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Once The Show Is Over And The Cameras Are Off...


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This is my first year on the BB Blogs, and I'm wondering if you pros have some idea of what kind of exposure and access we can expect from the house guests once the game is over. I have a pretty good idea that many ex HGs read these and similar posts- but do they ever do live chats or write blogs so we can find out from them how they feel once they've read all the live feeds and posts and seen all the videos? or does all our fun end when the last camera shuts off?

I have watched many seasons but I am particularly interested (dying!) to know what this season's HGs will have to say once they have seen and read everything!

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ALOT of them have myspace's. they usually are active on them too. after a year or two, MOST of them try to avoid tabloids and stuff, just cause they get tired of it. AND most of themwill add anybody who adds them to thier facebook. although, some want true friends ONLY so they dont add you.

Good luck daniele!

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I will be doing as many interviews as possible... I am now waiting on Mike to answer all of the questions people here at Morty's ask him... When I get it back, I will be sending it to Morty for him to edit and post... :)

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That's great Ginger, but a lot of people do want to hear from them after the show... I like hearing what they thought while in the house and what they thought after the finale... :)

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Fizzle - Maggie and Eric are NOT missing. Haven't you heard? Maggie squandered all her money and is living under an overpass outside of Tupelo, MS.

And Eric is staying at his summer place - a tent in the woods near Laramie, WY.

Eric's friends are concerned, because he keeps saying the same thing, over and over:

The woods are lovely, dark and deep

But I have promises to keep

And miles to go before I sleep

And miles to go before I sleep.

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That's great Ginger, but a lot of people do want to hear from them after the show... I like hearing what they thought while in the house and what they thought after the finale...

It wasn't meant to be great, I was just stating my opinion.

Actually I should have said that these boards will be updating every little thing the hg do from here on now. :)

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Well, we know what Boogie has been up to...lol

IN 6 months:

I would like to see if Amber can stay off drugs.

If D/D are still talking.

If Jameka is still working at the school.

If Jen is still working for Vanna.

If there's a showmance between Eric and Jess, are they still together?

If Kail still has her town.

If Nick and Dani are still in touch.

If Dustin has worn out his robe, or grey t-shirts.

and the rest I've already forgotten them. :animated_scratchchin:

JMHO :pixiedust:

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Every season I'm always dying to know certain houseguests' reactions when they find out how they've been berated and stabbed in the back by other houseguests. Alas, it's always a let down as I never find out much.

This year, the only thing I'm interested in is Dick's reaction to the incest comments. I doubt we'll find out though.

edit--Does anyone know if Housecalls is going to have that "after show", about a week after the show ends, this year? I don't think they had it last year if I remember right.

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This year, the only thing I'm interested in is Dick's reaction to the incest comments. I doubt we'll find out though.

I will be trying to get an interview with him, so watch the interviews forum so you can post that question... :)

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what i usually dont ever get to hear about is their opinions on things AFTER they have watched the show/live feeds/read forums....i know some of the ones in the past actually try to say they refuse to watch any of the shows, but c'mon who really believes that

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I see Amber going back to waitressing and getting better tips if she grants requests from patrons to cry and say 'I love you soooooooo much!'

Jameka will still work at the school, but, on Sundays she'll be the preacher at the Gangsta God Church she will fund with her earnings from the show.

If Dick wins, he'll be traveling around the world rocking his money away. If he loses, he'll be teaming up with Jonny Fairplay on reality smackdown shows

If Daniele wins, she'll move and change her phone number so her family and ex can't find her, live out her fling with Nick then dump him and start dating one of the many sharks that will be circling around her as soon as she gets out. If she loses, she'll move to Minessota with Nick where she'll be bored out of her mind until he dumps her for whining soooooooo much

If Eric wins, he will be opening his own BB school where he will teach wannabe BB players how to do it right. If Eric loses, he'll spend the rest of his life talking non-stop about how he could have won if he hadn't been AP to anyone who will care to hear him out

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