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Which Team Are You Rooting For?


which team are you rooting for?  

119 members have voted

  1. 1. who are you leaning towards?

    • Eric/Jess
    • Dick/Dani
    • Neither

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I voted neither....I haven't had a favorite for a long time.

I think when it gets down to the F4 it will get pretty interest-

ing. At this point I don't care who wins. I'll watch BB til the


JMHO :pixiedust: lol

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I like Dick but I can't stand Danielle. (sorry king123 if you're out there and GreatXL) Therefore, I voted neither team. I would really love it if Zach won the stupid thing.

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Janelle loves Dani?

Well, she has completely fallen off my radar. Screw Janelle. She used to be my favorite too.

Gosh I would like to think I would never dislike someone (ie: people at Morty's) because of who they like. <_<

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Well Marty, I think I'll be honest, as I always am.

If someone likes Danielle AS A PERSON (and Janelle claims to), I have no use for them because it would lead me to question their integrity. Danielle is mean, aloof, rude, snotty, whiney, feels she's entitled and just a downright nasty person...has been most of the season. If someone likes her game, fine. However, I can't see wanting to "hang out" with someone who actually liked Danielle as a person (IE what she has portrayed in the house). Quite frankly, 90% of the time she has come off as a total jerk.

I haven't seen a single positive aspect of Danielle's personalty all season long and that includes when she was cavorting with Nick while still having a boyfriend. If Danielle has shown something other than the above that is positive about her personality would someone please clue me in? Oh, and don't say "Well she laughs sometimes" because usually that laugh was preceded by something rude she said to someone or an insult she levied at Zach.

So just to be clear, I'm not saying anyone is a bad person for liking Danielle as a person or the way she acts. What I'm saying is I wouldn't want to be around them because that's not the type of person I want to be around. Reality star or not, pretty or not, I wouldn't give Danielle the time of day.

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Oh, and just to be clear, part of my job entails being compassionate and understanding. Part of my job is being around and counseling ALL kinds of people. You name it, I've dealt with it. My job is incredibly high stress but I need to keep that stress OUT of my job. Thus, the people I surround myself with n my personal life are extremely well balanced, very pleasant...etc. Why would I want to deal with stress at work and then deal with more of it by being around someone like Danielle?

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Dani has said she has only one true friend outside of the house. After getting to see her and with her personality, now I know why. Once again, I am in agreement with you Xal. And I really don't have a favorite anymore, except I don't want either of the Donatos to win. I just don't care for either one of them.

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Well working with people all day in MY job I have learned to not be so judgemental of people. I like all kinds of people. I think it is important to have tolerence when you work with people and try to understand them and not judge them so harshly.

I think I would like Daniele and be her friend outside the game. I think she will do some growing up when she gets out of the house. She can be whiney and a bitch but I have seem some good compasionate parts of her personality. My daugher is 30 now but when she was 20/21 she was kind of a spoiled crabby kid. Now she is such a beautiful person with the biggest heart. People grow up at different ages. I was a wild crazy person until the age of 24 when I got pregnant. I am a totally different person now.

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Xal, your posts sound a bit stressed.

People here often mistake my passion for life and everything in it for anger or stress when I type here. I'm really not angry or stressed right now. When I type angry, I usually say so or don't type at all. Everything I do, no matter how inconsequential, I do with passion and extra energy. It could be anything from when I golf to playing basketball, hiking to a video game or yes, even when I post here. It's just part of who I am. I don't have the ability (or maybe I just don't have the desire) to not put a lot of energy into everything I do.

It's one of the many reasons I always sleep so well at night, I poop myself out during the day and evening!

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It's humanly impossible to not be judgmental one iota. Even subconsciously we judge. Even Mother Teresa judged.

The trick is to NOT be judgmental when it matters not to be, IE in our line of work. In our personal lives, however, it is NECESSARY to be judgmental. You must make judgments about who you choose to spend your life with because many people will bring you down and inject poison into your life. At work my arms are open as is my heart and mind. At home, I only let those in who I feel deserve to be let in.

If I were any other way, I'd probably be in a mental hospital by now.

I would not have the patience to be around someone like Danielle in a social environment. She would have the tendency to drain me.

I found out long ago that I'm a very good talker AND listener which is hard to find. This is why I took a journey into my field. However, I don't care how strong you are, counseling people with problems ranging from health to legal does have an effect on even the hardest of hard cases. I'm just not strong enough to deal with it at work and then in my personal life, all the while having a very passionate disposition where I throw out more energy often than I take in just living a normal life.

I hope you can MAYBE understand a bit more why I am the way I am and sometimes come off snippy.

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I'm actually rooting for one of each to make it to the Finals. I would like to see the jury deciding between Eric & Dick or Jessica & Danielle, as IMO they are the same type of player.

If the Final 2 was Danielle & Eric (barring Eric having to reveal AP), I think the jury would have a hard time. In one hand you have a woman who was very good at competitions, in th other hand, you have a man very good at manipulating his alliance members. They both lied & betrayed people they promised to protect.

Now, Dick vs Jessica would be an even more interesting vote. They both played a honest, somewhat delusional game. Dick was openly aggressive game with the more timid players. He bullied his votes and his opinions, even when dealing with his alliance members. Jessica used a softer approach. Deciding between these two would be like deciding between sweet and savory.

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