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Amercia's Choice Discussion


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1) To vote back in someone we think played the game well and deserves a second chance.

2) To send a message to "The Friendship" that their beloved hero is neither.

3) To send a shockwave through the house when Ivette and Maggie and company realize that Kaysar is MORE POPULAR than Eric. They get no feedback from the outside world except for America's Choice results. Think about how incredible it would be to see their face when Kaysar walks back into the house and not crummy Eric.

4) We have our opportunity to take weeks of frustration and turn a negative into a positive.

5) We all should vote and vote and vote. Goodness knows I've complained, as many of us have, about various parts of the show so far. Now we can at least contribute in a meaningful way.

6) I could go on and on....But I simply hope people band together to vote for someone who's conduct, whether he was on the block or not, was really first rate. I think we need to compensate for the people who may not have live feeds or read the updates, but I hope that Kaysar wins by a landslide.

7) Send a message to Ivette and her racist comments. I'm sure she thinks there is no chance the American public would vote back in a Muslim Iraqi....

And for those who dislike Kaysar, can't we all agree he's better than Eric and a better player than Michael?

Anyone else with me?

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yes! Solidarity! I love you guys! The Sov6 may live again!

(note to Sov6: Don't vote out James just yet. you need numbers on your side people. Strategy first.....)

Ok, maybe they can be the Sov6 in name only and really be the Sov4.

Thanks to everyone who responded.

This makes up for a week of Maggie and Ivette and CBS's editing to make Ivette look way better than she is in the game....

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I am so in too. I was so excited when I heard it was americas choice. I want to see their faces when Kayser walks in over cappy. I think the "friendship" totally thinks it will be eric to return. Ivette seemed really sure that it would be him. I really want to see her face! Oh please please vote back Kayser!

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Guest CastorTroy


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Guest Ringwench

I love Kaysar and I'm SO glad he will (probably) be voted back into the house.

But what I'm looking forward to even MORE than the fact that Kay will be back in the game is the looks on the Cappy Cult's faces when they learn that their god, Eric is NOT the fan favorite they think he is.

It will be PURE TELEVISION GOLD!!! Mark my words.

I'm going to tape it and watch it over and over and over again.

I can hardly believe it, but having Kaysar leave the house now and return next week is going to end up being even better than if he was never evicted in the first place :-)

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Guest Stephiie

I'm really, really, hoping we get to see Kaysar walk back in the door next Thursday.

It'll be extra nice if James is still there. The look on his face? Priceless.

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Guest Adam Without His Apple

What up Kaysar! What up Mikey!

I don't care if it's between Michael or Kaysar as long as it's not Eric.

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