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Cbs.com Poll Cast Your Vote For Hoh Comp


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Nope not going to vote!!!!!!!!

Voted last time and it was a big mistake on my part, CBS should have told us there would be a choice for the HG"S. So as far as I am concerned they don't deserve us to take our time since we were totally ignored on the last vote.

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I agree 100%, Marty! What is the point of asking us to participate in ANYTHING, if it's not going to matter. Why should we waste our time. It has nothing to do with anything being fixed for any one hg. Just the principle of it.

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I hope by not voting that we're not sending the message to CBS that no one is watching the show. Now that I'm a BB addict, I would hate for them to take away my BB crack!

Honestly, I voted because I keep checking the ratings and they keep going down and I'm scared they will cancel BB10.

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The only way CBS could 'fix' this comp (imo) is if they manipulate the final answer depending on how the hg's vote. If you think back to other similar comps, the questions will go something like:

"In America's opinion, the hg that's more likely to ...... (blah, blah) is?" -- then Chenbot will give them only two hg's to choose from, not the whole lot.

Say the choice they get for the first question is Natalie and Josh. If James chooses Natalie but America chose Josh, a little bug in Chenbot's ear could say the correct answer is...Natalie!! -- and how would we know if that were the real answer or not? We wouldn't. So why bother?

(my first post this season. Hi guys! This season is by far my least fave of all time. Too skanky! I'll be glad to see Chelsea go and will be happier when James goes.)

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The show is getting a little better now that the sex show is not the main feature.

yeh...no sex partners left...

Maybe the remaining sleeze bags will start some new hook-ups...Josh could have James all to himself now (without that c*ck blocker Chelsia getting in his way)...and there's always the chance of Nat and Adam getting together... :animated_scratchchin:

And, always the possibility of Sharon getting together with her furr-iends... :smartass2:

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