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VETO Question


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Hi Everyone,

I've been watching BB since season 1 and I can't remember if this has ever come up. Can the veto winner just give the veto to another house guest before the veto ceremony?

The reason I'm asking is because if you can, it could be a huge advantage this year. I know Jeff didn't win this last veto, but if did, he could go to Casey and give it to him telling him that he has to take Jordan off the block. This way Jordan and Casey would be safe and Jeff can't be a replacement nominee because he is member of the athletes.

This could become a huge part of the game if it is allowed. I haven't heard any of the house guests discuss this so I'm not sure if they can.

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you cant pass around veto

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Your question reminds me of individual immunity in Survivor.

It's too bad that they can't, because this season with the cliques is the first time it would actually be foolproof.

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Yeah.. they use to have EVERYBODY compete.. I dont know why they stopped that...

Then when they went to 6 people for veto, the nominees Picked their partner everytime (BB5 Nakomis 6 finger plan came into effect).. and they changed it to the picking out of the bag to make it a little less likely to be backdoored, BUT it still happens alot.. I think its about time for another change..

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the backdooring has been overdone the last few season. usually you try to backdoor a strong comp player .

week one started off with a backdoor wtf

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i'd like to see that the replacement could only be picked from the group that played for the veto. at least everyone that could be nom'ed has a chance. add a 7th or "wildcard" player to compete for the veto. also would add a little more strategy to having the veto.

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They should take some of the people who are involved with the production of Survivor and Amazing Race and hand this show over to them, kicking Grodner to the curb. I'm sure they would have much better ideas for veto and everything else.

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I think they should play 2 veto comps... make these people work a little harder for the money...there is too much down time for one.. first veto should be kept as is, to pull someone else off or to pull your own ass off the block... second veto comp should be to reverse the decision made by the first one if it is used, making it that the original nominees are back on the block.. that is instant DRAMA.. so it'll be a "veto" comp and 2 days later play a "no veto" comp.

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