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Hoh Discussion-week 8


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I never knew them to do a 2nd HOH on dbl eviction, Dbl eviction not dbl HOH, and I suppose they did that becaue the finale will be on a Sunday.

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yep, we should know by the After Dark anyhow, yea!!! Go Renny, you could be wrong UPV, ya just never know, but I will say that the 4 of them were playin hard,lol

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yep, cause one of them will go if he wins, that very well could be Renny and Keesha break out, so maayyybbee,lol

Jerry wins and puts up Memphis, keesha or Renny wins pov, takes off Dan, Jerry puts up well whichever one of them did not win pov and Memphis goes home, oh hell yeah!!!!,lol

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I want renny to win.

Here are my reasons.

I like her, she'll try to get rid of memphis over dan, dan will be safe and be able to play for final 4 HOH and if he wins, he can play for final 3 HOH.

Keesha, Renny and Dan for Final three!

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I want Jerry to win HOH, so Keesha and especially Renny will be safe.

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i would give who i know will win it but i dont want to spoil the fun

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this hoh is gonna be fun because one of dkjm must be nom

alongside jerry if he doesnt win hoh

most likely renny and she wo0nt be happy camper

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I'm rooting for Memphis winning HOH this time around. First, it was my BB Prediction... secondly... it gives Dan a chance to compete for F4 HOH. I would seriously be happy with any of the "four" making it to F2. I really do mean that. I want Jerry to be gone this week because it would be nice if all of them actually kept their word to each other and took each other to F4. After that, who knows. I do like Dan best, but since he won $20K, I won't be shattered if he doesn't make it.

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son of =gun old man jerry :lol:

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