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Eric - America's Player


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ok, so lets say eric wins HOH, everybody would be so mad at him if they vote the same way as the "Love em or leave em" poll


cause as of now he would nominate

1amber 0.4%

2Kail 1%

3Zach 2.3%

and lets say zach wins POV and saves Kail he would put up the next person who is

Dustin 3.4%

EDIT:: if eric wins HOH, that means KAIL went home so it would be



dustin THEN


YAH! my 3 faves are the top 3 DICK-JENN-DANIELE! (daniele went from 0.4 to 17.4 YAH!)

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At some point (and hopefully we can clarify this) Jessica was told point blank in a DR session that it was not Eric who cast the phantom votes in the previous weeks. That being a half truth since it was America who cast them.

That would be digusting for BB to do that. Are they going to cheat all the way and let Eric win it?

It's not like it's working out anyway, I mean he dosen't try very hard to do what we want. And we know he could if he really wanted to, as we have seen he can talk real good and campaign well when it's something he wants (for himself staying) but not for what we want.

I hope Amber tell's Dani or Dick they are changing their vote's so that they can talk her back into switching. He needs to go!

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If Eric wanted to use this info against Amber ONLY to further his game, why didn't he have enough compassion to at least TRY to whisper it to Jessica? He said it her as if he was bragging about how great he is and how vile Amber is. He's a slimeball.

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um, you can't use the love 'em or leave 'em poll as a determinant because that counts people's favorites... when voting for something like nominees it would reflect people's least favorites... I don't know anyone that considers Zach their least favorite.

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Something I have been wondering about with all this drama around Eric. As AP, Eric is actually given information that the other HGs don't have. Even tho it is limited to who the outside world does or doesn't like because they want them nomed or evicted or pranked, he still has that slight advantage of outside knowledge.

Now I know that this wouldn't be a huge advantage or anything but it is still something that the others in the house don't have. So, if Eric should win the whole thing and the others find out that he had these bits and peices of information, wouldn't they be upset by that?

Just wondering.

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gosh after reading the "Donatos need to go!!!" thread, it just makes me hate eric even more! i hope he leaves tonight! gosh, i hate him


(at first i wanted zach to win, but again after reading that thread i want the donatos to be the final2. i would love for them to win back-to-back-toback-to back hohs!)

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Straykat, I've been thinking the same thing. Today when they said the other HG were encouraged to keep Eric, I thought how mad I would be if I was them. When they find out why they were encouraged to keep him they'll know they were encouraged to jeopardize their own game for the sake of CBS/Big Brother. That would make me furious./

I'm not a big believer in things being fixed at all. HOWEVER, I do know that Amber was absolutely 100% emphatic about voting Eric out before that DR session. She even told Jameka she may go ahead and vote against him because she was worried Dustin wouldn't. She was standing up for herself against Jameka, because Jameka was leery they were doing the wrong thing by evicting Eric. I find it hard to believe Amber flipped on her own.

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I think BB producers should tell all the HGS that there is a mole in the house, and let them speculate and try to uncover who it is. Eric might be #1 on their list already, but because they don't know 100%, they will continue to speculate on it.

I do believe that Eric has an slight unfair advantage, but might be counter balanced by the fact he can't control his vote. America's eviction choices have not always worked to his personal advantage to stay in the game.

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Assuming the weasel doesn't go home, give up hope for him as HOH. He will throw it, perfect example was how he threw the buzzer HOH comp, trying to answer before hearing the question. He did that on purpose. Why, because he's afraid of who America would make him nominate.

So as much as I'd love for him to nominate Dustin and all, it's just a pipe dream because the weasel doesn't have the balls to try and win HOH.

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If he stays and (by some strange alignment of the planets ) he becomes HOH, it would be great if America's vote was to put Amber up instead of the expected D&D or Jen and Zach combo. Things would really get crazy.

But like others have said, it would be against Eric's best interests to get HOH since he would have no choice on one of his noms. And to be fair, even tho I don't like Eric, I know I wouldn't like it if I was HOH and I had to nom someone not of my choosing.

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I hope Eric stays, wins HOH vindication for him. Puts up D/D they get smoked in the POV comp and one of them goes home. I'm so tired of the D/D love and Eric hate. I actually liked Dick in the beginning then his true persona came out and now he is sooo vile i can't stand the thought of him winning....UGH!

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Eric will always throw HOH. He knows as AP one of his nominations will probably be decided for him, which could REALLY throw a wrench in his game. I will be surprised if he actually ever gets HOH.

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Not sure if it has been discussed before ( well, it probably has)

But is Eric madly in love with Jessica and takes friendship cause thats what he can get? Or?

I's kind of a beauty and the geek thing......

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I thought he had a gf on the outside too. Love how he talks about Daniele's relationship with Nick yet he has a gf and hangs all over Jessica when it's not even wanted.

Took the words right out of my mouth.

I thought I read in the feeds he has a gf. Hmmmm.

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