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An Interesting Observation....


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As someone who has watched BB from season 1, I have avidly watched our beloved hampsters every season, and thoroughly enjoyed every single season, even when I hated it. If BB didn't elicit such emotional responses, it never would have lasted. But, Evil Dick just said something that got me thinking about past seasons, and I think he is on to something and CBS should take note. It is something that many of us have commented on, and posted about, but, it really rang true for me this season. While talking to Amber, she was complaining about how boring it was being in the house. He responded that he was never bored, there was always something to do.

It got me thinking. Considering I was not really a fan of Dick at the start, and he still bugs me at times.....

If you look back on all of the seasons of BB, you will see that the real, down to earth, everyday people that have been cast, never really have a problem finding something to do. It's the poeple who are sought out and cast, the ones who are asked to participate, the ones who have agents, who are looking for fame, the ones that have contracts, have acted, etc, that seem to be the most bored. (anyone want to go over how many times Will and Boogie complained about boredom both seasons they were on?)

Even Kayser, Howie, James, Janelle, the fan faves from All-Stars (Not all fans, I know) were worse about complaining the second season they were on.

But go back to the seasons and look at the normal everyday people like Chicken George, Karen, (hell everyone in season one), Danielle, Amy Crews to some extent, look at every season and the people they brought in that were everyday folk, even if they were older, outta shape, voted out early, whatever, they still never complained much about being bored. They were more interested in making the most of the 3 months and PLAYING THE GAME. They didn't complain, they didn't demand, they didn;t "play" to the cameras constantly, but, they were interesting and many times fan favorites.

But more and more each season, we are getting a housefull of spoiled brats with agendas (and victims of bad "twists") who bore and annoy the fans, and complain constantly about how bored they are and how hard it is to have to do nothing, lay in the sun, hot tub, swim in a pool, and basically have a free summer to be anyone they want to be....with pay. (not great pay, but pay nonetheless)

Does anyone else wonder what would happen if CBS really took real folks, from more than 2 or 3 major cities, and put them in the house now that the show is popular? Have they considered the fact that if they actually invested in real people, who can entertain themselves and have imagination, they wouldn;t have to come up with lame twists that don;t pan out and actually hurt the show? I think we would have much better live feeds and ShoToo feeds and we would have less of the old and more surprises.

As a side note, it is interesting to see that Mortys and other boards are much the same. The same people come back every year and you can see that certain people will rely on the same tricks and post ideas and comments to just get attention, while new folks jump out at you with fresh views and ideas and don't stick to the same M.O..

Our world of Watchers, definately collides with those of the Hampsters in this way.

Just some thoughts


P.S. To you that post "I didn't read because it was too long", you are part of the problem. One sentence responses with a smiley or other icon over and over creates more boredom every season. Try reading and actually saying something new.

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I dont know how many people would watch a show about fat middle aged people livin in a house together. Call me shallow but i enjoy an attractive cast. I agree with you about this board. THis board is totally click ridden and people with low post or last registration are looked at like "the friendship click of season 6" Just cause i havent posted on this board for a long time doesnt mean i dont know anything about reality TV....


Dep, I always read what you have to say because you often put to words (and very well I might add), what I ( and most of the others) are thinking.

You're bang on. I too have been watching since season 1. When I look back at my favourite HGs (Nicole, Karen...don't shoot me, she was friggen hilarious, blonde Will..who was with Karen to name a few), what I appreciated most about them was how real they were. I love the freak outs, the good naturedness. I loved seeing that whole thing with I think it was Kent and Bunky...how a conservative turd became basically best friends with a total gay liberal. I love seeing that sort of dynamic that isn't about the "show". Those two guys couldn't have been anymore real, and any less of models/actors. They were as real as it comes. I loved seeing fat people on the show transform (Bunky and CG), not already made perfect people. I said it before and I'll say it again, I do like looking at pretty people, but Big Brother isn't the medium for this. I want real people back damnit!

