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Jameka Week 8


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I think that seeing Amber going over the deep end with praying/begging God has opened her eyes to how dumb she was looking. I have nothing against religion, but they have taken it to the extreme, and I am glad to see Jameka pull it back a little.

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jameka, my only hope for entertainment now is that you will find out your good friend amber is wheeling and dealing with daniele and that does not include YOU

all through bb6 i actually wanted janelle to go ahead and get voted out so the NH would have to implode and end up hating each other, so now that jen is out of there someone needs to realize y'all should be hating amber...c'mon jameka!

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Ok here I go again defending Jameka. We have to remember that diary rooms are scripted, those may not be her original words and thoughts but have been elicited by the DR person.

I haven't forgotten the HG complaining that the DR wanted them to re-state things and use certain words.

And no, Jameka does not have a low IQ. I find this complaint a bit of a stretch. Rag on her for being a floater, rag on her for the ummm-hmmms, the God is my Gangsta lover, or bad game play. But low IQ, I think not.

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With Jess as HOH, Jameka is pretty safe off the block. While Eric is wheeling and dealing with D&D, Jessica is keeping in mind that people you can beat in competitions make gret allies.

To bash on Jameka for her use of BB's favorite word "integrity" is a bit of a stretch. She was sad to see Jen basically give up. Jen's threat to not go into sequester degraded the point of the game. However, the biggest crime of diary manipulation was Jameka not happy to see Jen's meltdown. Not happy jen had an emotional meltdown, but that Jen's actions all but guaranteed Jameka would stay.

Anyone but Jameka would have put on that sad face, but once in the DR, we would have heard "Woo-Hoo, Thank You God." Just saying...

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All Jameka needs to do is get by for 2 more weeks and that's it. She is a formible player in competitions and its is definitely possible for her to win HOH. Since this is a free week for her that leaves one more week she can't play for HOH. Next week if she wins POV, she'll be free and clear to play for the next HOH.

This was the week to get rid of Jameka and they just blew it by Jessica winning HOH and not putting her up.

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I think that Jameka could have actually done something in this game if she hadn't hooked up with Amber. Amber is like cement shoes dragging her down and making her look bad.

Giving up her rights to play HoH might have been the best move she's made so far in the game. If she can slide by a few more weeks, she could end up in great shape. If the others stick to their plans and get out Amber and Zach first, than Jameka wins PoV the following week.. look out.

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I won't argue the point since my post was conjecture, but I'm just musing..

And no, Jameka does not have a low IQ. I find this complaint a bit of a stretch. Rag on her for being a floater, rag on her for the ummm-hmmms, the God is my Gangsta lover, or bad game play. But low IQ, I think not.

How can you possibly be so sure?

Of course, my idea of a low IQ may vary from others'.

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I guess it is all relative and does depend on what you mean by low. To me Amber has a low to average IQ as a starting point. Jameka is a college graduate and she doesn't seem like the type who would have cheated her way through. She was smart enough to know she is not a natural teacher and moved to a related field.

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I may be wrong but she's in a pretty good position right now because yes, she's part of the pecking order but people know that whoever sends her out the door will be truly hated in the jury because of the general like people have for her...plus I have a feeling that the D/D/J/E may already start at each other by the time she is on the block because a lot of justifications will have to be going on for whoever is placed up there

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