Kayzar turned the big brother house upside down!!! Kayzar I bow down to you.. You are awesome! After he picked James and Maggie in the block he didn't look happy. Come on Kayzar be strong!!! you can do it!! Just focus on your goal!! When he was talking to Maggie he told her he wants james out. Wow what a great poker face he has.. I'm glad he didn't tell Maggie the truth because that wouldn't be smart. He knows very well that she would run to Eric to tell him. That chess game wow! Kayzar's team cornered Evette (sp) and Maggie... Beautiful!! They had to have the scarey music didn't think? James won and all hell broke lose!!! James takes himself off and Eric is put up YES!!!! Eric and his sheep were upset. Crying.. I hope Kayzar's team sticks with the plan and kicks Eric out.. We will see very soon.. This was a fun night tonight.. I can't wait for the next episode!! I was reading on here that Janelle is afraid of lesbians because they attacked her? Huh?!!! Is she lying? What the??? I read here what Kayser said about James.. he said, "But don't worry I know exactly who he is and what he's doing (James), and I know that you don't buy a panther unless you know you can contain it. Its a beautiful thing its a powerful thing. I set up a perfect environment." I'm glad Kayzar is smart!!! I'm glad he doesn't trust James! You got my respect Kayzar.