I do hate how pampered they've become.. they even get to know the time now? wtf? Have them make a potato clock again damnit! They get games now and everything. I want things to go back to how it use to, when they had to EARN things and find other ways of entertaining themselves.


Mannny, I don;t think I said anyone had to be fat or commented in anyway about their looks. That isn't what makes people interesting.

You kinda sound shallow and like the people that CBS has been casting for the last few seasons. Would you like to amend your comments? I am sure you didn't mean to come across that way




- Good point about the "average" people not being as bored. Personally I've always found the average people more interesting in and of themselves without them actually having to do anything. Will CBS listen to what we say here? Doubtful. And I don't think it will affect their decision any more or less depending on how many sentences our responses are.

Woah, because he doesn't want to watch overweight or unattractive people on tv he's shallow? TV is fantasy, escapism... its supposed to be time away from your real life even if its "reality" tv. People like to watch pretty folks on tv. Nothing wrong with that... the problem becomes when the whole cast is found in the Dr 90210 patient list.

I'm not against casting a mix of attractive people.. I just think you can find attractive people that don't have a SAG card.


- I come here to talk about reality tv, specifically Big Brother, and wether I have "cyber friends" here is the least of my concerns. I haven't noticed anyone being shunned for not being in the cool kids club but I don't pay any attention to that.. I just talk.

Just post what you want and people who want to will respond to you... don't sweat the cliques.


I think the seemingly "shallowness" stems from the fact that Big Brother has become just another show on tv. Somewhere along the line, with the cult following and not so nifty twists, it has lost the "reality" of it all. It's no longer a social experiment, it's just another drama unfolding like some night time soap opera.



I think I love you. God, someone who actually gets it and loves BB for what it should be instead of what it has become.

And thank you for bringing up Bunky and Kent, what a great example of what can happen because of this show. (Even though Bunky has become kind of fame happy and annoying) At the time he was real.

I heart you Elle



Oh man Manny where did that come from? I can't speak for anyone else, but I for one try to greet any and all newbies as if they were coming into my home... In a way that's what you are doing after all... I try VERY hard to be friendly with everyone, until given a reason not to... So far I like you... You have been very insightful with your posts and given a fresh new perspective on the show... The truth is that a lot of us spend all year long on this board and ARE friends, but that doesn't mean you can't join us in other forums... If it wasn't for newbies there would only be Morty sitting here alone... I am very sorry that you feel we are cliqueish... I will try much harder to make all newbies feel welcomed...

Now Dep this is something I agree with you on... I haven't noticed it until you mentioned it, but it is true...



That last post just made me throw up in my mouth a little bit....


You keep posting and rooting for whoever you like. I am just happy you are a fan.

Just for you (even though I know I will suffer some new level of hell)

ChillToWn for LiFe....

Or something like that



Yana dear, if you made people feel anymore welcome, you would have to give virtual hand jobs. :)

You are one of the most welcoming people on Mortys site and you should not feel like you need to do more.

And the majority of Newbies polled LOVE you!!! (and us old folks do as well)

(hands Yana one of fizzles pills, a glass of water and has her drink, then strokes her head as she gets loopy and dozes off to Big Brother Dreeeeeaaaaammmmlllllannnndddddddddd...........



I have been watching the show since it started and have been coming to Morty since year 2. As you can see I have not posted much, but after reading your post I really wanted post a reply.

I agree with you. I missed the average HG, not the ones they think America wants to see. I would like to see a mix of houseguests i.e.ages, race, body type, After all that is what is normal. But I will admit I am still hooked on the show. Even with all the wanna be actors.


Hi Iggs... You should post more often... Welcome to the posting group... Have fun and if you have any questions, just ask and I am sure someone will be able to answer you ASAP...


I agree that it's time to go back to casting the everyday Joe from a variety of backgrounds. While I was fascinated by Will, in general the elite set aren't transformed by their experiences there and aren't as interesting. Maybe they could go back to that for at least a season. That could be the "twist."


