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Michael's Blog - HOAX


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Probabaly cause he(befor the live show) could not say who his partner was in the game. i guess it was a clue to us simple folks. Just guessing. :?: :?: :?: :wink:

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Guest NCarolynaGirl

Okay...I'm just lmao....do people really have nothing better to do then sit around and make fake blogs for people...good grief...come to my house I have a list of chores you can do in your spare time.

:roll: Anyway, untill I see it on cbs.com or hear it on BB6 it is all fake.

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i love this for anyone who did not see it ( i hope this is ok if not someone remove it and tell me) this is from mikes blog

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Drinking the Kool-Aid

Eric is the best! There are so many awesome things I want to say about him that I don't even know where to [edited] start! Here's some things I love about "Cappy" (awesome nickname!):

1) How about how he always lets everyone finish their sentences? That's so polite!

2) I really like how he is an authority on everything ever made, done, discovered, or said. It's so nice to know that if I need to know anything at all in the whole world's history, that Eric will know the answer.

3) His height is perfect! I mean, how interesting would it really be if we were all over 5 foot 6?

4) Putting his family pictures around the public areas of the house is a great idea! It really makes me feel at home and not at all like an animal is urinating to lay claim to their territory!

5) When he points a finger in the face of the person he's speaking at, he's only making sure they're listening. He's doing that for them, and I certainly appreciate it.

6) Stepping up in the food comp was a great move, especially since he waited until two other people had already stepped up! Wow, showing leadership and saving someone by shoving Janelle to the side!

7) The best part about him is how he always makes sure to take credit for things he's done and sometimes even for things he hasn't done. That way there's no confusion about who the big dog in the firehouse is! It's generous of him to straighten these things out for the rest of us.

8) There's a very subtle thing that Cappy (there's that neat nickname again!) does in his treatment of women. While gallantly protecting them from nasty sexual predators, he also manages to throw in lots of well thought out, inciteful female commentary like "b*t***s need their chocolate."

Your friendly neighborhood dead man walking.

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Guest BigSister

From the following link: http://michaeldonnellan.blogspot.com/

Predictions on the eve of dismissal 

I'm not fooling myself into thinking that Cap'n Ewok Balls hasn't threatened everyone within an inch of their lives that they must vote for me to leave tomorrow. With a somewhat isolated existence the last few days, I've found myself wondering what will happen to these people after I'm gone. Obviously, they'll be bored for a few days - without me to complain about, what will they do? 

It'll almost be like meeting all over again. I imagine it as someone saying "So, what are you interested in besides Michael-bashing?" followed by about 45 minutes of awkward silence. Then Cap'n Slander chimes in with a timely (and relieving!) "I heard Kaysar likes to steal stuff." Business continues as usual! 

Regardless, my forecast for the rest of the game:

Week 3: April wins HOH; puts up Janelle and Kaysar. Janelle evicted.

Week 4: Beau wins HOH; puts up April and Kaysar. April evicted.

Week 5: Eric wins HOH; puts up Beau and Maggie. Beau calls him a "bully", after which Eric kills him with his bare hands. His anger unquenched, Crappy continues his rampage, killing Sarah, James, and Maggie. Kaysar tries to diplomatically solve the latest "disturbance", as Howie keeps himself busy humping the treadmill. Ivette, meanwhile, sits on Eric's shoulder laughing like the goblin she is. The producers rush the house, shooting Eric with 5000 cc's of elephant tranquilizers. While it slows him down, death does not come easy to those with the devil's blood running through them. Rachel attempts to stop the chaos using her android strength, but Ivette manages to bite through her metal casing and chew the wiring leading to Rachel's advanced robot brain. 

Week 6: The battle rages on, as producers from The Amazing Race and Yes, Dear have been brought in to take down the Fireman King and his Queen, who has shed her human skin and slinks through the house in full Latin-American-Reptilian form. With no other options, Arnold Shapiro nukes the house, leaving only the disembodied aura of Howie's sex drive alive. Unable to contain it long enough to award it the money, I am brought back and declared winner of Big Brother 6.

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Guest Chiggy Von Richthofen

"Week 6: The battle rages on, as producers from The Amazing Race and Yes, Dear have been brought in to take down the Fireman King and his Queen, who has shed her human skin and slinks through the house in full Latin-American-Reptilian form." :rofl

"With no other options, Arnold Shapiro nukes the house, leaving only the disembodied aura of Howie's sex drive alive. Unable to contain it long enough to award it the money, I am brought back and declared winner of Big Brother 6." :rofl :rofl

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Guest princessmean1
"Week 6: The battle rages on, as producers from The Amazing Race and Yes, Dear have been brought in to take down the Fireman King and his Queen, who has shed her human skin and slinks through the house in full Latin-American-Reptilian form." :rofl 

"With no other options, Arnold Shapiro nukes the house, leaving only the disembodied aura of Howie's sex drive alive. Unable to contain it long enough to award it the money, I am brought back and declared winner of Big Brother 6." :rofl  :rofl


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:rofl :rofl


I agree. I hope this blog continues. I think Mike got a raw deal. I hope they bring him back like they did Amy!!!! :twisted:

:clap Great Job Mike!!!!

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Is the blog fake or real.....We'll see tonight this was on his blog today.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Michael Cassidy and the Iraqi Kid

I figured out how to play this game a little late.

Fortunately, I still have time to start armageddon.

Be wary and cautious, for the reverberations from Thursday's live show could very well crack your television in half.

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i'm guessing mike's blog is kept up by a friend of his, and i'd like to thank him....not only has it been fun for me to read but i hope when mike see's it he can have a laugh and quickly decompress from this band of hussies with the shortbiscuit ringleader.

(and i hope janelle gives him kissies both on the way out and after the show :wink: )

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