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Thursday, March 6th


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Getting into Ryan's ear (by himself) is Matty's priority tonight. Wonder if he will get there first or someone else???


If Ryan was smart he'd put up James and Josh. But I"m afraid he's a dumb lug who will go w/ somebody Sheila and Adam. They have had a free pass thus far so it would be good to stir up the pot.


I don't know ... putting up Matt probably wouldn't be smart. He's good at Veto comps AND he would be a horrible enemy. The scumbag thinks he's God's Gift to the house.


Did Chelsia and James make nookie last night???


When BBAD came on last night James and Chelsia were really sweet to each other ans seemed heartbroken over the splitting couples up. I thought james seemed so sincere and sweet when He was telling CHelsia how much he liked her and that he trusted her....anyway....I just thought they were adorable :)


Chelsia has told others in conversation that James is not her type at all. She only cares for him in a friendship way.


She's going to end up breaking his heart :(. He seems to be very sensitive . I hope it doesn't happen like that.


good dont need another showmance

if he was smart he'd put up matt and james... the strongest two guys on the show! duh

that be dumbest move he could ever do

and give girls numbers

and piss off the other guys

bb comps rarely comes down to who is strongest but those who are mentally strong


Like the girls would get along long enough to put the guys out. has that ever happened in BB history? The ladies are way to catty to stick together for the long haul.



my bad lol

but i still think its not good to go after strength due fact not many comps are strength related


Good to get strength out...but also good to break up a strong solid pair/goup. Josh/Sharon and James/Chelsia are really only 2 couples in house that will still vote together. Matt has no loyalties to Nat and would easily evict her if he had to. James and Ryan have a good bond...so I think Josh is the target. Break up a strong couple.


That would be sweet...it would also save on smokies...


I'm with you AllStar about nominating Josh and Sharon and backdooring Matt. I think that Ryan will nominate Josh and Sharon but I don't think that he will back door Matt. He kind of insinuated last night that he would do what was right for the house and not piss off anyone or something like that. Since J/S nominated him and Allison then they couldn't get pissed off (even though Josh will) if he puts them up. However, I reaaaaally want to see Matt evicted but because I do, he'll probably win!


First Post for me so please be kind ;)

I thought that I heard Ryan say to Matt after the HOH contest last night that he wanted to talk to Matt about HOH strategy...that probably means nothing at this point...since all the hamsters are just running on the wheel now and totally lost. They all are very paranoid right now! Matt keeps saying to everyone that he doesn't trust anyone and its every (man/woman) for himself.

My spin is that Ryan will listen to Matts ideas but doesn't trust him further than he can throw him...backdooring him is very probable...especially if he puts up Josh and James. He might want to get their trust for the longer run. Matt and Ryan seemed to be the only ones sleeping the sleep of the dead last night...yet Ryan knows that Matt needs to go sometime...timing is everything isn't it?


Matt has been spoon fed how to play the game by James. Matt is a total baffoon and if Ryan and Adam don't know it, they're just as stupid. Ryan wanting to "strategize" with Matt is more of a "feeling out" session. Ryan is a terminal floater. now that he's found himself in a position of power, he doesn't want to Rock the boat.

Welcome Bubba, I'm with you on Ryan not trusting Matt, as well.


How nice of BB to give us live feed viewers a glimpse of food competition going on...

2 teams competing against each other...ev1 has to slide down a slide and find letters in mud pool to spell food names ...then write the words on a chalk board.

can't tell yet who teams are and who's ahead....

edit...seems teams are Matt, Nat, James and Adam against Chels, Josh, Sheila and Sharon. Ryan must be sitting out since he's hoh.


I am watching the feeds and all the guys are up in the HOH deciding who to put up on the block. I think they are putting up Sharon and Chelsia. The pawn is Chelsia. Ryan then said he is afraid to put up Chelsia because she has a lot of pull. They are going back an forth talking about what girls they will put up. Right now they are not talking about Josh.


yep...I'm hearing the same thing. This doesn't make too much sense to me. Ryan...taking the wimpy way out. no balls.


At long last, we have a game!!! It is going to be so much better now that they are singles. You can tell from the strategizing that is already going on. Poor Sharon doesn't stand a chance.


OK Ryan talking to Chelsia and telling her she will be nominated along with Sharon. The ONLY names that are being used at all are the woman. Replacements are either Sheila or Natalie.



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