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Comparing Nominees / Handicapping


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Guest Tareq's No1 Fan
Um, no

Well put Tareq's No1 Fan, I am glad you posted a response. :D

I feel like i am being too much with my clarification of all things muslim related.

for a jewish girl from nyc, i guess i'm doing my part for diplomacy between factions. although, truth be told, my muslim boyfriend has been patient with explaining things to me so that i can relay it to you all.

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The one truly great thing that could happen would be for julie to say on the live show next week that it is a double eviction and that both michael and janelle can both grab their bags and get the hell out .

Michael is a conceited , arrogant scumbag who enjoys intimidating both men and women . He is just plain mental

Janelle , well i will just stop at calling her a fake and a gold digger .

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Kaysar: In Muslim culture, the body is considered a temple

Then he starts to smoke, okay buddy.

We should all treat our body as a temple, but we don't, so there! Big deal.

Who here is perfect? I think there's a little ditty somewhere about casting the first stone!!!!!!!

Its way past time to get off Kaysar's back.

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Guest debbie_downer
The one truly great thing that could happen  would be for julie to say on the live show next week that it is a double eviction and that both michael and janelle can both grab their bags and get the hell out . 

Michael is a conceited , arrogant scumbag who enjoys intimidating both men and women . He is just plain mental

Janelle , well i will just stop at calling her a fake and a gold digger .

Sorry, but calling Janelle the gold digger is like implying the other HG's are in this just for the 'experience' of it all. And speaking of fake.....have you even had a look at Howie and/or April? Fake boobs, fake noses, fake chins, fake teeth, fake lipliner, and worst of all..fake loyalty.

Michael, Janelle and Kaysar seem to be the ONLY ones that have yet to compromise their self worth.

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Guest gosarah

Right on, Deb!!!! I agree 100%. I tell you, I started out (just by looking at the bios before the game even started) trying to pick someone I would cheer for and I chose Sarah (hence the username). But as the game progressed, I found myself pulling for Jannelle, Kaysar and Michael! I hate the way they have been treated, especially by PowerHungry Eric and his trusty sidekick UpHis_ss Ivette.

What is SO bad is that after this week, one of the three will definately be gone and that sucks big time!! I wish Sarah had more personality in this game--maybe it's her age, but she doesn't seem to be playing very well. But then again, flying under the radar CAN be to your advantage, we'll see.

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everyone is convinced that Michael is going and that Janelle is going to stay...but remember wut happened in season 4 i think it was with Michelle...she was totally blindsided....i know James thinks that Janelle is more of a threat than Michael is and i think that there are more houseguests that feel the same...i was just wondering what you guys think

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If you were Kaysar who would you put up? I'd put up Ivette and James, for sure. I want Eric out personally, but Kaysar did promise Eric so I know he wants to keep his word.

James bc he is strong and sneaky and Ivette bc she's the mouth that is fuel on the fire.

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i agree with you with james and ivette. james is both mentally and physical strong.

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Guest tay1965

I was thinking the same thing but since then I have changed my mind and think James for sure because he is a smart player and Maggie because it is a way to get Eric ripped and she is a big spy and a good player too.

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Ivette and maggie

Maggie only because this is a good way to get under Eric's skin even more. Or anyone else right now with Ivette and then put maggie up just to piss him off if the veto was used

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I'd say Ivette and Maggie.

same. eric will fight to keep maggie and ivette was WAY too Rude to kaysar to keep her!

With that combination would l be a good pot stirrir for ivette to see crappy choose maggie over her. She might see it as betrayl and go "cuban" on eric lmao :lol:

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I was thinking maybe about either Eric/Sarah or Ivette/Sarah. I know that a lot of times putting up the pawn doesn't work, but I just don't see anyone voting Sarah out over either Eric or Ivette. She is just so friendly with everyone. I also think that James would be able to influence the votes to make sure Sarah doesn't go. One more thing... if Eric or Ivette was saved with PoV, Kaysar could put up the other one.

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Guest ambscram

I would put up Eric and James.... but I would make sure that Ivettes key was the last to be pulled

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Since Kaysar is a man of his word, and will keep his deal with Eric in tact, I think he needs to put up James and Maggie, and if one them should come off the block because of veto, then put Ivette up there.

Now that's what my head thinks, my emotions want him to put Ivette and April...LOL

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Guest Chiggy Von Richthofen

if it was me making the choice it'd be Eric and James. Eric because of what he did to my partner and really, aren't we all tired of that old short angry man? Imagine how it must be to actually have to live with the little troglodyte.

And James because he's slick, slimey and reminds me of a weasel...no an EEL. But if you put up James I'm sure Eric goes first.

But I'm thinkin' Kaysar will do Eric and Ivette and the Underhand, Slow-Pitch, Softball playin' Latina goes home to her life partner LONG before Eric get's the boot. Which would SUCK in ALL the WRONG ways.

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