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Sunday, March 30th


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Sheila just discovered the prank that Adam and James pulled on her. (They switched her mattress for Adam's.)

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I was over chatting with Fuskie when this all came down, it was rather anti- clamatic for Jamsey, sheila did not blow a gasket like they thought she would, good for her, because that really was childish, and stupid,lol

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now they are plotting to go in her room with pots, pans and more flour. Bb should put a stop to this.

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yes, I think is is terrible,, it is because she did not react to the TP or the bed, so they are just endlessly trying to break her, I hate those guys right now, it is soooo childish

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All I know is that for the first hour or more of BBAD they did not focus on Sheila once! What a relief to not have to listen to her for a bit :)

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I will agree with you on that one, but it was soooo boring their pool games, I am feeling for Sheila, it is no fun getting picked on, takes us back to school days, those boys are acting sooo childish, there is no reason for it really, sheila is not hoh, nor does she have pov, it is pure meaness and James is the ring leader, he sucks.

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Yes it is mean what they are doing, but so nice to not have to listen to Sheila's repetitive rants for once. I listened to all of them in the kitchen for the first hour and it was so nice to not have Sheila there. She is boiling under the surface and she's going to lose it soon.

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I honestly can't believe BB is airing Ryan and Adam talking about getting caught with drugs, bashing Canadians and French people thinking it's COOL to be a drug dealer or to even do them. I Take this personal because low life pieces of shit like them do drugs, sell them and aparently smuggle them i.e Adam ,and they want to report this on Live feeds while they talk about it as if it's cool? It's not cool, when my Husband has to go out on a DAILY basis and deal with low life assholes like this. I'm going to stop this post right now because it was going to get bad. OMG i'm so pissed I can't type. Playing jokes, lying, backstabbing that's the game but all this drug talk and thinking it's cool is bullsh**.

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I agree with alot of that, but on a lighter topic....is it just me, or does everyone else get grossed out when Ryan brushes his teeth??? I WANT TO GAG, everytime I see it. I wish they wouldn't show it anymore. :alien: He is eating every minute of the day, and damn the way some of these people chew, I'm tired of looking at the food in their mouths open all the time, chomping out loud. Man, I'm no prude and love to kick it but they are grossing me out. LOL, I guess if u think about it, it isn't worse than ED spitting all over the place, but for some reason it is bugging the crap out of me!!!

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Thank you, I thought it was just me. I don't think I've ever seen so much chewed up food in open mouths and chomp smacking in my life. I party with the best but MAN, my parents tought me some manners at least. UGH!

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I'm really loving when Adam spits between his teeth and it squirts out all sides. I've also never seen a man grab his ass and package so much in my life. I don't even think men at male strip clubs get that much action!

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BTW, Even after all this time, I can't believe those chicken shits that didn't vote for the mystery box. Unless your a James fan, how stupid can you be. They were sooooo scared of Ally, r u kidding me. Look at you all now, ha ha. Can't can't rid of the idiot, LOL. :giljotiini:

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One more thing...

Lost my live feed and all the good stuff happens soon as showtime is signing off. Right in the middle of fights and stuff, and not many good video threads are being posted lately. Like the pranks on Sheila, it's killing me cuz I'm just reading about it but would love to see it....even though she is annoying I kinda feel bad for her, I don't like the attacks, but hell I wanna see it anyway :maleficent: !!! LOL


Adam's hands are down his pants all day long. Never seen anything like it in my life!

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The Shelia pranks are funny, IMO. From getting her freaked for the night time competition to the flour in the face. I'm really suprised she hasn't retaliated with plastic wrap on the toilet or tape of the sink. They're going stir crazy and we all know Shelia LOVES to be the victim. If all of the pranks were on Sharon, Shelia would complain because she wasn't getting any attention.

Bring more pranks on!!! They're harmless. The mattress was funny, because it was so campy. I'm waiting for the "kick me" notes.

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I don't find the Sheila pranks funny at all. I wonder if they would like someone doing that to their mothers. I am sure their families are just so proud of them.

And SwatCopsWife I agree with you about the idiots Ryan and Adam bragging about dealing drugs is disgusting.

I think they picked this cast out of the gutter.

