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I would hope that it wouldn't get around, but if you can remember 1 thing said in the house that hasn't gotten around, let me know.

I think that Jess may actually be starting to have doubts about Eric, too.

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Well looks like Jess told Dustin about Dani and Dick thinking it's Eric...about being the secreat alliance member with Jen and Kail...

Watch out if Dick gets wind of it........

Didn't take Jess long to blab....

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She shouldn't really be thinking much into the "Eric lies" banner.

She already knows he's been lying to the others WITH her as they looked into forming sub-alliances with Jen and the others.

I would think she feels lucky it didn't say "Eric and Jessica Lie" and let everyone else let their imaginations run wild.

Even if this whole thing costs Eric the game I really hope Jessica makes it to the end.

I love Jess, she seems like such a sweetheart.

My favorite Jessica clip, by the way... :clap:

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It is obvious that Jessica felt her relationship with Eric was greater than her alliance with D&D. It probably will keep her in the game longer. It was really, really, really stupid of them to tell her of their plans. Not that she is a blabbermouth but it is natural for her to slip and tell or be tempted to tell Eric. She didn't do anything sneaky, I don't recall that she promised silence. I'm just interested in who Eric will replace? Jen or Kail. Either way I can't see them voting out Eric -- so either Jen or Kail is a goner. If he does get voted out and they keep the JK Alliance in, that's the end of the AP angle. It's a win-win either way.

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I'm not sure if she agreed to not say anything or if they just said "keep this between us" but either way D & D are fools 4 even thinking she would just turn on Eric that fast. The BIGGEST mistake Dani made was when she said "everything is perfect" Sorry darling... your not in Kansas anymore!!!

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She told them she would keep it secret, just like Dustin did. Both of them blabbed less than 5 minutes afterwards. Jess is going to feel stupid when she finds out that Eric was indeed the second vote both times.

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floater a lock for final four

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even if dick finds out eric still the target

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Does Jess REALLY trust Eric the way she said she does though? Sure, she told him what all was said [which would have come out anyway by Dick's big mouth] but could that be a smart move to cover her own back? Because I don't think she would have told Dustin first if she really believed in Eric's word like she says...especially in the way she stated it

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final four lock

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I read in the logs last night that after Dick talked to Jess she had a diary room. Then she told Eric everything Dick told her. Eric asked her if she believed him and Jessica said she sorta did until she had her session. So wonder how they talked Jessica out of being suspicious of Eric??? CBS must be trying to protect the AP for now.

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