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March 6 - Live Feed Updates


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12:00:PM BBT: All the HGs are in bed, some chatting but mostly settling in for the night.

1:00AM BBT: Chelsia seemed to be restless and got up form bed to go and look at the memory wall. James must have woken up and realized she wasn


6:20am BBT: A little restlessness outta Sheila, and some heavy sighing from someone, but other than that all seem to be sleeping.


7:21 am BBT - All HG's in bed asleep... Ry in HoH, Matt and Nat in their old bed, Shar and Josh on couch bed. Can't tell who the others are...


8:20amBBT we had a leak from B B working in BY we heard a crash then a female voice "Are u ok, lets get this" then back 2 snoring from HG's, i wonder what they building in BY?(Food Comp?)

8:28amBBT Ryan uses HOH BR(feeds then switch 2 sleepin HG's and we hear whAt sounds like a metal bar or wrench fall from BY)

where sleepin Hg's are their is light onm the floor(do they have nightlites? i dont rember lights on floor's be4)


8:41 am BBT: Matt and Josh are in the bathroom performing their ADL's.

BB: The bedroom lights must remain on during the day.

Nat comes into the bathroom and tells Matty that shes sorry. She heard the song and had to sing. He told her she was singing it wrong.

The song was Total Eclipse of the Heart. Nat said she just loooves that song.

She also cant understand why they are getting them up so early.

Shelia is up now too. Says we cant get on the slop. We need to say a little prayer....They need the FOOOD.

8:46 am BBT: Brief FOTH

Everytime Sheila and Josh talk about him 'probably' going on the block, they cut to FOTH

Josh is now in the bathroom by himself on the couch. Looks like he's deep in thought.


8:51 am BBT: BB: Good Morning Houseguests, its time to get up for the day.

Josh doesnt know if he should take a shower or not. Nat says no, maybe wait because its food comp today, and they are likely to get filthy.

Josh says he'll wait until after, and so does Nat. Brief FOTH - again.

Josh is telling Shelia how happy he is that Alison was kicked out this week and that he wont have to deal with her in sequester. Sheila says that shes too smart. Shes a thinker. She says 'not that people in the house are dumb or anything'

Sharon and Josh are giggling in bed. BB tells them that there are fresh batteries in the SR.

Sharon tells him that he snores too loud. James says on a scale of 1-10, he's an 11. Sharon tells him that he wakes himself up sometimes he snores so loud. Chelsia says she didnt sleep very well because of all the snoring.

Matt comes in and says something about doing laps. Nat comes in and starts to talk to everyone. Something is said about a restraining order (Im not sure what this was in regards to though - sorry)

Adam says he enjoyed sleeping alone. Josh says that Shelia was happy to sleep alone and that shes a new woman. Adam says shes ready to ROCK now.

Nat says to Josh and Sharon (who are still laying in bed) 'Oh, he doesnt want the 5 foot rule. He's just saying that.


9:05 am BBT: BB: I said, its time to get up for the DAY.

Then Nat says, 'Id hate to be his kids' (HAHAHA)

Adam, Shelia, and Nat are in the kitchen making breakfast. Nat bitches every now and again that there is no food to eat.

Josh comes by and asks if he can have a piece of the little pigglet (They are making bacon and eggs)

Shelia jokes that now she doesnt have to be nice to Adam, or like him etc. Then she says Im kidding, you know I love you.

9:22 am BBT - Adam is called to the DR. He says 'See ya later everyone'

Sheila says she is on strike from doing the dishes.

BB: Ryan, have you changed your batteries?


10:33am bbt

FoTH Trivia

(i have to admit that its nice to have new trivia. i haven't had the chance to read them yet though. finally they decided to update them)


they are in teams...running up a ladder jump in a pool with letters an spell out foods..feeds are in an out of the comp...


We had bits and pieces of Food Comp before returning to Trivia. My guess is time ran out and now BB is taping the wrap-up before everyone jumps into the muck. Here's what (I think) I got:

Red Team: Sharon, Josh, Chelsea and Sheila

Blue Team: Natalie, James, Matt and Adam

Not competing: Ryan (HoH)

The incomplete list of foods listed included:

Blue Team: Beef, Turkey, Nuts

Red Team: Sushi, Meat, Yogurt, Beer, Sauce, Beans, Chicken

My guess is that the team that won more food wins and the other team goes on Slop. It looked like Blue was ahead by a couple food items. The HG had to find letters in a pudding-looking solution and correctly spell food items and then write the words on a chalkboard.


Who got his BBReloader set to record in time to get 2GB worth of triva...

Feeds back, Blue won.


Who believes the much they were jumping into was chocolate...


Sharon, Sheila and Natalie are in the shower together trying to get clean. Josh is on the other side alone. They're talking about the food competition. [i think they all won food for the house but were in teams.]

Sharon just said. Now they have to get dressed for nominations (She said PoV first but changed to Nominations).

11:52AM BBT: ID LD


James getin in the shower with Natalie and Sharon after Sheila gets out. Natalie says, "Watch the penis!" He says, "Yeah, I've tucked it." :lol:

Natalie is out of the shower now flashing us as she gets dry.

Everyone is getting clean and doing ADLs now.


Ryan saying DR would not confirm noms today.


Who notes Matt also is disappointed they didn't get pizza...

Jem, he also said its all shriveled. Really TMI. Last night I think he told Josh he was bi, apparently trying to expand his game network.


Who thinks it was Matt who flashed his cheeks, but he was watching feeds from across the room...


Nominations today was on the LR screen.

Ryan tells James he’s safe and that they do need him in the HoH room too. James tells him he can find out where the votes in the house are and can make sure the person he is targeting out of the house. James is going to get them some patches (nicotine) for him and Ryan.

Chelsia comes in the room. (she is on Ryan and the guys like a fly on poop)

Adam, Matt, Ryan and Chelsia are in the HoH room They're talking about nominations. Matt tells Ryan if you have to put me up, put me up. It's not as bad now that it's not couples.

Ryan says its just weird now because he doesn't have a partner to talk things over with. It sounds like Chelsia is on slop, Ryan offered her something and Matt said she's on slop. They start talking about ho fast Natalie took the blue bikini so she was on the guys team.

Now Matt is bitching about Natalie and the 27 letters of the alphabet. And they way she was trying to spell cereal.

(So maybe the Blue team won food)


In HoH, Matt tells Matt, Adam and James they are safe. James going on nicotine patch.

Matt lays blame in FC on Sheila who was slow. Adam says it was a team loss. Matt asks if he is still married to her.


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