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Guest Katarina
no i want him to leave he is a distraction to janelle who is one of my favorite players and well thats about it besides i dont want janelle to leave or get distracted from playing the game just cause she is horny.

Well, I don't dislike Janelle. Actually, I'm dissapointed they're both on the block together. It's too bad. I think they are having a nice time together for the little time that Mike has left in the house....horny or not.... :roll:

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Guest CelticAnthem

if you want Mike to stay, then you're probably under 21. He's a tool. But then, so are alot of the others

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if you want Mike to stay, then you're probably under 21.  He's a tool.  But then, so are alot of the others

I want him to stay and I only wish i was under 21 again lol :lol:

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Guest princessmean1

I read some posts that Crappy, I mean Cappy, was breaking out in a rash down his arm and now cold sores above his lip! Ewww! that's really gross! :? I'd rather look at Mike than a littleman w/cold sores above his lip! Just gross!

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if you want Mike to stay, then you're probably under 21.  He's a tool.  But then, so are alot of the others


Well I am 34 and I like Mike. We all like Mike because we SEE what's happening and we know manners and respect over the crap Eric, Ivette and April throw out.

Anyway, Janelle has become my fave along with Kaysar, I still love Mike, but like you all say, he is probably leaving. So lets hope that he slams that door in Eric's face on his way out along with stirring the pot.

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BB would just restock it for Eric and his band of misfits. They seemed to be bending over backwards for him.

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I noticed this morning that his food rationing applies to everyone but him. He was having a second breakfast this morning and when someone asked him about it he began to list all the meals/snacks he had planned for the day. :x

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Guest princessmean1

Or pour all the sugar in Cappoleon's bed! "NO sugar after 10am?" Who left him in charge?

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Guest princessmean1

He told Sarah this morn "NO sugar after 10am". Now he is in charge of when and what they eat!! Baa!! Baa!!!

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Guest ah282

He said that in response to what one of the other guys said the day before, I believe. I don't think it was him dictating that

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Guest sweetpea13
:o Well I am 33 and I personally like Michael also. :wink: I cant stand Eric, Ivette, and April. Michael has been personally attacked, and been treated very wrong. I do understand it is a game, but it isnt a witch hunt. They all need to think about the fact that Michael is a human being and has feelings just like them. I can only hope for Michaels justice for the way his being treated that Eric, Ivette and April, all get treated with the same rude behavior that they are dishing out. :evil: Hateful, rude, and down right cruel those three are. :!:
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As much as I'd love to have Mike stay, I know that he won't be staying. James won POV and decided not to use it (obivously). He doesn't need to be in that house though. With the lies and rumors going on about him, it's bringing him down more and more. If he were to stay, it wouldn't be long since all the women seem to think he is this sexual monster (as if he's worse than Howie). I feel for Mike. He's even said he wants to go now. I don't blame him one bit for wanting to leave and go back to his normal life away from the sheep that have put his name through the mud.

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Michael should take all the food and hide it for Janelle and Kaysar and Howie, so they could win the HoH competition. I also think Michael needs to hide the food, like someone said, under Eric's HoH bed. It'd be awesome. No one would trust him ever again. AWESOMENESS!

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