Dear CBS, are you listening? not that I got nothing against people wanting to make it in show-biz, but come on give us, the rest of the world a break. When Big brother started it was so exciting to "meet the people" now its just the same people with different hair-dos, please go back to when we actually wanted to root for someone, not someone just out for the fame. Maybe next year you can tell them they will be on a show and not tell them which one, so you can get a variety of people that just want to win a boatload of cash and then go home with it. Please listen to what the fans are saying..you just never know how big the show could actually be? not just the few diehards who are watching now. Which brings me the question, why is it that you dont really promote the show on TV (I NEVER have seen commercials for it) and nobody except my Morty's people really know whats going on? Thank-you KittyB


I agree about the houseguests. I'd like to see a much broader cross section of America in the house. Not just different races, but different regions of the country, and not just people who used to live in the midwest and moved to California to act.

I also agree about the boredom. Season one of BB was so great with the tasks the houseguests were given! I think that America doing all of the voting ruined it somewhat, as we tend to vote out the people who irritate us, and end up voting out all of the interesting people. But the actual day-to-day living and tasks they had to do in season one were so fun to watch! I remember how they had to ride a stationary bike for a certain amount of time every day, and if someone slacked off, then someone else had to pick up the slack. The potato clock was another great moment. I wish the houseguests had never started having "handlers" and I wish they didn't know the producer's name!

The reason BB is such a huge hit in the UK is that the UK show still retains a lot of what we had in season one. They do put actors and celebrities in the house, but also regular people, and they give them a lot of tasks and challenges to keep them busy and keep the audience watching. I wish we had more of that, instead of lying around sleeping and sunbathing.

And I, for one, wouldn't mind a fat person or two, either.


HAHA Dep how did you know I had taken one of Fizzy's pills? Yep you guessed it... Ambien all the way baby... Thanks guys... I just love this board and most of the people here and maybe it's the southern bell in me, but I really do want EVERYONE to feel welcome... We don't always have to agree to be friends... Heck I don't agree with my real life friends all the time either...

Now this is a little bit of a personal note here, many of you may remember that last season I was on the campaign trail and lost my election by 24 votes... Well, TPTB have come and asked me to run again this year... I haven't made up my mind just yet, but I have one week to do so... Keep your fingers crossed for me if I do decide to run...

Now back to the topic... I do agree still that people are less bored if they are just the average american... Just pull people off the streets instead of off the agents desks...


You always go out of your way to make people and their opinions feel welcome, Yana!! I appreciate it and I'm sure everyone else does, too.



They are less bored, because they lead boring lives outside the house. If I was 500 pounds and the only action I got out of life was walking to the bathroom, I wouldn't get bored trapped in a house either......

Average is boring, it's.....Average. What excitment or action has being average ever brought to the world? If I want average, I'll go hang out at the supermarket, not turn on my TV. And that's all it is, T.V. a show, that means nothing.


Well, I don't weigh 500 pounds and I do get a lot more exercise than getting up to go to the bathroom, but I do consider myself as an average American and I think I would be way more interesting than Mike, Zach, and right now Jameka have been so far this season... JMHO :)...


Amen to that Yana...

Dep as usual you have started a thought provoking thread and I for one love a long post if it has substance..I just cant' stand a long post that never gets to the point or doesnt' have a point at all.

I think we are very welcoming to all new members...I try to go to their profiles and steal their stars all the time...j/j....actually I usually invite them to off topics where we can really abuse them...not joking..no I'm j/j. Welcome all new members wether you have been lurkers for years or brand spankin new.

On Topic I agree it's time to bring back some everyday normal folks to the house and if they scuk that bad then replace them with mid show replacements just like you would do a failing tv show....out with the old in with the new.

They need to have more entertainment for after hours...like have a list of stupid human tricks and each one be worth a certain amount of money and whoever completes each one the best win that amount of money, but they dont' know how much money they are worth till it's completed could be 1 penny or it could be 5K.


I think that the "average american" wouldn't subject themselves to the reality process. Fat or thin.


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