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Michael was hovering over April at the sink, acting weird and annoying. He came up behind her, touched her on the back and we went to fish. When the feed returned, no Michael. I wonder if he was called to DR. Michael, Michael, Michael, you have totally lost another sympathetic fan with your over the top adolescent antics. Too bad, so sad, but he has gotta go.

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i think michael right is displacing his anger by doing it in a nonviolent way. right now he is giving them what they ask for "sexual harassment".

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Guest Shockalot

I dont know what is going on with him either.

Its like some weird nervous habit where he feels the need to try and invade peoples spaces.

Ive said before that I think Eric and April are going over-the-top with the accusation but putting that aside I do not like the way he gets some little thrill out of space-invading girls.

In a way it really is a very low-key form of violation.

Howie for example openly tries to see how far he can go before they stop him - then he stops.

Michael likes to be deliberately weird, unpredictable, flippy and then staring... then bam - he gets the finger on something it shouldnt be.

Im sorry I missed the feeds and they went to fishcam because I wouldnt be surprised if April didnt just freak out and maybe even invade his space by punching him in the face.

(well he likes reaching in and touching peoples faces)

Seriously - that guy is seriously F'ed in the head. He probably needs to be both beaten up and get therapy.

*and im not agreeing with Eric and April either.. just saying.

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I like Micheal and that want change, look how everyone is treating him, they are taking every little thing that he does and blowing it out of proportion. They are so out of line. I would go/act insane too if I was living in the house with such uptight ass's like those people in there. I like him and Janelle.

Dont get me wrong, I know Micheal and Janelle may say some things about other people that are wrong, but other people in the house do too.

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Michael is ADHD and on meds, which means that when they are in effect he is one way and when they wear off, he is another. I have seen the affect they have on behaviour. I think that it may have something to do with his weird behavior. THat and perhaps he was never taught to respect one's personal space.

LOL on that catapult idea BBChic :D

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Guest Shockalot

I second or third, tenth, 100th that! ;)

He needs to learn to respect peoples space and not touch and finger at people.

Im sure he has some sort of mood disorder. ADD, whatever it is he needs to sort that out asap. A severe beating would help.

I do not think Michael is violent at all. He seems the sort who would back down or fight like a fairy if he was actually pushed into a fight or physical confrontation - but - I doubt he would ever start it.

Ivette probably will start a fight with him probably win.

Then again.. I could see Michael fighting back against a woman but not a man.

He is one strange dude.. I honestly think the house would be better off without him. He is weird in an unfunny way.

Give Michael this - He really is a very talented artist and the guy will seriously eat anything. Iron stomach.

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mike seems like he is a nice guy..... but when a group or mob start to treat u different then u start acting different. Say they would include him in what there doing instead of making him feel unwanted. If some felt uneasy by mike then at least being in numbers but including him, he wouldn't be doing what he is doing. He is only reacting to how the others are treating him. Its the old saying... u beat, yell, or neglate a animal it will turn on you.

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I really liked Michael on the live feeds .. I liked Kaysar and their team .. I was totally rooting for them to win ..

But the mob like .. started going nuts. Everyone was convinced he was going home .. and I just started to feel like .. there is just no chance for him now...

But with this fighting going on .. I don't see how this can't change the game.

My guess is that Eric or Michael are going home ..

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Guest ItBurnxWhenIShyt

I thought that maybe the incident last night was Mike's saving grace, but unfortunately, Cappy is still here. Since James won the POV, can anyone think of a way that it would be possible for Mike to stay?

My idea: Mike needs to wait till Cappy is drinking again, and then walk up to him, and tell him that he heard Cappy's wife is giving rounds out to the guys at the fire station while Cappy is in the BB house.

Any other ideas?

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Unless Crappy has another meltdown it safe to say Micheal's outta there. I would love to see someone else go but to be honest Micheal played the game awfully bad. But at least my favorites Janelle, Howie and Kaysar will stilll be there..for how long remains to be seen.

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Guest ItBurnxWhenIShyt
I was hoping that I was the only one who felt like that. But this is the summer of secrets, so maybe he will have a chance to come back! I liked Kaysar until last night. He has been bad mouthing Michael lately, so I'm starting to not care for him. If James uses the POV to get Michael off the block (not likely) then Kaysar would probably be gone. But that would give Mike or Janelle a chance to win HOH
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I think Michael is ready to go and I don't Michael in there anymore. It's not fun to watch those people blame Michael for everything and ignore him. Michael seems like a good guy and he will do better leaving then staying.

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Guest ItBurnxWhenIShyt

Mike is my fav, and I think he is the only one with the balls to take out Eric and Ivette right now. They are ruining my television experience, so I really want them gone.

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i like mike too, but as long as he's in there they will always convienently use them as the target of their anger.........i want to see some ivette/april fights and eric/jennifer fights.........so mike, get outta there and come watch tv with us

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Guest Katarina

Of course I want to see Micheal stay. I like him and Kaysar. I certainly would like to see him get to Eric and Ivette, as well as Maggie. Sorry, but anyone who is friends with Eric, I don't like. Besides, this makes for some good watching and it would be more intriguing. Once he leaves, then I'm all for Kaysar.

Yes, I want Micheal to stay, but realize that he'll be leaving the house this week :cry:

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hmmm, well........he could just toss it all in the pool, that'd be ok by me too

better yet, shove it all under eric's hoh bed and let jennifer spread a lie that eric's trying to eat all the food....time for her to have a new toy

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