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Is This Season Of Big Brother The Most Nasty?


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Yana, if you start spitting every 5 seconds I will leave........

You can support Dick all you want, but don't become his phlegm buddy

I still heart you and sorry you don't feel well.


Nope not going to spit... Think that is just so very gross... YUCK!!! I still love ya too hon... Sorry about last night... I am feeling better today and I know I was wrong... :)

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The point is Evil has ruined this show forever now. The other players are so young and afraid of dick so he rules the whole house. And this is not fun to watch. Where is all the orginality or playing for one? All they do this year is sway w/ the wind and float to whoever is in charge that week.

But back to the matter that Dick has ruined the show now. People are going to be expecting now a dude to push the boundaries after the way he treated people. The show is really going to have to change the rules on how they play the game again.

Oh and btw: Nick the loverboy ate a turkeyburger the week he was up on the block and nothing happened to him. He wasnt' ganged up on by everybody in the house and ripped about his integrity of the game.

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While I would normally agree that I would not want my Mother or even Father in that kind of situation, I can't help but say that my family members would not taunt that behavior either. Jen has been bringing this upon herself since the time she realized she could get some attention out of it. I do not condone Dick's ranting and raving, but I don't think that Jen was little miss innocent to say the least.

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Yeah, Jen has really brought all of it on herself. I mean, she has dared to walk around the BB house, sometimes even daring to walk somewhere where Dick is! And she insisted on standing there when he dumped tea on her head! :blink:

Dick's a big boy. He has control over himself. Even if Jen is stupid enough to try to grab his cigarette, he is twice her age and ought to have the maturity not to purposely burn her with it, over and over again.

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Yeah, Jen has really brought all of it on herself. I mean, she has dared to walk around the BB house, sometimes even daring to walk somewhere where Dick is! And she insisted on standing there when he dumped tea on her head!

No one brings getting burned with a cigarrete on themselves, and if you think they do, you deserve to be an abused child who's father put out his cigarretts on you. Perhaps the first time was her fault, as she reached for dick's cigarrette just because she was aggravated that he was smoking in her face. Instead, she should have removed herself from the situation.

However, the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th time she reached for the cigarrete, she was getting more and more emotional, and was really just in survival mode. Dick fed on this and used her emotion as an excuse to hurt her over and over again. He is truly a sick person and I do now feel ashamed of myself for watching this show.

I have sent an e-mail to CBS telling them that I will no longer watch if Dick is allowed to continue on the show, and I suggest others do the same.

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How about the email address, and a sample of your letter so that it can be easier for many to do the same, please.

I think Dick has been projecting all his negative emotions about his spoiled brat onto Jen, who is almost as much a self-involved spoiled brat as Danielle.

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What started out as a persons opinion somehow turned into a "look at me and my experience" thread worthy of Jens approval. I started reading every post because I was interested in what other opinions were and stopped when people wanted it to be all about them.

And now that I have decided to post all I can think of is I have gas and it's worthy of Dicks approval.

sorry but i lost my train of thought by the time i got here

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Here's the problem. We can't have our cake and eat it too. We want excitement on the show. We want drama. We want cutting edge television. And to get that, they have to put assholes on the show. I'm sorry, but lets call a spade a spade.

Imagine if the show were simply filled with "good" people. They've just have a grand old summer vacation in between challenges. At nomination, a couple people would get nominated but nobody would take it personally. They'd just go back to having their fun summer vacation, someone would go home, and nobody would be sad. Because it's just a game. And only sore losers flip their lid at losing a game.

And you know what? B-O-R-I-N-G. The show would get canceled so fast you'd think it was on Fox. Nobody would give a damn because it just isn't fun without friction between the contestants.

Really, are any of these damn people worth caring about on a personal level? We've got Jameka, the hypocrite who is spouting bible verses one second and talking about Eric's penis the next. We've got Amber, who is more or less clinically insane. We've got Zach, who ought to be a raft because he sure likes to float. Nevermind the mild "he'd cut the house up with a butcher knife if they just gave him one" vibe you get. Dick is an absolute asshole. Danielle is a female version of Dick who says her crap behind peoples backs and whines a lot. Eric would be mostly normal if we weren't using him like a puppet. And Jessica is...strangely normal.

Yes, the chick who was just about the first person to start badmouthing a fellow player (Carol naturally) turns out to be the only one who could probably pass a REAL psyche eval. That should tell you about all you need to know.

Boo hoo, poor Jen. Miss "we're playing a game based on molesting each other, but lets make sure that one dude doesn't touch us". Give me a break. I couldn't care less about her "experience". Yes, Dick is the bigger asshole. But that's a bit like asking me to choose a President between Rush Limbaugh and Dick Cheney. Just give me the third option of a bullet to the head...

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excellent point! well said.

ps.. i dont know why, but everytime i see your name i think of the soccer ball name Wilson on that movie with Tom Hanks where he is stranded on the island for 4 years.. whats that movie... :animated_scratchchin:

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Gotta give respect for her lasting through all that abuse and basically being in this process alone since the rest of the houseguests were pretty much giving her the cold shoulder. Although she did start out the season as a self-righteous bitch, she has shown she is human and that 'wall' she puts up against Dick can be broken down. W/e though, I don't like Dick for what he's done, but I don't think we can do much about it other than spin in circles and talk/bitch about it... Let it go and move on, they signed up for it and should have expected anything.

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Well, King, I actually agree with almost everything you said.

And for the record, I have supported the Donatos completely, until the cigarette incident. So those of you who lump me in with the "dick-haters", get over yourselves.

The only thing I take issue with is that your take on Jess and Eric leaves much to be desired. Eric is nearly as much a mean-spirited prick as Dustbin. And Jess is so easily influenced that she's practically an airhead. And furthermore, I think she wants Danielle out of the house, more out of blonde-rivalry, than any real strategy.

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