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Televised Show Discussion

Guest Pecker

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Oh my, what an accurate description. Vultures circling a dead carcass. I for one am glad to seem to show Eric for the wack job he is. The rest of them did not look too good but they sure made Michael look good didn't they?

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Thank goodness!

If getting the gym open was the twist, that would probably win an award for the lamest twist in BB history...

So is there definitely going to be a twist on Thursday's live show?...

If so, anyone have any guesses as to what it could be???

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i'm even more disgusted with these houseguests now that i know they could see the gym (don't know if the whole time, but at least for part of their stay)

and i never once saw them trying to get into it

they are lame lame lame

there are clues all over the house.....why aren't they working on them?

the books

the safes

the gumball machine is right there full of clues of some sort!!

come on guys

and bb..shame on you, you practically HANDED them that gym

these hg's need led around by the nose

not only is eric doing it, but bb is too!

this could be the best yr ever..all the puzzles and secret clues could be so much fun.....like a giant treasure hunt...

but...they are ruining it for us by their stupidity/laziness

bb should stir them up

make them start working for their food etc by finding clues!!

do love the ...micheal already cracked the safe and has a safe card ...theory tho....i want that to be true more than i have ever wanted anything in bb history!

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Yes it did look to be Mike's fault... They made Eric look like a little big man... They should have shown the part after his big speech about never hitting another human where he told James and Beau it was his intent to hit Mike and he meant it to be a threat...

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Last night Mike, Janelle, Kaysar, and Howie were working on opening the safe's and they all went outside except Mike and the feeds weren't on him and we saw a little snip and no-one thinks we should have seen where Mike asked BB could he open it now... Don't know what he was talking about but everyone is hoping it's the safe and there is a card in there sort of like the veto... :)

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Guest DraftKing

They didn't show the discussion Michael had with Janelle on Friday night where Michael contemplated getting Eric ejected by provoking him into a physical confrontation.

But by the same token, they also didn't show Ivette's venomous ranting about Kaysar where she kept saying how she "hated" him, etc.

Overall though, I thought CBS/Endemol did a good job of presenting the altercation on TV.

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i found it kinda wierd they didn't show anyone playing with the safes on tonights show, could it be that they are saving all that for thursdays show? or maybe they had alot of ground to cover tonight with the trash talkin and the veto comp and the fight and all.......

maybe i just still hoping for some hope for mike still, if he (by some miracle) stays i will dance around my living room, it'll be the best BB moment


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Guest iawildflwr

In what way?....

So and so said this...and lets all run out and tell Eric everytime Michael says something. C'mon...these are supposed to be mature adults. :roll:

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in that case I agree 100%

"all the "girls"" got enough mouth on them to tell who ever to "cut it off" do NOT touch me! etc why they had to run to cRappy and cRappy to michael i'll never understand!!! :roll:

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