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Friday, March 14th


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All the house guests except Sheila have been hanging out in the living room all evening. Periodically, each of them is called to the DR. While this is going on they plan a trick to play on Sheila (She's been in her room alone sleep all BBAD time.)

Their plan is to wake her up and tell her it's time for PoV comp. They talk about various scenarios to accomplish this.

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The most dangerous person in that entire house is Adam.

He is going to win it all.

When you have two alliances and one floater in the middle, that floater ends up dictating the game on split votes. Adam is dangerous to BOTH sides because he will just slide to whoever has the power that week until the end and these MORONS (recurring theme for these dopey houseguests this year) are going to continue to allow him to do it.

Adam final 2 unless someone smartens up.

The worst part about it is he isn't even being coy about it, he tells them up front he's not taking sides.

Adam, the ultimate floater.

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I don't want any of them winning. I think the person I would like to win the least is King Matty. I just can't stomach that guy. They are all disgusting but his arrogance I just want to smack out of him. :bangin:

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Ok, ok, I've had a dream a shiela-phamy.....the angels even came....

My take on POV comp. James says anyone who uses POV the closes person to them he will put up in their place...so

If Ryan wins, takes self off...closes to him is Matty...(these people don't feel replacement on block constitutes being PUT on the block from what i have gathered.)

If Shiela wins, closes to her is.....a....welll.....a....guess he uses a guinea pig! No it will be whom ever talked to her the most, but so far that is Ryan ...and Nat didn't ask to save herself....according to post, but James still won't do. Think it will be Baller....


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I thought James was all about being a man of his word this week though? And as it has been pointed out: he agreed to not put Matt on the block, not Natalie (although, he won't consider putting her up) so you all think he will go back on his word? Or do you feel that he is so sure that he will win the POV or someone from his group that he isn't worried about it?

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If Matt wins it and takes off Ryan, of course James will put up Natalie. He said if you use it, your ally will go up. Plus, no deal was made for Nat's safety. Now that I think about it, it could be a good move for Matt... a way to get rid of Natalie with no blood on his hands.

As for someone saying Nat will win a puzzle POV. :animated_rotfl::animated_rotfl: Never. She is the biggest idiot I have ever seen. Her crazed scribblings made no sense and she doesn't even know how many letters are in the alphabet. So, no, Natalie will not win any puzzles. I don't think she could put together my 3yo daughters wooden puzzles, she would be too concerned with how many pieces there were, or why they are shaped like that, and what it all "means", lol. Sharon, maybe, Natalie.. :animated_rotfl:

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don't forget that it was Natalie who solved the POV puzzle while flying in the air like an angel 2 weeks back. Matt brought her the pieces, but she gets the credit for putting the puzzle together...

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All I can say that James saying he will put up your closet ally is the stupidest thing I have heard, what an idiot, I would not give a rats ass who the hell you put up, the game of BB is ruthless and you are playin for a half a mill so why would I not use that POV if I won it, it makes my blood boil at the idea that you would or think you can threaten someone not to use the veto on themselves to save themsleves, what an idiot, that is the game. If I was Sheila or Ryan I would use it in a heart beat say go head on James put up whoever you like the blood is on you not me you idiot, I am playin this game and you can threaten me all you want but it ain't gonna work, so I am using my POV and you can bite me!!!!! I"d rather go out at least having stood up for myself in the long run than to be a meek mealy mouth with no balls and just sit back and let James have my power, f off dude,lol

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I think that Matt, Josh, and Chelsia are the ones drawn to play for veto.

Nat was helping Matty with the clues that she's figured out from the GP cages.

I think she might actually be on to something... boathouse, houseboat, yacht... not too bad.

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I think that James was referring to non-nominated HGs using the POV. He would be stupid to tell the nominees not to use it but he can threaten the others. I think he wants it to be a three way battle between him and the nominees and whoever wins deserves to get their way (either remove themselves or if James wins the noms stay the same). I dont think he was trying to deny anyone the right to fight for their own survival. Typically no one ever uses the veto anyway unless its on themselves. They are too afraid of the consequences (just like voting with the house). I think James was just making it clear that there would definitely be consequences for non-nominees.

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James certainly has the right to threaten anyone, but I still think it is a stupid ploy and it serves no purpose except to piss people off, at least it would really po me if he told me that, if I am playin a game supposedly with all I got I sure as hell am not gonna sit around like a wuss and if I won the veto you can bet I am gonna use it to save myself no matter who James puts up a really good friend of mine or not, but are there really any good friends in the BB house??? I don't know about that one,lol

Yeah Matthole should take ryan off but he would not be sooo generous and if he was I would fall out on the floor in shock.

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Can someone tell me if Ryan and Josh still have their " Secret Alliance" and please please tell me that James is going to backdoor Matt because if not he is officially the stupidist person to play this game! Why would you leave Ryan there when everyone is on his side, ecspecially if he and Josh still have an alliance. Why wouldn't he put Ryan against Matt? This isn't making sense to me.

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dayam, so James gave his word to just screw himself over, unreal I honestly didn't think he was THAT stupid, a PIG but not dumb. This was the one shot to get rid of one of the buttheads and now it won't happen. stupid stupid stupid! I'm seriously in shock how dumb he is. My husbands sitting here shaking his head at me, telling me to put the keyboard down and walk away slowly LOL!!! I can't help it this is the second BB i've ever watched it's addicting!

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LOL Marty, it's soooo true first I watched was last season, when this one started I was like Blah, kept watching, now signed up for the feeds thru here and watch everynight. I'm just really in shock that James isn't using his head and putting MAtt up. Everyone is on Ryans side to keep him. Sheila is a backstabber true, but wins nothing what threat is she?

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