But after that it would get interesting. Mike could go either way and my guess is Kaiser would vote for Ivette. 

Of course this could leave Howie in a pickle if the Vote goes 4 to 4. 

Howie would have to do some quick thinking. Stick with the deals he made or figuring that Kaiser is coming in and his vote is what tied it up. 

BB could do this by bringing America'a choice in through diary room like they did the Twins last year. 

Could be far fetched it would make for an exciting show Thursday.

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