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July 15th Live Feed Updates

Guest ranster627

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Guest angelich

Eric, James and Rachel (or Sarah?) talking about how Ashlea wouldn't keep her mouth shut and how she would never stop eating. They are blaming how a lot of food is gone because of her.

Food poisoning is one of James' fears.

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Guest angelich

BB put all four cameras on the bathroom and waited for Eric to come out.

Eric is having everyone come up to him tomorrow, giving them an opportunity to talk to him before noms so everyone has an equal op. so there isn't any whispering. (however eric has already decided who he is nominating so what's the point?)

Also announced everyone needs to ration food for the next 2 days.

Cameras keep following Eric... 13 other people!

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Guest IAmTheSteve

9:22 BBT

When Eric announces to James and Sarah about tomorrow's one-on-one meeting, James notices something wet on Eric's shorts.

James: You been peeing on yourself?

Eric: Maybe, wait, I just washed my hands. Thats probably it.

But, five minutes ago when Eric went to the bathroom, it irked me that he didn't wash his hands when he came out.

Unless there is a sink in that little toilet room.

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Guest angelich

Mike doing impressions of people in the hot tub. Sarah just made fun of him by doing an impression of Mike and saying he sucks at interpretations

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Guest angelich

Oooo April throws an impression back at Mike about the chin thing... then a bird is thrown

Ivette doing an impression of Mike talking about friends or whatever

Eric talking about the HOH competition and how he couldn't lose to Janelle

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Guest angelich

Eric is putting up Mike and Janelle... vote out Mike even though they will tell him he's a pawn...

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Guest angelich

Ivette making fun of Kaysar says she's tired of him being Muslim every day of the week

April says the only time she was mean to someone was yesterday when she went off on Mike. (uh... she's been pretty mean the last couple of days)

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Guest angelich

Janelle summoned to the diary room

Howie freaked out the girls by almost setting a bee on fire, but smashed it instead

Eric's being all dad like, telling Beau and Mike not to grab that or bust that

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Guest angelich

Cameras on Kaysar and James in the bedrooms talking

Talking about how Mike punched a bathroom door when a girl was in the bathroom, more about the sexual harrassment stuff...

James and Kaysar saying they hadn't seen any of this.

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James and Kaysar talking about who the trust and don't trust. Neither of them trust Maggie. and James feels like Kaysar is safe this week since so many people are scared of Michael. wish i could here more but they were wispering very softly.

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Guest angelich

Kaysar and James still talking on all 4 screens now it's just Kaysar in the gold room.

Kaysar asking why must this be so difficult

Cameras now outside, Kaysar now outside

Cameras following Eric again

Eric was wondering where Janelle was, remembered she got called to the DR

All discussing what types on grocery stores they have at home

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Guest angelich

There seem to be a lot of bees in the backyard

Discussion about tv shows they used to watch.

(I'm done for the night ya'll!)

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10:33 BBT

Michael taking a shower, asking Yvette and Sarah to join him. Both decline, Yvette says only if he's man enough to take his underwear off. Then he asks Jennifer to come over and talk to him. Mostly they just ignore him

Michael acting quite loopy...maybe it's all getting to his head

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