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I find it interesting that Adam made it on to BB, despite jail time in France. I had heard from a co-worker that you would be denied for things like DUIs, DWIs and bankruptcies. I do not know if its true, but he claims that a friend of his was rejected for a DUI. You would think that a drug conviction and jail time is on par if not worse than a DUI. Makes you go hhhmmmmm.....


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Just finished watching BBAD and the first hour and a half was so nice because all the HG's were chatting, laughing, having a good time EXCEPT for Sheila who was in the HoH room. I really enjoyed it. Once it started focussing on her and I had to hear her repetitive voice...I had to fast forward a lot of it. I don't really understand why they are doing the pranks to her. I don't think that they are very funny. I think that Sheila loves the attention. I do NOT think that Sheila deserves to win BB9 for any reason.

And Sharon...OMG, I can barely stand hearing her sqeak and talk either. If it ends up being Sharon, Sheila and Natalie for the final 3, I won't be able to watch the feeds and BBAD because I will have put a fork in my eyes!!!

Oh, and the new number of the week is 9!! 9 Lives, April 9, 9th week. Now, THAT kind of stuff cracks me up!

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Nat admits to smoking 'maryjane' all the time and has constantly said "I would rather be in the beaver state smoking a doobie right now"

James has admitted to getting faded on more than one occassion

Ryan has said on multiple times that he and Jen love to smoke a blunt while sitting in the living room, laughing at their dog

Adam has talked about his excessive cocaine use, selling and his "X" dealing

Matt has talked about his coke and meth dealing, how he uses coke and how he was going to sneak some into the BB house

Chels is an excessive drinker

Sheila is a lush and is constantly flapping her gums about how she usually sits down at night and drinks a bottole of wine before she goes to bed

Josh has talked about his recreational coke use and how he has smoked pot on a multitude of occassions

Jen (along with Ryans admittance) bragged how she has a higher tolerance than most people she knows

Sharon has only talked about getting 'lit' a few times

Allison talked about her speed use and how she has all the connections

Neil - I know nada about, didn't get to know him well enough

Jacob - same as above

Parker - stated he is a social partier... don't know what that consists of

Alex - loves to party and whoop it up

Amanda - pretty straight edge from what I can remember

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wellI thought the little round table last night was soooo boring, as well as the pool game and noone, I mean no one was here on the boards so they musta felt the same way. I do not enjoy the pranks, and I think they are more than pranks for James, and since I cannot stand him it just makess it sooooo much more ridiculous to me. Adam Said he would not go as far as James wanted him to with his plans, and James called him a pussy, James is the pussy if you ask me,

I also agree with swapcopswife, the drug talk is soooo wrong, Matt was always talkin about how he dealt drugs and crack hos when he was still in the house, this group is the bottom of the barrel. I do not know why Sheila has to be James target, like I said she is not the hoh nor does she have the power of veto or any power right now, and so why do you have to continually think up mean things to do to her, I do not like the things Sheila goes on about or her demeanor but she does not deseerve all of this bull crap they are doing to her. I hate James

All getting faded means either really drunk or high, "I was really faded last night" it isd like we used to say "I got really bombed last night"

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Faded means getting a high beyond high... smoking weed... some of the kids use it these days to mean getting drunk and high at the same time.

Getting lit can either mean getting high (weed) or drunk... working in the EMS field we have to respond to calls all the time and some of the accounts that patients give even make me scratch my head, asking "what the heck does that mean?". I too have to ask around and find out what the new-fangled terms mean... Back in the day it was called getting buzzed or something self explainatory like that.

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maybe I'm wrong...but I think it's probably rare to find middle aged to young adults that haven't at least experimented with drugs....(and not that it's right or anything like that....yada yada)

I like Adam..but not liking the selling drugs or jail time though. He's def dropped several notches. I'm curious though...when an American spends time in jail overseas...does that automatically get placed in their record here as being a convicted felon...I don't know how all that works. Would BB have found it in thier criminal background search?

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What I found repulsive with Adam (like there aren't already a gazillion things nasty about him) is when he was bragging about slipping girls roofies and X and then 'pounding that' (his words not mine). He admitted to this. He said that when he was 'in the mood' he would bring girls to his pad and next thing they new they were getting pounded. I think he is a sick individual. Maybe his stories are made up but just the thought makes me ill.

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