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About star2ooo

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Do you ever come on here?

  2. YAY you're here on mortys woot...LOL

  3. and remember how crappy was so gun-ho the first day that the men stick together. He was very against the women from day one. I don't think he has ever had respect for women.
  4. Eric came into the game thinking because he was a firefighter that he was guaranteed to win. He used peoples emotions from the get-go talking about "the brotherhood". I know a few firefighters and eric is not a good representative of them. He is a bully,hot-headed,arrogant,and in desperate need of anger management. He started an alliance with the men, but immediately turned to the women because he could work on their emotions. These people became his followers, and continue to be even though he's gone. For some reason they put him on a god like pedistal. Watching the show I noticed throughout the game eric had no class as where watching Kaysar I noticed in every situation he was a real gentleman. He played the game with his intellect and not with his emotions. HE IS A CLASSY GUY. This is a game and ivette, maggie and their group continue to pray to saint eric. Get over it followers of eric. (FOE) He is not worthy. I truly hope Kaysar is voted back in as he deserves it and it would make for a more interesting game. GO AMERICA VOTE KAYSAR!!!!



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