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Daniele Week 9


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If it's not Jameka gone this week... hope it's you. Aaaawwkwaaaard!!!

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I think the alliance between Dick/Dani/Eric/Jess will fall apart this week. Zach's target has to be one of them, unless as a group they convince him to take out Jameka. That would be awesome for all sides.

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Now 123 that wasn't nice... Jessica isn't a slut... I don't think they will have to vote anyone from their alliance out as long as Zach puts up Jameka, then Jameka will leave I think... But then again, if Jessica is up I can see Daniele talking her Dad into voting out Jessica...

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i cant see zach putting up jameka. if he has ANY brain cells he will knwo they are both alone and team up.

but then again we are talking about zach, so come on. he will go to Jessica and talk, and this time she will talk back.

Good Luck Daniele!

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"Tuesday at 9:00, 8:00 central, a very special Power of Veto competition will be hosted by Big Brother All-Star, Janelle. Next Thursday at 8:00 we will have you a shocker for the houseguests. They won't know it but by the end of the hour, two of them will be evicted. It's a double live eviction."

Yana! get it right, its a "Very Special veto" Lol, jk

do you not think that means its special because of Janelle?

"Tuesday at 9:00, 8:00 central, a very special Power of Veto competition will be hosted by Big Brother All-Star, Janelle. Next Thursday at 8:00 we will have you a shocker for the houseguests. They won't know it but by the end of the hour, two of them will be evicted. It's a double live eviction."

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do you not think that means its special because of Janelle?

Nope if it wasn't some kind of twist then they would've just said past house guest Janelle host the PoV competition...

I know Marcellus hosted one too...

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Did anyone catch Daniele saying that Jameka was only pulling for Eric? Umm, what about her clueing Daniele in on not sticking her thumb inside the teacup???

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