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Saturday, August 11th


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I have to say I really feel sorry for Dani. She's only 20 years old - and that's still soooo young. Plus, she's coming from an obviously dysfunctional family.

Her laughing at her dad's behavior can't really be held against her, entirely. I say that only because sometimes kids from abusive backgrounds - especially with a volatile, verbally abusive father - frequently display either a dead-pan, unaffected reaction or laugh at seeming inappropriate moments. Imagine a tiny, little girl raised - whether around the clock or during visitations - by someone who is extremely emotionally volatile. The instability of never knowing what might set daddy off can make a child either hide every emotion and withdraw or try to stay within that parent's "good graces" to avoid being a target.

Most unfairly is, from the beginning, she's been judged by her dad's behavior. I can't count the number of times one of the other "good" people have asked why she doesn't say something to him. She's made some very intelligent observations and has been the real intellectual "leader" of hers and her dad's team.

Her spending so much time with Nick is easily understandable if you look at her situation and background. He's a soft-spoken man - very protective; and she's completely out of her comfort zone of home and the protection of friends and family. I think Danielle has held up magnificently for coming from where she has.

Believe me, it probably took more courage than a lot of us could muster to reject her dad and cut him off from any contact for all those years. She is still a very, very young girl thrown into a snake pit - with the scariest snake of all - the one that terrorized her childhood - and she's maintaining terrifically.

I cannot bring myself to criticize her.


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I NEVER said Dick was any better out of the house than he is in the house.........the guy IS what he IS :animated_rotfl:

and, trash talking rockers throw the c*** word and the f*** word and many other words around to each other without giving it a thought.......where have some of you people been all your lives?


Kudos to the man if he gives the POV to his daughter! :animated_bouncy:

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from JenClaire's post in the live feeds:

Jess is describing the Macho Mug game again, to Jen this time I think. She's trying to come up with a word for that thing you drink out of at camp. Jug wasn't the word. One of the boys offers canteen. No that wasn't the word. Amber offers thermostat. and Jessica says Yes! Thats it!


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I'm being swayed by the 'fraud' argument, more and more. D/D just work too good toghether now, for me to believe they were that estranged before the show. Dani in HOH trying to get the rest of them to feel sorry for her, only to watch her go back to the round room and conspire deliciously with her father....she didn't skip a heartbeat...

Amber is just now saying the exact same thing....'this is all staged...let me go off, then I'll turn it down...'

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Dick won't be in the house anymoorre!!! HA HA HAHA HA HA animated_bouncy.gif

And would you people stop using herd, when I named you guys I at least was original! Why can't we think of anything without Herd in it!!??

Everyone is having fun with the nicknames. I asked in another thread (somewhere) that if you don't like the name(s) - why don't you come up with something different instead of criticizing? Be creative!


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I think ED just got some producer input, and then to FOTH. Something about, 'I did give it a minute'...

I never said D/D shouldn't plot! Of course they should! Just that the nature of their plotting is to include Jen bashing, and Zach bashing behind their backs! And they need both Jen and Zach!

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Ahhhhhh yes.........a big conspiracy........I'll bet that 2 years ago D/D stopped talking so that they could get on this years BB as being estranged :animated_rotfl::animated_rotfl:

I can't............I just can't anymore :maleficent:

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IVGAL, I was raised in a trailer behind a bar but I climbed up out of the gutter and learned some values and curtesy. Since then I have lived above the skum at the bottom of the barrel and only the skum seem to think that language is acceptable. Anyone who uses the c-word is, in my own humble opinion, is beneath contempt and just shows what low class white trash people look like- this from a white person who pulled herself out of that station in life.

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As I stated in another thread:

I only spoke or saw my own dad on rare ocassion for a period of 5 years. We did speak but it was very rarely and without any substance. We both refer to that time as "the years we didn't speak."

I think them game talking is not evidence of them having a relationship outside of the house. Every time Dick tries to talk to her about their relationship, she cuts him off. And her body language when he gets close to her is obvious. Yes, she jumped in his arms after the HOH comp, but she was on an adrenaline/emotional high.

That's my two cents on that.

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What happened...someone erased their post. It was Ivgal..did you think it was a bait post? I didn't think so and I will gladly answer you: I see it now...many posts got in between.

Nobody said that.

What is suggested is that they never were apart to begin with.

They did apply for a previous season of BB.

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What conspiricy?? It's just game play! Kail made up a back story, Dani wants everyone to believe she's younger, Whamber...hell, she might be the most stable person in the world(pardon me while I throw up on that one!), but you never know!

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What conspiricy?? It's just game play! Kail made up a back story, Dani wants everyone to believe she's younger, Whamber...hell, she might be the most stable person in the world(pardon me while I throw up on that one!), but you never know!

Only one sliiight correction - Dani doesn't want anyone in the house to know that she isn't 21, yet. She told her dad not to tell anyone in that first episode. The rest - you nailed it right on!!


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My bad Fizzle!I'm all about the fun here...it's sooooo delicious!!I remember last night, Dani was pointing out to ED, that Whamber doesn't cry when she gets angry, ED asked her what she meant by that, and Dani replied, 'I'm just saying...'What if Whamber is putting on a big Vegas act?? Who knows for sure?? (pause for more disbelieving my own theory vomit!)

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OMG...ED just told Dust that he was going to lay off now! On everyone, that he's got what he wanted...he almost, ALMOST, said he was sorry!!!

He just told Zach the same thing! That he was done being mean!!! WOW! What a change in strategy!

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I don't really believe the D&D story of no contact for 2 years either.

Dick admitted seeing Danielle in the BB offices when he was trying out and probably exagerated their distant relationship so the producers might be intrigued by it (he is a BB fan so he knows what twists they like).

Also I recall a clip somewhere of Dick asking Danielle if she got his email last week and her saying that she had.


OK... not exactly truthful with the 'haven't spoken in 2 years' or does email not count?

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Miss.......I am sorry about your life and all.......I was just pointing out that some people (like rockers, hip hoppers, etc.) lead totally different lives.......they use words that you and I may never use, in their every day lives.......and they are not "white trash"........in fact, I've heard some pretty foul language out of the mouths of some pretty affluent people (and some pretty degrading things in offices).......so, I'm not sure we should be someone else's judge and jury. I may not like what Dick says but he's got the right to say it and the others have a right to go back at him.........in my opinion. And I still say, KUDOS to the man if he gives the POV up to his daughter.........

and to whoever asked if I erased something????nope.

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