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Tuesday, February 19th


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Listening to the plotting and back-stabbing makes me wonder:

A. WTH is wrong with me that I can't stop watching?

B. How the producers could, in good conscience, release these chowderheads back into the wild upon the series conclusion?

C. How much would it cost to pay off some of the stage hands to brick them up inside so they can never escape?

D. Are the Hamsters (HG) aware that people are watching and listening?

E. Did Parker forget his psych meds?

F. Did they all forget their psych meds?



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ok. so I am watching BAD, and Josh really does believe Allison and Sheila are a couple?? He told Sharon it was the biggest secret of the house!!!! I know they told him that in jest but did not know they were gonna follow thru with it?????

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I agree Lowbb9, louder and more obnoxious doesn't mean better.

Kaysar made for great TV, but he wasn't a great BB player. He kept shooting himself in the foot in terms of the BB game. In life, I think good guys do go further than they do in the BB game :)

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i am tivo tonight show

idol is my main priority now

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me too UPv, the got some talented people on Idol this year, but I DVR it all and then play catch up. What I do notice about this group is that theyreally are a nasty bunch, they throw F bombs around like candy, they are always talkin about sex and having it, especially Matt, cnanot stand him, and I am beginning to not like Alex either, I don't know if there will be any one I can grab onto this season. I read ED's take on this season and it is a hoot. as always callin it like it is,lolol I do miss the Will's, the Jannells, etc oh and not to forget Kaysar,lol

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Well, I did not see much interaction between them on the After Dark last nite, she also said she would only talk game now with her partner, well she lied, and I think she has not forgiven or forgotten, maybe she just wants to get on with the business of playin the game, who knows, she is sooo young and it means too much to her for these scum bags to like her, so she will prolly sadly try to undo whatever it is they dislike her for, which is everything,lolol

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I just thought of something really really scary

One of these mentally unbalanced people are going to win the half a million. :eek:

Thinking of ANY of them winning is just bazzarr.

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I agree Lowbb9, louder and more obnoxious doesn't mean better.

That settles it, Echo is not Allison Grodner incognito!!

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OMG............I miss chicken george! At least he was good for a few laughs :animated_bouncy:

With this group, if it isn't some gross sexual talk or finding some way to get naked, it's real or phony for the cameras DRAMA ............... and last night, Adam was getting so gross, I couldn't watch anymore.

I'm almost missing beer pong..........at least when some of them were playing, you could listen in to some of the others talking strategy.

Watching this group makes me want to take a long, hot shower........it's like a mud bath.

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